




1. 匙 [chí]2. 匙 [shi]匙 [chí]舀汤用的小勺子(亦称“调(tiáo )羹”):汤~。茶~。匙 [shi]〔钥~〕开锁的东西。……



汉语拼音:chá chí






  1. 调制饮料用的小匙。

    宋 蔡襄 《茶录·茶匙》:“茶匙要重,击拂有力。黄金为上,人间以银、铁为之。”《金瓶梅词话》第二四回:“又等 玉簫 取茶果、茶匙儿出来……纔起身去了。” 巴金 《寒夜》五:“他揭开装糖的玻璃缸,用茶匙把白糖放进她面前的咖啡杯里。”



  1. Take the mug, remove the spoon and inset one teabag into the mug, If you wish to have the sugar in your tea, inset the sugar at this point.


  2. Strain and refrigerate until ready to use. Fill cups about half way with each liquid. Add one teaspoon of the boiled cabbage to each glass.


  3. Tablets may be chewed, or placed on the child's tongue and allowed to dissolve, or mashed in water in a teaspoon.


  4. She was holding a teaspoon in her two hands, pressing her thumbs against it as if measuring her strength against the base metal.


  5. For drinking hot: put two or three teaspoonfuls of Lacovo in a cup , then add hot water and stir until the grains are thoroughly dissolved.


  6. Put the fruit in a bowl. Then put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. Finally mix it all up.


  7. In the seventeenth century, cooks did not use proportions or talk about teaspoons and tablespoons. Instead, they just improvised.


  8. A spoon intermediate in size between a tablespoon and a teaspoon, used for eating dessert.


  9. The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.


  1. 一茶匙姜粉

    a teaspoon of ground ginger

  2. 满满一茶匙糖

    a heaped teaspoon of sugar

  3. 乔用不锈钢茶匙。

    Joe used stainless steel teaspoons.

  4. 加一小茶匙糖。

    Add one teaspoon of sugar.

  5. 请给我1茶匙半。

    One and a half teaspoons, please.

  6. 加一茶匙咖喱粉。

    Add a teaspoonful of curry powder.

  7. 她用茶匙搅拌茶叶。

    She used a teaspoon to stir the tea.

  8. 我们需要一茶匙蜂蜜。

    We need one teaspoon of honey.

  9. 盛满一茶匙的盐

    a rounded teaspoonful of salt

  10. 我们需要一茶匙肉桂。

    We need one teaspoon of cinnamon.

  11. 加入一茶匙混合药草。

    Add a teaspoonful of mixed herbs.

  12. 每天三次,每次一茶匙。

    Onea teaspoon three times a day.

  13. 糖和芫荽粉各1茶匙

    1 tsp. each of sugar and ground coriander.

  14. 然后放进两茶匙蜂蜜。

    In two teaspoons of honey.

  15. 我们需要三茶匙调味品。

    We need relish.

  16. 用茶匙把瓜瓤舀出来。

    Scoop out the flesh of the melon with a teaspoon.

  17. 往锅里放一茶匙盐。

    Put a teaspoonful of salt into the pan.

  18. 你需要多少肉桂?一茶匙。

    e. g. How much cinnamon do you need One tea spoon.

  19. 给我一个茶匙和茶杯。

    Give me a teaspoon and a teacup.

  20. 再加入两茶匙梳打粉。

    Add in two teaspoons of baking soda.

  21. 放入四茶匙得蛋黄酱。

    Put in four teaspoons of mayonnaise.

  22. 放入四茶匙的蛋黄酱。

    Put in four teaspoons of mayonnaise.

  23. 我需要一把茶匙搅一搅茶。

    I need a teaspoon to stir my tea.

  24. 加一茶匙油和一杯牛奶。

    Add a teaspoon of oil and one cup of milk.

  25. 用茶匙铲煤是荒谬的。

    It would be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon.

  26. 撒上大约一茶匙的芝麻。

    Sprinkle with about 1 tsp. sesame seeds.

  27. 撒上大约一茶匙得芝麻。

    Sprinkle with about 1 tsp. sesame seeds.

  28. 用茶匙铲煤是荒谬得。

    It would be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon .

  29. 加入两茶匙雀巢咖啡伴侣

    Add two teaspoons of Coffeemate

  30. 弯形茶匙式舌部拉钩

    bent teaspoon lingual retractor


  1. 问:茶匙拼音怎么拼?茶匙的读音是什么?茶匙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茶匙的读音是cháchí,茶匙翻译成英文是 teaspoon

  2. 问:茶匙量拼音怎么拼?茶匙量的读音是什么?茶匙量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茶匙量的读音是chá chí liàng,茶匙量翻译成英文是 tea spoon



茶匙chá chí (Teaspoon)是一种进食用的匙,其最常见的用途为搅拌奶茶或咖啡,因而得名。进食雪糕(冰淇淋)也可使用茶匙 [teaspoon] 调饮料用的小勺 茶匙在烹调上也是一种容量量度单位。不同国家对茶匙的标准并不一样,但通常都约为5毫升。美国联邦法例规定了1美制茶匙等于5毫升,现时澳洲、加拿大、新西兰及英国也使用这个标准。 传统上,1美制茶匙等如0.1667美制液体盎司(4.93毫升);传统上的1英制茶匙则等如0.125英制液体盎司(3.55毫升)。虽然绝大多数地方的1汤匙等如3茶匙,但澳洲要4茶匙才等如1汤匙。 一茶匙= 5 c.c. 1/2 茶匙=2.5 c.c. 1/4 茶匙=1.25 c.c. 茶匙的英文是:teaspoon.