




1. 亲 [qīn]2. 亲 [qìng]亲 [qīn]有血统或夫妻关系的:~属。~人。~缘。双~(父母)。~眷。婚姻:~事。因婚姻联成的关系:~戚。~故。~邻。~朋。称呼同一地方的人:乡~。本身,自己的:~睹。~聆。~笔。感情好,关系密切……



汉语拼音:rén qīn






  1. 人之双亲。指父母。




  1. He said his party would respect women's rights and Tunisia's pro-Western values.


  2. AMY Kiss me where I've never been kissed before.


  3. The Tiger Manwitnesses the birth of a rare white cub, but he also has to decide whether to step in and raiseabandoned cubes himself.


  4. Despite the troubles, the conservative party of the pro-Western Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski is expected to win the ballot.


  5. Proximity has not made the people of Dover love their neighbours, but it has made them pragmatic.


  6. This is a sign of brotherly familiarity, representing the importance of family ties.


  7. a rebel so let me just revel an bask, in the fact that I got everyone kissing my ass


  8. Service of a notice required to be served under subsection (1) may be effected by delivering it tothe tenant personally


  9. I hoped that my daring who really love me kiss me


  1. 就那个让人亲了的那个女的?

    The one who keeps getting kissed?

  2. 爱希腊的人, 亲希腊的人

    One who admires Greece or the Greeks.

  3. 亲老板到底有没有问题?一个人只能亲关系好的同事吗?

    Is it ever OK to kiss a boss? Does one only kiss colleagues who are friends?

  4. 那两人是远亲。

    Those two people are distantly related.

  5. 久坐令人厌频来亲也疏

    Never outstay your welcome

  6. 他是我最亲的人。

    He is the closest person to me.

  7. 我讽刺的被自己最亲的人所出卖!

    I satirize am betrayed by oneself most own person!

  8. 我就想亲一个人,那个人不在这

    The only boy I want to kiss isn't here.

  9. 我刚刚发现一个和我很亲的人去世了。

    I just found out that someone I was very close to is dead.

  10. 我从来没有忘记过对我最亲的人的生日。

    I've never forgotten the birthday of someone really close to me because all my family and friends are so close to me, so it's hard to forget.

  11. 有个和我很亲的人去年也发生了类似事故

    Someone I was close to had a similar accident last year.

  12. 曾经共处人,何须骨肉亲。

    Once coexistence, Don't be flesh kiss.

  13. 他与这家人仅仅是远亲。

    He is only distantly connected with the family.

  14. 体弱多病的薛大娘一人独居, 举目无亲, 相当孤单。

    Valetudinarianism Aunt Xue lives alone and friendless, is quite lonely.

  15. 亲不亲,一家人。

    The family that prays together stays together.

  16. 我今天亲了无数人了。

    I've kissed a hundred lips today.

  17. 我今天亲了无数人了。

    I've kissed a hundred lips today.

  18. 而尽管艾尔亦在越南,他却不亲在鸟人身边给他支持。

    And Al, although also in Vietnam, is not with him for support.

  19. 亲德国者,崇拜德国者亲德国,德国人及其文化的人

    One who admires Germany, its people, and its culture.

  20. 你应该被一个知道如果亲女孩子气的人经常的亲亲。

    You should be kissed and often And by someone who knows how.

  21. 亲,可不止死两个人。

    It wasn't two people that died neither,sweetie.

  22. 没人比他的女儿更亲了。

    Nobody is nearer his heart than his daughter.

  23. 没人比他得女儿更亲了。

    Nobody is nearer his heart than his daughter.

  24. 他们两人亲亲热热我看了非常高兴。

    I have been seeing their intimacy with the greatest pleasure.

  25. 我需要从我爱的人身上得到一定程度的亲。

    There's a constant level of closeness that I really need from the person I love.

  26. 并不是每个人都想以疯狂的形式成亲。

    Not everyone wants to get married in a crazy way.

  27. 家里每个人都宠它,所以它和我们很亲。

    Everybody in the family spoils it, so it's very attached to us.

  28. 玛莉亚和母亲是姻亲。和父亲家族有关系的人。

    Maria bears affinity to my mother. one related on the father's side.

  29. 她在纽约举目无亲, 连个可以讲话的人都没有。

    She had no friends in New York, no one to talk to.

  30. 亲蟹质量及亲蟹培育是锯缘青蟹人工育苗的基础。

    The quality and cultivation of parent crab are the basis of the artificial seedling rearing of mud crab Scylla serrata.