




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:tài rán








  1. 安然。形容心情安定。

    《庄子·庚桑楚》“宇泰定者,发乎天光” 晋 郭象 注:“夫德宇泰然而定,则其所发者天光耳,非人耀。” 唐 权德舆 《丙寅岁苦贫戏题》诗:“中忆 裴子野 ,泰然倾薄糜。”《云笈七籤》卷六四:“心既泰然,不寿何待。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·白香山诗》:“实由於食贫居贱之有素;汔可小康,即处之泰然,不復求多也。” 丁玲 《太阳照在桑干河上》二一:“什么样的日子都能泰然的过下去,几十年来都是这样的生活着,他全家人都劳动,都吃不饱,但也饿不死。”



  1. He walked straight up to see the seat and sat down, a calm look.


  2. I began to live just in the same composed manner as before; only with this difference, that I used more caution.


  3. Even realizing this at the moment though I composedly confess, which could only desperately firm that void.


  4. He developed a tremendous sense of humour to help him cope and to shield his anger form the world.


  5. The fact that the Arabs rejected the UN's partition plan of 60 years ago has long given ideological comfort to Israel and its supporters.


  6. The embarrassing truth was I'd always just accepted what they'd done, taken all of it for granted.


  7. So far, the population has treated the downturn with remarkable equanimity.


  8. Not all the Jedi agreed with their positions as Generals in the wars, and a group of dissident Jedi splintered from the order.


  9. Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets felicity in love.


  1. 泰然处之。

    Play it cool.

  2. 对某事泰然处之

    to be philosophical about sth

  3. 对某事泰然处之

    to be philosophical about something

  4. 他面对损失泰然处之。

    He accepted the loss lightly.

  5. 失意泰然, 得意淡然。

    Of thy sorrow be not too sad, of they joy be not too glad.

  6. 失意泰然,得意淡然。

    Of thy sorrow be not too sad , of they joy be not too glad .

  7. 而你现在却能泰然处之。

    You're taking this pretty well.

  8. 她泰然处之地替我安排。

    Her stoic compliance embarrassed me.

  9. 对于恶运或逆境泰然处之

    make the best of a bad bargain

  10. 她试图对这情况泰然处之。

    She tried to treat the situation lightly.

  11. 他泰然地承受着种种磨难。

    He bears his trials with longanimity.

  12. 她对父亲的去世处以泰然。

    She took her father's death in her stride.

  13. 但如果你能让自己泰然处之。

    But if you've made your peace.

  14. 还想以朋友的身份泰然处之。

    And then expects to stay friends.

  15. 我们泰然地处理了紧急情况。

    We took the emergency in our stride.

  16. 对他的批评他处之泰然。

    He met their criticism with indifference.

  17. 他无法出去和陌生人泰然相处。

    He had not been able to go out and be at ease with strangers.

  18. 他无法出去和陌生人泰然相处。

    He had not been able to go out and be at ease with strangers.

  19. 他们对不幸能欣然接受,泰然处之。

    They accept unhappiness with stoic good grace.

  20. 若说泰然,却也避不去感伤。

    If say poised, but also avoid and don't go to grief.

  21. 神啊, 请赐我恩典去泰然接受

    God, give me grace to accept with serenity

  22. 整个法国亦泰然接受他们得命运。

    The French nation as a whole calmly accepted their necessity.

  23. 整个法国亦泰然接受他们的命运。

    The French nation as a whole calmly accepted their necessity.

  24. 但是她告诉推友她对此泰然以对。

    But she told fellow tweeters that she was taking it in her stride.

  25. 对于他们的指控他处之泰然。

    He remained unruffled by their accusations.

  26. 倘若事情仅涉及我自己,我可泰然处之。

    if these things regarded only myself, I could stand it with composure.

  27. 所以我们并不着急,也不悲观,泰然处之。

    So we are not worried or pessimistic about them; We take them calmly.

  28. 没有人能够泰然得接受不可避免得事。

    Nobody can imperturbable acceptance of the inevitable.

  29. 没有人能够泰然的接受不可避免的事。

    Nobody can imperturbable acceptance of the inevitable.

  30. 人无泰然之习惯, 必无健康之身体。

    Lack of great composure results in weakness of a physical constitution.


  1. 问:泰然拼音怎么拼?泰然的读音是什么?泰然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泰然的读音是tàirán,泰然翻译成英文是 calm

  2. 问:泰然处之拼音怎么拼?泰然处之的读音是什么?泰然处之翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泰然处之的读音是tàiránchǔzhī,泰然处之翻译成英文是 to take something calmly; to keep one's head in...

  3. 问:泰然自若拼音怎么拼?泰然自若的读音是什么?泰然自若翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泰然自若的读音是tàiránzìruò,泰然自若翻译成英文是 behave with perfect composure; be self-posse...

  4. 问:泰然地拼音怎么拼?泰然地的读音是什么?泰然地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泰然地的读音是,泰然地翻译成英文是 imperturbably

  5. 问:泰然漠视拼音怎么拼?泰然漠视的读音是什么?泰然漠视翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泰然漠视的读音是tài rán mò shì,泰然漠视翻译成英文是 la belle indifference

  6. 问:泰然自若的拼音怎么拼?泰然自若的的读音是什么?泰然自若的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泰然自若的的读音是,泰然自若的翻译成英文是 imperturbable



ài rán 安定;不放在心上,从而很自如、从容。词语有:身心泰然、泰然自若、处之泰然。