









汉语拼音:zuò mǎi mài







  1. 经商;做生意。

    元 无名氏 《桃花女》楔子:“自春初收拾些貲本,着孩儿贩南商做买卖去,至今杳无音信。”《水浒传》第四七回:“这个兄弟,姓 杜 ,名 兴 ……上年间做买卖,来到 蓟州 。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二:“却説 姚 家有个极密的内亲,叫做 周少溪 ,偶然在 浙江 衢州 做买卖。” 茅盾 《林家铺子》:“那边的四五个店员一字儿摆在柜台前,等候做买卖。”



  1. He sold it to you as if it was for sale right now.


  2. He paused and looked at her for a moment in his direct, examining way, his hard commercial business judgment restored on the instant.


  3. Miss Sedley's papa was a merchant in London and a man of some wealth.


  4. One day, the lazy man ready to go out to do business, let his wife go out to see how the weather like.


  5. He looked upset and told me that I always evaded the question and that I had no ambition, which was disastrous in the business world.


  6. She said trading face to face with students from the same school or even the same department makes the sale more like a charity.


  7. So this is the right time for you to start selling and accept the money they are so willingly to put in your pocket.


  8. As apprentices, young people learn a trade or craft directly from an employer, sometimes spending a day a week or so at college.


  9. We regret being unable to quote on FOB basis, as it is our general practice to do business with all our clients on CIF terms.


  1. 和某人做买卖

    to do/ make/ strike a deal with somebody

  2. 这个公司做买卖赔钱。

    The company is out of pocket.

  3. 不能拿孩子做买卖。

    Nobody's buying a baby here.that's illegal.

  4. 我们只和学校做买卖。

    I only deal with schools.

  5. 你做买卖真有心眼。

    You have the real sense for business.

  6. 请你教教我如何做买卖。

    Please teach me how to run a business.

  7. 并常和其他国家做买卖。

    He traded with foreign countries.

  8. 他根本无意和我做买卖。

    He wasn't in any mood to do a deal with me.

  9. 你应该学学做买卖的诀窍。

    You should learn the tricks of the trade.

  10. 为的是能在中国做买卖。

    For doing business in China.

  11. 我们必须做买卖,各种各样的买卖。

    Well, you learn to hustle, all kinds of hustles.

  12. 我今天来,期望和你们做买卖。

    I come here today, hoping to enter into business with you.

  13. 像他那个样子很难做买卖的。

    It's hard to do business looking like him.

  14. 由于你买家在等着做买卖。

    The buyers are waiting for this deal to happen because of you.

  15. 他很精明,做买卖应该是一把好手。

    He had a long head, he should do well in business.

  16. 我突然意识到我不想自己做买卖。

    I realized that I don't want to start my own business.

  17. 你应当象做买卖一样来料理家务。

    You ought to run the household as a business.

  18. 这些人与土著居民做买卖以换取象牙。

    The men trafficked with the natives for ivory.

  19. 我相信与你们做买卖会得到公平交易。

    I am sure I can expect a fair deal when trading with you.

  20. 一心想着自己开店做买卖的事儿。

    He is so intent on starting up his own business.

  21. 隔行如隔山, 对做买卖我真是一窍不通。

    Differences in profession makes one feel worlds apart. I know nothing about business.

  22. 隔行如隔山,对做买卖我真是一窍不通。

    Differences in profession makes one feel worlds apart. I know nothing about business.

  23. 这些人与土着居民做买卖以换取象牙。

    The men trafficked with the natives for ivory.

  24. 他跟你做买卖就好像只有当时在打折。

    He sold it to you as if it was for sale right now.

  25. 跟你说过呀, 我这可是赔本儿做买卖。

    I told you, I'm losing money as it is.

  26. 我接照原则绝不跟那家公司做买卖。

    I would never deal with that company on principle.

  27. 他做买卖总是微利多销,因此生意很好。

    He is always gaining quick returns with a small profit, and so has a booming business.

  28. 他做买卖总是微利多销,因此生意很好。

    He is always gaining quick returns with a small profit, and so has a booming business.

  29. 那些与政府做买卖的公司额外增加了风险。

    Firms which sell to governments have an added level of exposure.

  30. 他还帮自己在蝗虫基金的帐户做买卖

    the guy was trading for his own account in this Locust Fund.


  1. 问:做买卖拼音怎么拼?做买卖的读音是什么?做买卖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:做买卖的读音是zuòmǎimai,做买卖翻译成英文是 to do business; to carry on trade



zuò mǎi mài ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄇㄞˇ ㄇㄞˋ做买卖