








1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……



汉语拼音:dé gāo wàng zhòng





品德高尚,又 有很高的声望。



  • 【解释】:德:品德;望:声望。道德高尚,名望很大。
  • 【出自】:《晋书·简文三子传》:“元显因讽礼官下仪,称已德隆望重,既录百揆,内外群僚皆应尽敬。”
  • 【示例】:我们家~,呼韩邪单于保护我们、信任我们。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义,用于称颂老人


  1. His grandfather, well-regarded investor Seth Glickenhaus, said he had "never run into" such a situation.


  2. Sometimes the red infamy upon her breast would give a sympathetic throb, as she passed near a venerable minister or magistrate.


  3. Mr Blair also invested too much in leaders who he hoped would lead an "African renaissance" but turned out to be more old school than Blair.


  4. Her Chinese friends referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor.


  5. The original invited people saw themselves to be morally and spiritually superior . . . so they were uninvited.


  6. e. g . " a venerable - looking man , with white hair and beard and a face of great sagacity" (Samuel Butler).


  7. Many respected scholars, including Albert Einstein, have agreed that socialism is the next evolution of society.


  8. Of course, some bodies, such as the venerable Bank for International Settlements (see article), still do a fine job.


  9. Norman Knox, a respected grain farmer in Gilbert, recently learned that the owner of his rented land wants to build condos.


  1. 德高望重的老人

    a venerable old man

  2. 德高望重的学者

    a venerable scholar

  3. 德高望重的政界元老们。

    an august body of elder statesmen

  4. 他德高望重,无人怀疑。

    He was respectable and no one questioned.

  5. 德高望重的李多奎先生

    Li Duokui, the Reputable Performer of Beijing Opera

  6. 她是本市德高望重的活动家。

    She is a respected activist in this city.

  7. 我们校长是个德高望重的人。

    The principal of our school is a man of honor and integrity.

  8. 我们校长是个德高望重的人。

    The principal of our school is a man of honor and integrity.

  9. 他仍然显得那么德高望重,那么仪表堂堂。

    He still looked venerable and imposing.

  10. 他在本镇德高望重, 素有贤名。

    He has a good reputation, and is highly respected in our town.

  11. 愿我们都成为德高望重的教师吧!

    We all would like to become a respected teacher it!

  12. 我会和最德高望重的制片人。

    I will travel with most venerable producer.

  13. 在这村里他老人家德高望重。

    The old man in the village is of noble character and high prestige.

  14. 现在由德高望重得鼠老前辈致悼词。

    Now from sainted rat oldtimer with the result that Dao phrase.

  15. 现在由德高望重的鼠老前辈致悼词。

    Now from sainted rat oldtimer with the result that Dao phrase.

  16. 他是德高望重的妖魔和很高的排名。

    He is highly respected among the Demons and very high ranking.

  17. 他在本镇德高望重、素有贤名。

    He has a good reputation, and is highly respected in our town.

  18. 有着花白头发和胡须的德高望重的智者。

    A venerable sage with white hair and beard.

  19. 大礼堂里坐着一群德高望重的政治家。

    Theres an august group of statesmen in the auditorium.

  20. 德高望重的医生把他们的知识传授给学生们。

    Highly respected medicine men passed on their knowledge to the school students.

  21. 他在学术界被视为一位德高望重的学者。

    He is a highly regarded scholar in the academic circle.

  22. 这个候选人的推荐人是位德高望重的教授。

    This candidate's presenter is an august professor.

  23. 吉拉德怀疑地摇了摇头。他德高望重,无人怀疑。

    Gerald shook his head doubtfully. He was respectable and no one questioned.

  24. 这件事对德高望重的伯爵是一个沉重的打击。

    It was an awful blow to the venerable earl.

  25. 德高望重的哈里斯牧师主持每天下午7点的仪式。

    Reverend Harris performs the 7 p.m. ceremony.

  26. 德高望重的哈里斯牧师主持每天下午7点的仪式。

    Reverend Harris performs the 7 p.m. ceremony.

  27. 我想一个一头银发的老者会看起来德高望重。

    I think grey hair on a man can look very distinguished.

  28. 我希望下次大选中这位德高望重之人能当选。

    I hope that the prestigious man will put into power at the next election.

  29. 他的祖父参加过美国独立战争,是个德高望重的公民。

    His grandfather was a respected citizen who had taken part in the American War of Independence.

  30. 这件事对德高望重得伯爵是一个沉重得打击。

    It was an awful blow to the venerable earl.


  1. 问:德高望重拼音怎么拼?德高望重的读音是什么?德高望重翻译成英文是什么?

    答:德高望重的读音是dégāowàngzhòng,德高望重翻译成英文是 have integrity and a good reputation

  2. 问:德高望重的人拼音怎么拼?德高望重的人的读音是什么?德高望重的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:德高望重的人的读音是Dégāowàngzhòngderén,德高望重的人翻译成英文是 Mai Martaba



德即品德;望即名望、声望,也指有名望的人。德高望重指品德高尚,声望很高。 多称颂年高而有名望的人。