




与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……



汉语拼音:yuán wài






  1. 勾结外来力量。


  2. 援助外国。

    马季 《友谊颂》:“我们的援外战士听到了这个广播,激动地涌上了甲板。”



  1. No-one can say for certain how much money China has spent on overseas aid.


  2. In the early 20th century, the early 70s, Liugong began to provide products of Chinese foreign aid projects.


  3. The President went out on a limb and supported a foreign aid bill that many people were against.


  4. It has its particularity to construct and manage a construction project in foreign aid.


  5. The World Food Programme (WFP) and aid groups CARE and Caritas have distributed food to thousands of homeless.


  6. In era of shrinking armed forces, America turns to private firms to carry out foreign military aid.


  7. CARE is urging the international aid system to target more money at the root causes of emergencies. It says these include H.


  8. To better understand international trend and practice on foreign aid will enhance Taiwan's policy making and practice.


  9. Spending shift Australia will focus about 75 percent of its spending on programs in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.


  1. 出口援外产品

    items for export as part of foreign aid

  2. 援外问题研究小组

    foreign aid panel

  3. 援外事务管理所

    Foreign Operation Administration

  4. 援外工程项目计价特点

    Valuate Characteristic of the Foreign Aid Project Item

  5. 援外工程项目施工监理

    The Constructional Supervision in Foreign Aid Engineering

  6. 灾难备援外包服务

    outsourced service for

  7. 援外管理体制和方式的改革

    reform of the management system and modalities of foreign assistance

  8. 对援外法案的一项修正条款

    An amendment to the foreign aid bill

  9. 援外工作及援外改革取得实质进展。

    Substantive progress has been made in foreign assistance and reform on its modalities.

  10. 援外水利工程项目的概算编制

    Drawing up budgetary estimation of water project item in aid of a foreign country

  11. 关于援外项目成功实施的思考

    How to Make a Successful Foreign Aid Project

  12. 英国在援外方面做出多少贡献

    How much overseasforeign aid does Britain give

  13. 在援外问题上, 众议员们一直在争执不休。

    The representatives had long been at loggerheads on foreign aid.

  14. 援外工程项目施工及监理问题初探

    The Thought on the Construction Project Management of the Construction Project in Foreign Aid

  15. 援外工程项目风险定量评估方法研究

    Quantitative Evaluation Method of the Risk in Forigen Aid Engineering Project

  16. 巴西的援外计画似乎存在不少矛盾。

    Brazil seems almost ambivalent about its aid programme.

  17. 国际援外合作署说紧急情况现在增加了。

    Care International says emergency is growing.

  18. 援外方式改革和援外工作继续稳步推进。

    Foreign assistance further progressed with the reform of its modalities advancing steadily.

  19. 政府为这项新的援外法案进行大力宣传。

    The administration staged a vigorous drive for the new aid bill.

  20. 政府为这项新得援外法案进行大力宣传。

    The administration staged a vigorous drive for the new aid bill.

  21. 政府为这项新的援外法案大力进行宣传。

    The auministration staged a vigorous drive for the new aid bill.

  22. 政府为这项新得援外法案大力进行宣传。

    The auministration staged a vigorous drive for the new aid bill.

  23. 某援外体育场看台裂缝原因的分析和处理

    Analysis and Treatment about Stand Fissures for a Foreign Aid Stadium

  24. 环氧树脂涂层钢筋在援外项目施工中的应用

    The Application of Epoxy Resin Coated Steel Bar in a Foreign Aid Project

  25. 此外,对外承包劳务和援外工作也有很大发展。

    Moreover, great developments have also been made in overseas contracted labor services and foreign aid work.

  26. 一个积极的迹象是几个捐助国重申对援外的承诺。

    A positive sign is that several donor countries restated their commitment to foreign aid.

  27. 英国国际援外合作署长官杰费里以尼日尔举例。

    Geoffrey Dennis, chief of CARE International U.K., uses the example of Niger.

  28. 本文对援外工程的特点、实施程序、计价模式进行分析。

    The dissertation analyses the particularity, execution procedure, evaluation method of the assistance projects.

  29. 杰克逊先生公开表示支持许多人反对的援外法案。

    Mr Jackson went out on a limb and supported a foreign aid bill that many people were against.

  30. 援外港口工程概算的影响要因分析及其解决对策

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Budgeting of Port Projects Built With China's Aid to Foreign Countries and Measures to Overcome These Factors


  1. 问:援外拼音怎么拼?援外的读音是什么?援外翻译成英文是什么?

    答:援外的读音是yuánwài,援外翻译成英文是 to give aid to a foreign country; foreign a...

  2. 问:援外法拼音怎么拼?援外法的读音是什么?援外法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:援外法的读音是yuán wài fǎ,援外法翻译成英文是 foreign assistance act

  3. 问:援外法案拼音怎么拼?援外法案的读音是什么?援外法案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:援外法案的读音是yuán wài fǎ àn,援外法案翻译成英文是 Foreign Assistance Act

  4. 问:援外计划拼音怎么拼?援外计划的读音是什么?援外计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:援外计划的读音是yuán wài jì huà,援外计划翻译成英文是 foreign aid program

  5. 问:援外事务管理署拼音怎么拼?援外事务管理署的读音是什么?援外事务管理署翻译成英文是什么?

    答:援外事务管理署的读音是yuán wài shì wù guǎn lǐ shǔ,援外事务管理署翻译成英文是 Foreign Operations Administration




拼音:yuán wài 基本解释 [foreign aid] 从经济上或技术上援助外域或外国 详细解释 1. 勾结外来力量。 《韩非子·说疑》:“此九人者之为其臣也,皆朋党比周以事其君,隐正道而行私曲,上逼君,下乱治,援外以挠内,亲下以谋上,不难为也。” 2. 援助外国。 马季 《友谊颂》:“我们的援外战士听到了这个广播,激动地涌上了甲板。”