


1. 浅 [qiǎn]2. 浅 [jiān]浅 [qiǎn]从表面到底或外面到里面距离小的,与“深”相对:深~。~滩。~海。屋子进深~。不久,时间短:年代~。程度不深的:这篇文章很~。~薄。~尝。~见。~近。~陋。颜色淡薄:~红。~淡。浅 ……


1. 浅 [qiǎn]2. 浅 [jiān]浅 [qiǎn]从表面到底或外面到里面距离小的,与“深”相对:深~。~滩。~海。屋子进深~。不久,时间短:年代~。程度不深的:这篇文章很~。~薄。~尝。~见。~近。~陋。颜色淡薄:~红。~淡。浅 ……



汉语拼音:qiǎn qiǎn










  1. 水不深貌。

    宋 梅尧臣 《和资政湖亭杂咏·稻畦》:“浅浅碧水平,青青稻苗长。” 宋 王安石 《与微之同赋梅花》诗之三:“浅浅池塘短短墙,年年为尔惜流芳。”

  2. 浅短;低矮。

    唐 温庭筠 《春野行》:“草浅浅,春如翦。”《再生缘》第二一回:“檐草春生青浅浅,瓶花吐艷媚娟娟。”

  3. 微微;淡淡。

    唐 方干 《牡丹》诗:“花分浅浅臙脂脸,叶堕殷殷腻粉腮。” 宋 王安石 《石竹花》诗之二:“春归幽谷始成丛,地面劳敷浅浅红。” 元 吴龙翰 《草堂》诗:“苍烟落日草堂深,浅浅寒侵白玉簪。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第十一章:“ 永生 浅浅一笑,‘我不算一个?’”

  4. 细小;微小。

    宋 李纲 《上渊圣皇帝实封言事奏状》:“冒宠尸禄,无补国家;噤默不言,致危宗社。其罪岂浅浅哉!” 宋 陈亮 《与王季海丞相》:“一辈无赖不得羣起而误国,其为天下国家之福,岂浅浅哉!”《明史·叶伯巨传》:“故必有罪疑惟轻之意,而后好生之德洽于民心,此非可以浅浅期也。”

  5. 浅薄,肤浅。

    元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷三:“ 刘琢 伯成 , 中山 人……作诗甚工。有云:‘ 吴 蚕丝就方成茧, 楚 柳绵飞又作萍。’非浅浅者所能道也。”

  6. 水流疾貌。

    《楚辞·九歌·湘君》:“石瀨兮浅浅,飞龙兮翩翩。” 王逸 注:“浅浅,流病貌。” 南朝 梁 沉约 《早发定山》诗:“归海流漫漫,出浦水浅浅。” 唐 王维 《栾家濑》诗:“颯颯秋雨中,浅浅石溜泻。” 清 钱谦益 《费县道中》诗之二:“石瀨咽沙流浅浅,野花眠草吐茸茸。”

  7. 巧言貌。浅,通“ 諓 ”。

    汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·论诽》:“疾小人浅浅面从,以成人之过也。” 张之象 注:“浅、諓同字。” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·救边》:“浅浅善靖,俾君子怠。” 汪继培 笺:“ 文 十二年《公羊传》作‘惟諓諓善靖言’……浅浅并与‘諓諓’同。”



  1. As a result of this conversion is determined by the color of light and dark, there is no dot of the various channels.


  2. As you are looking at or talking to a member of the opposite sex whom you wish to seduce, let a soft smile of acceptance frame your lips.


  3. When she frowns, the slight dimples on her smooth forehead remind one of the tired and shy expression on her mother's face.


  4. Through your nets, I seem to see your eyes on me the long and remainder a smile.


  5. I have dreamed of a shallow etage with a few lotus shattered around, and the pond remains gentle with laughter when the wind do not blow.


  6. You come to me quietly with gorgeous clothes and a smile, like a tree in the wind washing away my years with deep or shallow footsteps.


