




1. 底 [dǐ]2. 底 [de]底 [dǐ]最下面的部分:~层。~座。~下(a.下面;b.以后)。海~。~肥。末了:年~。月~。到~。根基,基础,留作根据:刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。图案的基层:白~蓝花的瓶子。何,什么:~事伤感。古同……



汉语拼音:yuè dǐ








  1. 月光之下。

    宋 晏几道 《六么令》词:“遥想疏梅此际,月底香英白。” 元 刘因 《玉簪》诗:“花中冰雪避秋阳,月底阴阴鎻暗香。”

  2. 月末,一个月要结束的时候。

    《官场现形记》第一回:“眼前已是九月,大约月底月初, 王老先生 一定下来上坟的。” 曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“你想,在银行当个小职员,一天累到死,月底领了薪水还是不够家用,也就够苦了。”



  1. He said the TSE would decide what to do by the end of March.


  2. Thus, near the end of January, Celia and Andrew were in London, accompanied by Lilian Hawthorne whom Celia had persuaded to join them.


  3. Our supermarket takes an account of stock at the end of every month.


  4. The general had experienced difficulties commandeering horses and wagons and was unlikely to start out from Riga until the end of July.


  5. The RS-four is one of our promotional items this month. For orders received by the end of the month, the price is thirty-three dollars each.


  6. Later this month, you can give it a try when a new batch hits shelves across the country.


  7. A tax is charged on each job in the company and deducted automatically from the bank account at the end of each month.


  8. They cited Bashar's interview in late January of this year with the Wall Street Journal in which he hinted at gradual political reform.


  9. By the end of this September I shall have been teaching my exercise class for eight whole years.


  1. 下个月底。

    By the end of next month.

  2. 你这个月底

    the fact that you're leaving.

  3. 截至上月底为止

    up to the end of last month

  4. 大概在这个月底。

    Around the end of this month.

  5. 月底工作较忙。

    Things get rather hectic around the end of the month.

  6. 我公司月底开支。

    My firm pays us at the end of the month.

  7. 展期到月底截止

    extend the deadline until the end of this month

  8. 预计月底会有结果。

    The results are due at the end of the month.

  9. 调回阿富汗,这个月底

    Back to Afghanistan, end of the month.

  10. 我们这个月底就搬家。

    We'll be moving at the end of the month.

  11. 我们这个月底就搬家。

    We'll be moving at the end of the month.

  12. 本月底能做好。

    It will be ready by the end of this month.

  13. 我们这个月底就要上货。

    We need the goods by the end of this month.

  14. 我下个月底会回来。

    I will be back by the end of next month.

  15. 他将在月底前回来。

    He will be back before the month is out.

  16. 我喜欢在月底有钱剩。

    Me encanta que me sobre dinero a fin de mes.

  17. 我八月底开始工作。

    I start work at the end of August.

  18. 他的钱花不到月底。

    He couldn't stretch out his money to the end of the month.

  19. 那你可能要等到月底吧

    Maybe clear your calendar.

  20. 兑奖日期截止到这个月底。

    Please collect your awards before the end of this month.

  21. 月底能否成行, 尚难逆料。

    It's still hard to say whether we can leave before the end of the month.

  22. 我将在月底和你清账。

    I shall settle up with you at the end of the month.

  23. 我的房东让我月底搬走

    My landlord was turning me out at the end of the month

  24. 他的债务将在月底到期。

    His debts will fall in at the end of the month.

  25. 每到月底,事情就多了。

    Things always get hot around here toward the end of the month.

  26. 雨季会持续到下个月底。

    The monsoon will run to the end of the next month.

  27. 到这个月底我才会有钱。

    I shall not be in funds until the end of this month.

  28. 我们要求他月底前付帐。

    We demanded that he pay the bill by the end of the month.

  29. 她的预产期在十一月底。

    Her due day is at the end of Nov.

  30. 我是,呃,6月底来到这里的。

    Ive been here, oh, since the end of June.


  1. 问:月底拼音怎么拼?月底的读音是什么?月底翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月底的读音是yuèdǐ,月底翻译成英文是 end of the month; late in a month



词目:月底 拼音:yuè dǐ 基本解释 [End of a month] 月末 详细解释 1. 月光之下。

宋晏几道《六么令》词:“遥想疏梅此际,月底香英白。” 元刘因《玉簪》诗:“花中冰雪避秋阳,月底阴阴鎻暗香。” 2. 月末,一个月要结束的时候。

《官场现形记》第一回:“眼前已是九月,大约月底月初, 王老先生一定下来上坟的。” 曹禺《日出》第二幕:“你想,在银行当个小职员,一天累到死,月底领了薪水还是不够家用,也就够苦了。”