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1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……
汉语拼音:chuán shù
《后汉书·西域传论》:“ 张騫 但著地多暑溼,乘象而战, 班勇 虽列其奉浮图,不杀伐,而精文善法导达之功靡所传述。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·音辞》:“ 江 南学士读《左传》,口相传述,自为凡例。” 宋 文莹 《玉壶清话》卷三:“至若 丘明 而下, 公 、 穀 、 邹 、 郟 数子止取传述而已。” 王先谦 《<续古文辞类纂>序》:“百餘年来,转相传述,徧於东南。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文末编·写于深夜里》:“到壮美时,随着观看的人们,便喝一声采,后来还传述开去。”
The stories of battle and victory have always been told, and in the past, it was up to the leaders of each assault to document the past.
战斗和胜利的故事总是被不断传述,过去,由每次袭击的领导者来记录过去的事。A local folk's saying vividly expresses how the local people admire the gully so much and also fear of it so much.
一句流行已久的民间讲法,形象地传述着当地老百姓对此山谷的无比爱慕和莫名敬畏。But God says this to the wicked: "What right have you to mouth my laws, or to talk about my covenant? "
天主却对恶人说:你怎麽胆敢传述我的诫命,你的口怎敢朗诵我的法令?Furthermore, they were clearly saturated with faith in Christ and were not necessarily objective transmitters of his story.
再者,他们显然对耶稣充满了敬仰,在传述他的故事时并不一定客观。I'm only showing what I've learned from watching good UNIX people so I am not saying these tips are the optimal solutions.
我只是就我从了解unix的人身上观察然后传述我所知道的,这些小的技巧不是非常经典的解决方法。Yet this we ask ere you leave us, that you speak to us and give us of your truth.
然而在你离开我们之前,对我们说话,把你的真理传述给我们。In another version, this Hadith reads: "Allah will resurrect him as a jurist and religious scholar. "
根据另一个传述系统,这段圣训说:“真主将会把他作为一个教法学家和宗教学者复活。”Socrates' conversations as reported by Plato were full of a shrewd humor.
照柏拉图所传述的,苏格拉底的谈话充满了慧黠的幽默You have to have the ability to teach people from inside, on different levels, not just to transmit the instructions.
I wouldn't give tongue to such gossip.
The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate.
The storyteller tells the tale of the long winter.
然而, 这个传述都是不正确的, 伪造的。
However, this narration is known to be incorrect and falsified.
我被传述得越多, 人们就会更相信我。
People believe me the more I am quoted.
A great deal of frontier humour was oral.
A great deal of frontier humour was oral.
Parents commend your works to their children and tell them your feats.
事实上, 圣训中没有这样的传述, 也没有明显的证据。
This, in fact, was not reported in the Prophetic Sunnah, and there is no evidence on it.
然而在你离开我们之前, 对我们说话, 把你的真理传述给我们。
Yet this we ask ere you leave us, that you speak to us and give us of your truth.
照柏拉图所传述的, 苏格拉底的谈话充满了慧黠的幽默
Socrates conversations as reported by Plato were full of a shrewd humor.
It is a momentous event, something we will tell our children's children about.
They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness.
Like a good joke, the study bears repeating.