  7. Perhaps he just likes to allow the flowers to meet accidentally, like the clear light of her.


  8. She did a shallow military curtsy, supple in her dress-uniform skirt, and laid her hand on his forearm.


  9. When Diane Daniel met her husband Wessel, she was attracted to his smile, quiet humor and gentleness -- "and of course his Dutch accent. "


  1. 用浅浅得一杯面粉。

    Use a scant cup of flour.

  2. 用浅浅的一杯面粉。

    Use a scant cup of flour.

  3. 地砖选了灰色,浅浅的灰。

    Floor tile chose gray, shallow ash.

  4. 她头发颜色浅浅的,眼睛碧蓝。

    She's got fair hair and blue eyes.

  5. 拂去浅浅的阴翳, 笼罩于你

    Dust a shallow gray will fall on you

  6. 拂去浅浅得阴翳,笼罩于你

    Dust a shallow gray will fall on you.

  7. 它的确也能辨识浅浅的微笑。

    It does recognize subtle smiles as well.

  8. 以前的陈设, 浅浅的恨不能遗忘。

    The previous display, shallow wished he could forget.

  9. 客栈的外面有一条浅浅的排水沟。

    There is a shallow draining ditch at the exterior of inn.

  10. 不过是浮在生活表面的浅浅点缀

    Are worth no more than surface decorations of life

  11. 走过浅浅得石阶, 直达清江边。

    Traversed shallow stone steps, direct Qing River.

  12. 走过浅浅的石阶,直达清江边。

    Traversed shallow stone steps, direct Qing River.

  13. 美,不过一瞬,犹若那个浅浅的酒窝。

    Beauty can just stay a moment, like that shallow dimple.

  14. 对善意欣赏你的男子回报浅浅的微笑。

    Please smile back to the people who appreciate you.

  15. 那浅浅的粉红和淡淡的青绿分外美丽。

    The faint pinks and greens were peculiarly beautiful.

  16. 果皮的表面细嫩光滑,泛着浅浅的光泽。

    Smooth the surface of delicate skin, especially when drought limits luster shallow.

  17. 在右下角看到一个浅浅的头像么。

    Look for a faint image of Andrew jackson in the lower right corner.

  18. 白昼与黑夜的风景之间, 只有浅浅的分割线。

    Between day and night scenery, only the shallow segmentation lines.

  19. 甲面上, 永远覆着淡淡的颜色, 浅浅的花纹。

    A surface is always covered with a touch of color, and the light patterns.

  20. 甲面上,永远覆着淡淡得颜色,浅浅得花纹。

    A surface is always covered with a touch of color,and the light patterns.

  21. 她的脸颊红通通的,脸上还带着浅浅的微笑。

    Her cheeks were rosy, and she had a faint smile on her face.

  22. 白昼与黑夜得风景之间,只有浅浅得分割线。

    Between day and night scenery, only the shallow segmentation lines.

  23. 浓浓得得夏末余味盛满得是浅浅得初秋之思。

    Deep and filled with the flavor of late summer autumn of shallow thinking.

  24. 浓浓的的夏末余味盛满的是浅浅的初秋之思。

    Deep and filled with the flavor of late summer autumn of shallow thinking.

  25. 一切笼罩在浅浅的日光下, 那麽和谐, 那麽像个梦。

    All cover under sound of flowing water the sunlight, then harmony, then likely dream.

  26. 稻米通常生长在这些被成为稻田的浅浅的水塘中。

    Rice is often grown in shallow puddles called paddies.

  27. 他的铁锹铲下去,干硬的土地上只留下浅浅的痕迹。

    His spade hits the earth marking only a stunted notch in the desiccated soil.

  28. 两个人,一前一后,慢慢地趟过浅浅的小河。

    Two men walked slowly, one after the other, through the low water of a river.

  29. 这些只言片语只能浅浅地表达我爱着你的感觉。

    That's a little of what it's like to be in love with you!

  30. 这些只言片语只能浅浅地表达我爱着你得感觉。

    That's a little of what it's like to be in love with you!



“浅浅”是个多义词,它可以指浅浅(叶冰伦创作小说), 浅浅(汉语词汇)。