







汉语拼音:cháng yáng








  1. 犹徘徊。盘旋往返。

    《淮南子·人间训》:“翱翔乎忽荒之上,徜徉乎虹蜺之间。”徜徉,一本作“ 析惕 ”。

  2. 犹彷徨。心神不宁貌。

    《文选·张衡<思玄赋>》:“会 帝轩 之未归兮,悵徜徉而延佇。”旧注:“悵徜徉,思貌。”一本作“ 倘佯 ”。《后汉书·张衡传》作“相佯”。

  3. 安闲自得貌。

    唐 韩愈 《送李愿归盘谷序》:“膏吾车兮秣吾马,从子於 盘 兮,终吾生以徜徉。” 宋 陈亮 《何少嘉墓志铭》:“仲兄 大雅 以疾不涉事, 少嘉 时其起居,使得徜徉以自养疾。” 明 张羽 《秋日苕溪·道中》诗:“闲行无物役,洄沿自徜徉。”



  1. Wheat and barley, ripening to a pale gold now, shush in the wind and a flock of sheep dot the green river pasture.


  2. The palate exudes tropical fruit flavours with a soft easy-to-quaff finish of citrus acidity.


  3. I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea. I wanna lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me.


  4. Roaming in the town streets, you feel as if you were in a picturesque Chinese ink painting.


  5. Now I wander through my garden indecisively, trying to hold on to the last days of lat summer.


  6. If I had a flower for every time I thought of you. . . I could walk through my garden forever.


  7. Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear; One step, two step, Tickle you under there.


  8. "Let's do it right this time, " I said. "Let's fly to Nice and stay where we couldn't afford to before. Let's ramble down Memory Lane. "


  9. Quietly with only his own world, wandering around, as if a very lonely, in fact I expel loneliness.


  1. 他喜欢在山间徜徉。

    He enjoys tramping the hills.

  2. 徜徉在星辰的光芒中。

    To wander in the light of stars.

  3. 我的双脚,在滑动徜徉?

    My feet, they glide and float,?

  4. 又神秘地在荞地边徜徉

    Again mystically roam beside the buckwheat fields

  5. 你能够在不同的口味中徜徉。

    You dabble in and out of different flavours.

  6. 那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

    Than I would roam among the flowers for ever.

  7. 徜徉于名店之中, 享受尊贵生活

    Wander about leisurely and in the famous shop, enjoy honourable life

  8. 我们, 曾是徜徉在那绿地上情侣。

    We were the lovers who strolled through green fields.

  9. 我们, 曾经是徜徉在那绿地上情侣。

    Where are the green fields, that we used to roam

  10. 螃蟹,鳗鱼,海参一个个悠闲,自在徜徉。

    Crab, eel, trepang one all leisurely and carefree, wanders about comfortablely.

  11. 我们有能力学习, 那我们就要在学海徜徉。

    We have the ability. to learn let us. lea. rn.

  12. 想象你独自一人徜徉在寂静的海边。

    Visualise yourself on a peaceful beach.

  13. 我们两个在河中徜徉, 游玩, 寻觅食物。

    We are swimming, playing and looking for food in the river.

  14. 爱心行动如一股暖流在公司里徜徉。

    A compassion motion like warm current wanders about in the company.

  15. 徜徉在这些名著中能让我们忘却自己。

    And this is where we come to lose ourselvesin the classics.

  16. 夜晚他在杳无人迹的校园里四处徜徉。

    At night he roamed the deserted campus.

  17. 游人至此乘舟徜徉, 犹如置身于人间仙境。

    Visitors to this boat to wander as if exposure to paradise on earth.

  18. 我们曾经徜徉的绿地啊, 都到哪儿去了?

    Where are the green fields, that we used to roam ?

  19. 我们曾经徜徉的绿地啊, 都到哪儿去了?

    Where are the green fields, that we used to roam ?

  20. 花枝烂漫,即便一人独自徜徉未觉寂寞。

    I never felt lonely while walked under the flower trees alone.

  21. 但最美好的旅行,就是徜徉在你的怀抱里。

    Mais le plus beau des voyages, je lai fait dans tes bras.

  22. 原来我们是徜徉在一个又一个的飘渺中。

    Because we are living a wispy space for one and another.

  23. 你徜徉在这片平和与宁静的景色之中,

    Walk through this peaceful and serene landscape and feel the calming energies of love and healing coming into you now.

  24. 就让他人在新的游园中享受徜徉的欢乐吧。

    Let others delight mid new pleasures to roam.

  25. 乘坐私人游船徜徉湄公河,探访沿途的当地村庄。

    Glide along the Mekong River on a private cruise, stopping to visit local villages.

  26. 可供游客你浴后随意徜徉,游览,优游大自然。

    For tourists after your bath random wandering around, sightseeing, swimming nature.

  27. 不知名的人们沿着点缀风景的小湖堤岸悠然徜徉。

    Anonymous figures strayed along the banks of the ornamental lakes.

  28. 你可以沿着运河徜徉,直到走上宽广的绿色原野。

    You could wander along the canal till you came to broad green fields.

  29. 这使斯奈特可以持续徜徉在时下音乐的精髓之中。

    This enabled Snatam to continually soak in the essence of the Sound Current.

  30. 这使斯奈特可以持续徜徉在时下音乐得精髓之中。

    This enabled Snatam to continually soak in the essence of the Sound Current.


  1. 问:徜徉拼音怎么拼?徜徉的读音是什么?徜徉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:徜徉的读音是chángyáng,徜徉翻译成英文是 wander about at one’s leisure



拼音:cháng yáng 一般用于书面语。 词性:动词。 词义:闲游、彷徨、陶醉于某事物当中。