











汉语拼音:gān jū rén hòu








  • 【解释】:甘:自愿;居:在(某种位置)。指甘心落在他人之后。
  • 【出自】:明·张岱《自为墓志铭》:“夺利争名,甘居人后,观场游戏,肯让人先。”
  • 【示例】:她是负有使命的人,都是罄着所有生命之力在奔跑,他也就不愿~了。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语、状语;用于人


  1. Nobody wants to be the last one there (when you're looking for)


  1. 不甘居人后

    not willing to be outdone.

  2. 她很快落在人后。

    She soon fell behind the others.

  3. 他们不愿意落在人后。

    They do not like to be lagging behind the others.

  4. 先助人后求助是良策。

    Its sound policy to do a favor before seeking one.

  5. 她事事不甘心落在人后。

    She never want to take a backseat to anyone.

  6. 他常在人后偷偷嘲笑上帝。

    He indulged in gentle raillery at God with closed doors.

  7. 谄媚得人是猫, 人前舔, 人后抓。

    Flatterers are cats that lick before and scratch belird.

  8. 谄媚的人是猫,人前舔,人后抓。

    Flatterers are cats that lick before and scratch belird.

  9. 我们在爱好和平这方面不落人后。

    We yield to nobody in love of peace.

  10. 她人后的本相与人前的形象大为不同。

    Her private and public selves were vastly different.

  11. 他不愿在慷慨大方方面落于人后。

    He did not want to be behindhand in generosity.

  12. 我是指说,杀了人后,谁都会反常的。

    I mean, that's enough to freak anybody out.

  13. 她在出谏言献策方面从不落于人后。

    She was never behind in offering advice.

  14. 看到球向他飞来, 这人后退了一步。

    Seeing the ball coming his way, the man fell back a pace.

  15. 英国人赶走荷兰人后,拆墙建街,因而得名。

    British people away after a Dutchman, Wall Street, thus name.

  16. 她在出意见献主意方面从不落于人后。

    She was never behind in offering advice.

  17. 她对自己的英语学习要求很严格,不甘人后。

    She is very strict with herself in her English study and unwilling to lag behind.

  18. 这个校园流氓再次打人后, 校长严厉制裁了他。

    The principal cracked down on the school bully after he started another fight.

  19. 我们觉得,他娶了那个俄国人后他就被驱逐了。

    As far as we're concerned, he's outcast since he married the russian.

  20. 正因如此,我们才落于人后 因为我们不重视玩耍

    And that's why we're last, because we don't value play.

  21. 对谋杀四人后逃逸的犯罪嫌疑人的调查仍在进行中。

    The search continues for the suspect in a quadruple murder.

  22. 三眼铳, 在农村也叫神枪, 死人后出殡用的礼炮。

    Three eye blunderbuss, named God Gun in country, salute used in funeral.

  23. 反对党民主改革运动党绝对不会受哄骗而甘居人下。

    The opposition Movement for Democratic Change is rightly refusing to be tricked into playing second fiddle.

  24. 我们还是先找到了解现场情况的人后再作决定吧。

    Let's find the man on the spot before we make the decision.

  25. 在安全绕过拿些西部人后,又走道凯瑟琳身边。

    rejoining Katherine, safely past the Watherine

  26. 克罗地亚不甘人后,提出了他们自己的维和方案。

    Not to be outdone, the Croats came up with a peacekeeping proposal of their own.

  27. 大海变为人后,一个人走到香港各处寻找他的爸爸。

    The following day, Dai Hoi wandered around Hong Kong alone in search of his father.

  28. 那个司机撞人后竟然逃跑了,如此无法无天,真令人啮齿!

    The driver fled after his car knocked somebody down. He is absolutely lawless, which really makes other people gnash their teeth in anger.

  29. 那个司机撞人后竟然逃跑了,如此无法无天,真令人啮齿!

    The driver fled after his car knocked somebody down. He is absolutely lawless, which really makes other people gnash their teeth in anger.

  30. 事过境迁, 她接受专访时透露其实在人后却哭成泪人。

    During the interview, she revealed that she cried her heart out every night when she was alone.

