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1. 扫 [sǎo]2. 扫 [sào]扫 [sǎo]拿笤帚等除去尘土或垃圾:~地。清除,消灭:~雷。~盲。~荡。一~而空。全,尽,尽其所有:~数(shù)。低落,丧失:~兴(xìng )。描画:~描。~眉。迅速横掠而过:~射。~视。结束,……
1. 射 [shè]2. 射 [yè]3. 射 [yì]射 [shè]放箭:~箭。后羿~日。用推力或弹力送出子弹等:~击。扫~。发~。~程。~手。气体或液体等受到压力迅速流出:喷~。注~。放出光、热、电波等:~电。辐~。~线。照~。反~。有……
汉语拼音:sǎo shè
沙汀 《航线》:“上岸的三个人当中,有两个在机枪扫射下直挺挺跌了下去。” 徐怀中 《西线轶事》五:“敌人发现了他们,机枪拼命向这边扫射。”
茅盾 《子夜》五:“ 吴荪甫 走前一步,威严的眼光在屋子里扫射,最后落在 阿萱 的身上。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十一章:“他一边喊着,一边用他微眯着的圆眼睛向全屋的人严肃地扫射着。”
As I stepped into the bathroom you could hear machine gun fire start up in the lobby and everybody in there just froze.
我刚进入洗手间,就听到大堂里响起机枪扫射的声音,洗手间里的人全都呆住了。The hospital chief executive said the attackers just barged in and fired indiscriminately.
这家医院院长表示,袭击者冲进来,乱枪扫射。He said that after shooting the victims with one gun, the gunman shot them again in the head with a shotgun.
他介绍说,扫射之后,枪手又掏出一支霰弹枪对着人们的头部射击。Splashing water can be just arrived in the market, the auto-sweep in the Water "fire" , by whom I do not know from behind a splash of water.
可刚到泼水场,就中了自动扫水器的“扫射”,还不知被谁从身后泼了一身水。A man armed with machine guns fired into the crowd at the mall, then shot himself with a pistol aimed at his head.
一名男子手持机枪在购物中心向人群扫射,随后用手枪对准头部开枪自尽。At least nine more were killed at funerals on Saturday in what witnesses said was a bout indiscriminate and unprovoked shooting.
在周六的葬礼上,至少有九人遇害,目击者称,伤亡是由一阵无缘无故的任意扫射造成的。Because you do not know your customers where they put on while machine-gun fire, the so-called "rather victimizes an 1000, released a not. "
因为你不知道你的客户在哪里,只好端起机关枪一阵扫射,所谓“宁肯错杀一千,不可放走一个”。And crucially, unlike most spree killers, he did not take his own life.
关键的一点是,与其他扫射杀人者不同,他并没有自杀。A shop called Zeitun was recently shot at from a passing car and a bomb thrown at it.