


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……





汉语拼音:jiǎ jiè





3.六书之一。指借用已有的字来表示语言中某个同音的词。如“其”,古作“ ”,本义是箕,后借用来表示代词的“其”,这个表示代词的“其”就是假借字。



  1. 借。

    《庄子·至乐》:“生者假借也,假之而生。”《南齐书·文学传·崔慰祖》:“聚书至万卷,邻里年少好事者来从假借,日数十袠, 慰祖 亲自取与,未尝为辞。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“ 东莞 臧逢世 ,年二十餘,欲读 班固 《汉书》,苦假借不久,乃……书翰纸末,手写一本。” 宋 司马光 《谢赐资治通鉴序表》:“尚方纸墨,分于奏御之餘;内阁图书,从其假借之便。”

  2. 凭借;借助。

    《韩非子·定法》:“人主以一国目视,故视莫明焉;以一国耳聪,故听莫聪也。今知而弗言,则人主尚安假借哉?”《后汉书·皇后纪上·和熹邓皇后》:“每览前代外戚宾客,假借威权,轻薄謥詷,至有浊乱奉公,为人患苦。” 宋 陶穀 《清异录·金稜玉海》:“处士 方为献 诗曰:金稜玉海比连城,假借文章取盛名。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“他本是儒家之女,精通文墨,不必假借讼师,就自己写了一纸诉状。”

  3. 谓借助他力或凭借势力。

    《醒世恒言·薛录事鱼服证仙》:“你要变鱼不难,何必假借。待我到 河伯 处为你图之。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十四:“官府假借难拒也,必给城中官地,恣其囷积,令自典守而自糶易之,官无过问焉。”

  4. 授予,给予。

    唐 元稹 《赠太保严公行状》:“ 荆 俗不理室居……公乃陶瓦积材,半入其直,勉劝假借,俾自为之。” 宋 王安石 《上仁宗皇帝言事书》:“臣故知当今在位多非其人,稍假借之权而不一一以法束缚之,则放恣而无不为。”

  5. 宽假,宽容。

    《战国策·燕策三》:“ 荆軻 顾笑 武阳 ,前为谢曰:‘北蛮夷之鄙人,未尝见天子,故振慴,愿大王少假借之。’”《三国志·蜀志·魏延传》:“ 延 ……性矜高,当时皆避下之,唯 杨仪 不假借 延 。”《新唐书·田悦传》:“ 德宗 立,不假借方镇,诸将稍惕息。” 明 李贽 《答周柳塘》:“幸赖真切友朋针砭膏肓,不少假借,始乃觉悟知非。” 郭沫若 《文艺家的觉悟》:“文笔上的饶情我不哀求,我也不肯假借。”

  6. 区别,差别。

    《说郛》卷六二引 宋 桑世昌 《临摹》:“参政 苏易简 家有摹本《兰亭》,墨彩鲜浓,纸色微紫,与 唐 朝石本无相假借,盖名手传搨也。”

  7. 假托,假冒。

    明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·丹铅新录一》:“ 柳河东 谓《文子》乃后人聚敛而成……其书杂取经、子诸家语以解《道德经》,凡称 老子 ,皆假借之词。” 清 李渔 《蜃中楼·传书》:“奴家于归之夕,矢志不与 小龙 成亲……甘为奴婢,如今躯殻虽在 涇河 ,精灵实归 柳氏 ,不肯假借虚名者,犹之 范蠡 称 越 大夫, 陶潜 称 晋 处士。”

  8. 六书之一。谓本无其字而依声托事。

    汉 许慎 《说文叙》:“假借者,本无其字,依声託事,令、长是也。” 段玉裁 注:“如 汉 人谓县令曰令、长……令之本义发号也;长之本义久远也。县令、县长本无字,而由发号久远之义,引申展转而为之,是谓假借。”



  1. Some players, in both England and Spain, have told me that they are so tired they have to make up injuries to be able to rest.


  2. In this guise, I was forced to ask for information or even complain and yell at people who had been rude to her.


  3. A franchisor must not falsely borrow the name of Franchising and illegally engage in direct selling activities.


  4. "Dog legs" (1) had come into their homes and taken the very cotton out of their quilts to meet fictitious Japanese demands.


