




1. 丽 [lì]2. 丽 [lí]丽 [lì]好看,漂亮:美~。秀~。明~。绚~。富~。~质(女子美好的品貌)。风和日~。附着:附~。丽 [lí]〔高~〕朝鲜历史上的王朝,旧时习惯上沿用指称朝鲜。古同“罹”,遭遇。……



汉语拼音:liàng lì









  1. The garden sprinklers whirled up in golden founts, filling the soft morning air with scatterings of brightness.


  2. The wine has a fine, deep red colour, clean and brilliant, and a full, rich bouquet marked by berry fruit aromas.


  3. It was time for a noon break. I opened my bedroom and a brightly picture came into my eyes! It was my son's great work!


  4. No matter how flattering a style could be, if it requires you to comb over thinning strands, the benefits of the style would be lost.


  5. This brings a fair bit of tension into the police dynamic of the film, with a lot of tough-guy chest thumping and male bonding.


  6. A goby fish with brilliant orange streaks stands out on a bit of gray bubble coral in Maumere Bay off Indonesia's Flores Island.


  7. Each stroke glows and pulsates with radiance, as if the painting itself were a living entity striving to call our attention to its beauty.


  8. Make oneself heart love "nobility" in dress is often familiar to bloom bright brilliance forever lately.


  9. The new device, released this summer, has the best of both worlds with a full QWERTY keyboard and a hefty touchscreen.


  1. 看起来清新亮丽。

    It's so fresh and pretty.

  2. 看起来清新亮丽。

    It's so fresh and pretty.

  3. 毛发光泽亮丽。

    Build physical strength and brighten hair coat.

  4. 穿着光鲜亮丽

    A How come Debra is all dressed up like a peacock today

  5. 亮丽缤纷的彩虹。

    To have sight of such a rainbow.

  6. 看起来不是很亮丽吗?

    Doesn't it look flashy?

  7. 用亮丽的表面装饰。

    To adorn with a brightly colored surface.

  8. 今天天气的确很亮丽。

    What a gorgeous day it is today.

  9. 山脚下,新绿亮丽耀眼。

    Dazzling shiny green under the foothills.

  10. 颜色呈亮丽的宝石红色。

    The hue has a brilliant rubygarnet color.

  11. 他总爱用亮丽的色彩。

    Bright colours are his signature.

  12. 金箔亮丽修护精华眼膜

    GB Repair Essence Eye Mask

  13. 印刷亮丽度佳及解析度佳。

    Good pring brilliance and resolution.

  14. 他给她一束亮丽的花。

    He gave her a bundle of bright flowers.

  15. 她有一双亮丽的蓝眼睛。

    She has vivid blue eyes.

  16. 果肉橙黄亮丽,粉质,风味佳。

    Pulp orange bright beautiful, silty and flavor.

  17. 没有别人想得那么光鲜亮丽。

    Not as glamorous as everyone thinks it is.

  18. 他们也喜欢使餐点色彩亮丽。

    They also like to make sure the meal is colorful.

  19. 绯红色比深红色亮丽得多。

    Scarlet is much lighter than crimson.

  20. 她总是戴着颜色亮丽的围巾。

    She wears a lot of bright colors scarves.

  21. 她总是戴着颜色亮丽的围巾。

    She wears a lot of bright colors scarves.

  22. 黄昏时分天空一片粉红的亮丽

    The sky flushed pink at dawn.

  23. 外观彩色清纯、亮丽透明、娇娜多姿。

    Exterior color purity, in terms of transparency, Jiaona scene.

  24. 成为了舟山一道亮丽的风景。

    Which constitute the most striking of attractions of the Zhoushan Archipelago.

  25. 窗外, 是谁得叫声如此亮丽?

    Belongs to who the songs are so silvern and shining

  26. 窗外,是谁的叫声如此亮丽?

    Belongs to who the songs are so silvern and shining

  27. 我每次亮丽出场都会大吉大利。

    It's never bad luck when I look fabulous.

  28. 有了你,我的新年将更加亮丽!

    Because of you, my new year will be brighter than ever.

  29. 摊躺着似亮丽腰带已褶皱重重。

    Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furld.

  30. 菲奥娜穿着一双非常亮丽的鞋子。

    Fiona tried on a very bright pair of shoes.


  1. 问:亮丽拼音怎么拼?亮丽的读音是什么?亮丽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亮丽的读音是liànglì,亮丽翻译成英文是 Bright and beautiful.; Elegant and loud.

  2. 问:亮丽歌雀拼音怎么拼?亮丽歌雀的读音是什么?亮丽歌雀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亮丽歌雀的读音是liànglìgēquè,亮丽歌雀翻译成英文是 Elegant Euphonia; Euphonia elegantissima

  3. 问:亮丽四条蜂拼音怎么拼?亮丽四条蜂的读音是什么?亮丽四条蜂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亮丽四条蜂的读音是liànglìsìtiáofēng,亮丽四条蜂翻译成英文是 Tetralonia polychroma



词目:亮丽 ,发音:liàng lì ,释义:明亮美丽。重点在“亮”字,明亮、光亮。示 例: 亮丽风景线;明日,我将从这儿起飞,塑造光辉亮丽的未来;她们那一头乌黑亮丽的长发远近皆知。

近义词:美丽、靓丽 用法:作定语;明亮美丽。另有西安亮丽仪器仪表有限责任公司和亮丽眼镜公司。