如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 尿 [niào]2. 尿 [suī]尿 [niào]小便,肾脏的排泄液:~液。~布。~肥。~素。排泄小便:~尿。尿 [suī]小便(限于名词):尿(niào )~。~脬(膀胱。亦作“尿泡”)。……
汉语拼音:niào bù
The couple soon spent all their savings as he could not find another job with a salary decent enough to pay for baby milk and diapers.
两口子的积蓄很快就花完了,他再也没找到体面的工作,孩子的奶粉和尿布都没有了着落。Mae Mobley is plump and ungainly; she looks charming in a diaper but not in the sort of frilly dresses her mother favors.
协会莫布里是丰满而笨拙,她看上去迷人的尿布,但在她的母亲有利于褶边连衣裙排序。Try as you might, it's impossible not to discuss the color, texture and consistency of your baby's diaper bombs.
尽量尝试,几乎所有的谈话都是关于你孩子的尿布炸弹的颜色,质地,粘稠度的。Once when Daddy was changing his diaper Thomas started to pee, straight up in the air, like a fountain. We all laughed; it looked so funny.
有一次爸爸给他换尿布时汤姆斯开始撒尿了。尿喷到半空中,像喷泉一样,我们都笑了,因为看起来太好笑了。No diaper, no laundry: Caring for a tyke while his parents work, a Fanch'eng grandmother dresses him in a practical garment.
没有尿布、不要洗熨:为照顾在父母双亲工作时的小孩子,一位防城的老奶奶给他穿上了衫的衣服。The 36-year-old scientist says he decided to leave Japan and return to Indonesia after a realization he made while changing diapers.
这位36岁的科学家说,他是在给孩子换尿布时突然看清楚这件事的。他因此决定离开日本回到印尼。To control odors, just sprinkle a bit of baking soda over the diapers or use Pail Pals.
为了消除臭味,你只要在尿布上撒一些发酵粉或使用隔尿垫。Among the tales reported was one of a mother that used a hairdryer on her baby's bottom after changing her.
在众多例子中据说有这样一个故事,讲的是一位妈妈在给宝宝换尿布以后用吹风机把她的屁股吹干。Oh, sweet Jesus. She got to stop doing that or it's diapers for her.