  5. The general manager stipulated that no one mix pleasure with business on any business trip.


  6. Add Missouri to the list of states planning to undermine driver privacy in the name of more efficiently managing their roads.


  7. Mid-west America must be left alone from this onslaught, and further use, even under the guise of "testing, " is no longer an option.


  8. The wolves use reproof or the threat of it, to intimidate the paying customers or deflect suspicion from themselves.


  9. He never tolerates any evildoers and evil deeds.


  1. 有本字假借


  2. 论假借同源关系

    On the relationship between borrowing and cognate.

  3. 论假借义与语源义

    On the Loaned meaning and the Cognate Meaning

  4. 借。狐狸假借老虎的威势。

    A fox caught by a tiger struck an idea of survival.

  5. 关于假借字分类的研究

    The study on the classification of the phonetic loan characters

  6. 他对于坏人坏事,从不假借。

    He never tolerates any evildoers and evil deeds.

  7. 我假借名义将你们骗来这里

    Look, I brought you all with me under false pretenses.

  8. 他经常假借公司的名义来招摇撞骗。

    He often swaggered and swindled under the guise of the company's name.

  9. 假借哲学的名义讲了一大堆的废话。

    A lot of nonsense is talked, under the guise of philosophy.

  10. 这个假借着誓言做出的声明是在说谎。

    The statement given under oath was untruthful.

  11. 这是一场假借解放的名义而进行的战争。

    It is a war that waged in the name of liberation.

  12. 这是一场假借解放得名义而进行得战争。

    It is a war that waged in the name of liberation.

  13. 为什么人类假借改善的名义而毁坏土地呢?

    Why do humans mutilate the land under the guise of making improvements

  14. 有人假借神的圣名宣讲仇恨, 行使暴力。

    some even preach hatred and perpetrate violence in Gods Name.

  15. 他们是假借跟我们的矛盾来掩盖他们之间的矛盾。

    They try to cover up the contradictions between themselves by playing up their contradictions with us.

  16. 汤姆假借需要找本书而到了她的公寓。

    Tom called at her apartment on the pretext of asking for a book.

  17. 论六书假借及由假借所引起的字词关系的变化

    On the Phonetic Loan Characters of the Six Categories of Chinese Characters and its Effect on the Character Relationships

  18. 特许人不得假借特许经营的名义,非法从事传销活动。

    A franchisor must not falsely borrow the name of franchising and illegally engage in direct selling activities.

  19. 他假借日记对该政权犯下的恐怖罪行巧加粉饰。

    He used his diary to put a fine gloss on the horrors the regime perpetrated.

  20. 我们考察发现虚化和同音假借是连词的主要来源。

    We conclude that grammaticalization and loan homonym are the main source of conjunction.

  21. 就只能假借上帝旨意,把一些无辜者判处火刑烧来烧去。

    Except to burn innocents in the name of God.

  22. 在春秋战国时期, 又假借为介词, 并发展为人称代词, 承接连词。

    During the Chunqiu Zhanguo period, it was used as a preposition Yu and then became a personal pronoun and a conjunction.

  23. 明代四部小说得量字用法考察关于汉字学中得假借问题

    A Research on the Usage of Chinese Character Liang in Four Novels of Ming Dynasty.

  24. 很多人都在谈论神有人假借神的圣名宣讲仇恨, 行使暴力。

    There are many who speak of God some even preach hatred and perpetrate violence in Gods Name.

  25. 明代四部小说的量字用法考察关于汉字学中的假借问题

    A Research on the Usage of Chinese Character Liang in Four Novels of Ming Dynasty

  26. 甚有为日寇所利用,假借名义,作为掩护其阴谋活动的工具。

    Some are even serving as tools of the Japanese aggressors, using various guises to camouflage their conspiratorial activities.

  27. 我们不能假借自由之名来掩饰自己的敌意, 对宗教进行攻击。

    We cannot disguise hostility towards any religion behind the pretence of liberalism.

  28. 不会把花季的绚烂假借给明天, 却定将这待放的季节染色。

    Won't the gorgeous flower for tomorrow, but found it to put the will of the season.


  1. 问:假借拼音怎么拼?假借的读音是什么?假借翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假借的读音是jiǎjiè,假借翻译成英文是 make use of


