




1. 凉 [liáng]2. 凉 [liàng]凉 [liáng]温度低:~快。~爽。~意。~气。阴~。~丝丝。~亭。荒~。喻灰心,失望:听到这消息,我~了半截。中国西晋末年至北魏,各族统治者在西北地区建立的割据政权:五~(前、后、南、北、……



汉语拼音:cāng liáng








  1. 见“ 苍凉 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 苍凉 ”。寒凉。

    唐 刘禹锡 《伤我马词》:“寒櫪骚骚兮,瘁毛苍凉。” 宋 苏轼 《浴日亭》诗:“已觉苍凉苏病骨,更烦沆瀣洗衰颜。” 明 王廷相 《慎言·乾运》:“日出而苍凉,夜阴之积未遽消,光不甚於旁达也。”

  3. 苍茫凄凉。

    唐 皎然 《集汤评事衡湖上望微雨》诗:“苍凉远景中,雨色缘山有。” 明 刘基 《感怀》诗:“众鸟各自飞,乔木空苍凉。” 茅盾 《子夜》十七:“四面一望无际,是苍凉的月光和水色。”

  4. 凄惨。

    宋 叶适 《祭黄观复文》:“既歷三纪,苍凉成翁;百闻满臆,千虑填胸。” 清 顾炎武 《酬归戴王潘四子韭溪草堂联句见怀》诗:“苍凉悲一别,廓落想孤栖。” 巴金 《<神·鬼·人>·鬼》:“忽然不知在什么地方有人唱起了谣曲,苍凉的声音在静夜里听来就像是鬼哭一般。”

  5. 形容诗文、字画苍老朴素。

    清 阮葵生 《茶馀客话》卷一:“ 其年 好为惊艳絶丽之文,予嗜苍凉古质之作,两人性不相易,然至相契。”《花城》1981年第5期:“但他自己却认为,中年以后,自己的字愈趋苍凉遒劲。”



  1. Shemsen turned away before reopening his eyes and found himself facing the charred remains of the outpost beacon.


  2. One single tear flows from her left eye, across the cheek and down onto the pillow.


  3. It is also the stressful life of a dotted, though never, I did not feel the time desolate solemn and take the matter seriously.


  4. It was a dusty, inhospitable landscape. The train represented a welcome refuge.


  5. He that from the bottom of my heart filled with sadness and Shouting and tragic color, seize ravishing.


  6. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.


  7. Being sent into the exile from the sky without witchcraft, without the mind which can understand the natural clearly and desolately .


  8. In the sun and i looked at her silence as to the desolate, and the rich is their choice.


  9. Comprehend this bleak of loess's colour, especially on the bank of Kashgar jade-river .


  1. 握剑合十苍凉身影

    Hold the sword. There cast a lonely shadow

  2. 一曲弦音, 苍凉辽远。

    A string sounds, bleak endless.

  3. 一曲弦音,苍凉辽远。

    A string sounds, bleak endless.

  4. 而你,当幽黯深沉、苍凉。

    And thou, when the gloom is deep and stark.

  5. 如苍凉的冬日里奔腾的流水,

    Like the pale waters in their wintry race

  6. 夜晚苍凉, 无她伴我身旁。

    The night is shattered, and she is not with me.

  7. 让我温暖你那苍凉的胸膛。

    Let me warm your chilled chest for your.

  8. 还会浮现出那丝苍凉 笑容。

    Would also present that silk Cool smiling face.

  9. 风, 带着苍凉, 侵蚀着红色的枫叶。

    The wind, with sadness and eroding the red maple leaves.

  10. 他忽然感觉到一股苍凉的心境。

    Suddenly coldness gripped his heart.

  11. 那些沉重,那些无法叙述的悲伤和苍凉。

    Those heavy, those who are unable to describe the sadness and desolation.

  12. 庄严的佛塔, 固守着这片苍凉的高原。

    A solemn pagoda is keeping guard for the desolate plateau.

  13. 年华一纵即逝, 转眼间夏已苍凉。

    Years passed away, if not a blink of an eye, the next sad.

  14. 也许, 这就是我最后一次苍凉的吼叫

    Maybe its the last frosty screaming

  15. 吐露芬芳, 温柔地亲吻他额际的苍凉。

    Gently kiss the desolation on his forehead.

  16. 美丽的景致, 也更衬托出那些苍凉的美。

    Beautiful view, also serves as contrast these desolate beautiful.

  17. 美丽得景致,也更衬托出那些苍凉得美。

    Beautiful view, also serves as contrast these desolate beautiful.

  18. 诉曾经的幸福满溢,说现在的双手苍凉。

    V has the wellbeing overflowed, said that now the hands of desolation.

  19. 小吴哥的日落。苍凉的感觉,直坠到心里。

    Feel the sun is falling into my heart.

  20. 所有人看到我年轻得容颜看不到我苍凉得心。

    I see all the young do not see the face of my desolate heart.

  21. 所有人看到我年轻的容颜看不到我苍凉的心。

    I see all the young do not see the face of my desolate heart.

  22. 过去这一带满目苍凉,现在却有了无数得工厂。

    Numerous factories have sprung up in this once desolate erea.

  23. 过去这一带满目苍凉,现在却有了无数的工厂。

    Numerous factories have sprung up in this once desolate area.

  24. 这里巨石兀立,深谷苍凉,容易使人产生敬畏感。

    Surrounded by gigantic rocks and sparsely populated deep valleys, the paintings look dignified and awesome.

  25. 张爱玲和苏青的散文意象具有的感伤苍凉的特征。

    Their sentimental prose imagery has the characteristics of desolation.

  26. 体味这种黄色的苍凉,尤其要到玉龙喀什河边上。

    Comprehend this bleak of loesss colour, especially on the bank of Kashgar jaderiver.

  27. 文章拟从人性得角度阐述张爱玲苍凉得创作底蕴。

    This thesis sets forth Zhang Ailing's desolate writing style from the humanity angle.

  28. 文章拟从人性的角度阐述张爱玲苍凉的创作底蕴。

    This thesis sets forth Zhang Ailing's desolate writing style from the humanity angle.

  29. 景色苍凉,满街尘土,列车就像是吸引人的避难所。

    It was a dusty, inhospitable landscape. The train represented a welcome refuge.

  30. 他也有满目苍凉的冬天, 除非他走在命定的时日之前。

    He has his Winter too of pale disfeature , or else he would forego his mortal nature.


  1. 问:苍凉拼音怎么拼?苍凉的读音是什么?苍凉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍凉的读音是cāngliáng,苍凉翻译成英文是 bleak; desolate



[desolate;bleak] 荒芜悲凉