







汉语拼音:shōu zhù







  1. She 1 roused to work properly to adopt empress words and said, the clear orchid was what old woman keeps big extra.


  2. And running under the shelter of a certain little island called Clauda , we were hardly able to get control of the small boat .


  3. The mouse was heading forward on her top speed when she saw a pit in front of her. She wanted to stop, but it was too late.


  4. Indeed as expected, gold big with horsepower all truly at have scruples about this sissy, abruptly accepts an attack.


  5. Women more often view conversation as a way of sharing their emotions with the listener. They talk until they feel better.


  6. Luckily I timely ShouZhu the heart, I handsome face just can be preserved.


  7. Emilia. I will not charm my tongue; I am bound to speak: My mistress here lies murder'd in her bed.


  8. She developed symptoms and was treated at a health care facility on 8 August, and first admitted to a private hospital on 15 August.


  9. Her symptoms started on 23 September. She was admitted to Damanhur Fever Hospital where she received oseltamivir treatment.


  1. 她收住脚步。

    She stops in her tracks.

  2. 但你在结尾收住了。

    But you broughtit home at the end.

  3. 他收住话头,望着爱迪。

    He stopped. He looked at Eddie.

  4. 那个战士走了几步,突然收住了脚步。

    The soldier took a few steps and then stopped short.

  5. 接着就觉得自己猛地朝后收住脚步。

    And felt herself jerked back.

  6. 我气喘吁吁地把话收住,感到有点自惭形秽。

    I stopped, breathless, and already a little ashamed of myself.

  7. 他一见这景象便在门槛处蓦地收住脚步。

    He was brought up sharp by the sight at the threshold.

  8. 他刚收住话头,结果却几乎是马上又讲了起来。

    He broke off, only to resume almost at once.

  9. 迈克尔收住脚步,转过身来,重又走了进去。

    Michael stopped, pivoted and walked back in.

  10. 埃涅阿斯收住停在劳苏斯头上的剑迟迟没有下手。

    Aeneas held his sword suspended over Lausus and delayed to strike.

  11. 球员对裁判说了过分的话, 但就在开口骂人之前收住了。

    The player said some terrible things to the referee but he stopped just short of swearing.

  12. 宾克把他扔进了他自己的毒气云中, 迫使他立即收住魔法。

    Bink had hurled him into his own gas cloud, forcing him to dissolve it very suddenly.

  13. 球员对裁判说了过分得话,但就在开口骂人之前收住了。

    The player said some terrible things to the referee but he stopped just short of swearing.

  14. 他正在捉摸不定,忽然看见前面克罗夫特猛地收住了脚步。

    He was still debating this when he saw Croft stop abruptly.

  15. 她被收住到坦塔发热医院,并在同日接受了奥司他韦治疗。

    She was admitted to Tanta Fever Hospital where she received oseltamivir treatment on the same day.

  16. 操纵手柄向上起落架收上并锁住舱门关闭。

    Control handle up, gear up and locked, door closed.

  17. 她住在免收租金的套间里吗?

    Is she living in a flat free of rent?

  18. 就下手拿住使徒,收在外监。

    They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail.

  19. 诺玛收住笑容。

    Norma repressed a smile.

  20. 老头儿现在不住地收进钓丝。

    The old man was gaining line steadily now.

  21. 她受不住再多创伤了,我们该收手了

    She can't take much more. We need to get out.

  22. 二人忙住了棋,都欠身道谢,命丫鬟们收了。

    The two girls stopped their game to bow their thanks, then ordered their maids to put the gifts away.

  23. 现收现付体系的国家通常被巨额的养老金供给问题困住。

    Countries on a PAYG system are usually stuck with it for the bulk of their pension provision.

  24. 托德先生得帘子已经褶好, 并且收好了, 因为屋子没人住。

    Mr. Tod's curtains were folded up, and put away, owing to the house being unoccupied.

  25. 收紧大腿前侧肌肉,锁住双膝。

    Contract your front thigh muscles to lift your kneecaps.

  26. 你是住在男女兼收的宿舍,还是住在女生宿舍

    Do you live in a coed dorm or is it just for girls

  27. 你是住在男女兼收的宿舍呢,还是住在女生宿舍?

    Do you live in a co ? ed dorm or is just for girls ?

  28. 由于入住的是考生, 宾馆只是酌收了部分费用。

    As the lodger is a student coming for an exam, the hotel charges him only partially, at its discretion.

  29. 由于入住的是考生,宾馆只是酌收了部分费用。

    As the lodger is a student coming for an exam, the hotel charges him only partially, at its discretion.

  30. 左右键左右移动渔船,上下控制鱼杆,按住空格收杆。

    Key move around about fishing and bottom fishing stakes control, the press box Shougan.