


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……





汉语拼音:fēng fàn








  1. 风度;气派。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·容止》:“ 元规 尔时风范不得不小穨。” 唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·憍萨罗国》:“ 龙猛 风范懍然肃物,言谈者皆伏抑首。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·礼部一·礼部官房》:“但 李 能耐烦琐,任怨讥,有 陶士行 风范,他人或不办,亦不屑也。” 沈从文 《菜园》:“这太太有一个儿子是白脸长身的好少年,年纪二十一,在家读书,认字知礼,还有点世家风笵。”

  2. 教化;风气。《隋书·高祖纪下》:“儒学之道,训教生人,识父子君臣之义,知尊卑长幼之序,升之於朝,任之以职,故能赞理时务,弘益风范。” 明 李东阳 《石封君徐节妇挽诗二首次沉仲律提学韵》之一:“试问 元方 与 惠连 ,故家风范尚依然。”

  3. 犹风操。指合乎规范,可资效法的操行。《周书·柳洋传》:“﹝ 柳洋 ﹞与 王湜 俱以风范方正为当时所重。” 元 戴善夫 《风光好》第一折:“学士你德行如 颜子 ,也索要风流倣 谢安 。我劝你且开颜,须不比寻常风范。” 清 恽敬 《<香石诗钞>序》:“而先世 双槐 、 粤洲 、 泰泉 三先生,在 明 之中叶皆为儒,立朝居家,具有风范。”

  4. 指诗画文章等作品的风格。

    南朝 齐 谢赫 《古画品录·张墨荀勗》:“风范气候,极玅参神,但取精灵,遗其骨法。” 元 辛文房 《唐才子传·崔鲁》:“诗慕 杜紫微 风范,警句絶多。” 明 胡应麟 《诗薮·古体上》:“四言典则雅淳,自是 三代 风范。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·词曲·填词名手》:“惟 周宪王 所作杂剧最伙,其刻本名《诚斋乐府》,至今行世,虽警拔稍逊古人,而调入絃索,稳叶流丽,犹有 金 元 风范。”

  5. 指景象。《宣和遗事》前集:“抵暮,至一坊,名做 金环巷 ,那风范更别。”



  1. If you want your team members to trust, respect, and cooperate with you, model the behavior you want, and you will get more of it.


  2. Peony as she was not nor yao Yan as dazzling peach, but it has a handsome, rustic, tranquil demeanor and charm.


  3. The overall design concept of exquisite decorative, handwriting atmosphere, the body of "Long" imperial style.


  4. Every time Tokyo makes a hesitant attempt to begin acting like the great power it should be, China beats the drums about the war.


  5. Our principal has short hair on level with his ears, it suits the expression in his eyes and shows the poise of a leader.


  6. An hour later an elderly doctor in his sixties with snow white hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a fatherly demeanor approached me.


  7. the atmosphere simple and honest, always highlight style king, and he has no shortage of water close to tenderness.


  8. Rendezvous demeanor coupled with the sense of superiority to the developers, the door to international icon Garden just become CBD East.


  9. In the waves of warm applause, she bowed to step down over and over, a one-trick is all style.


  1. 共产主义风范

    communist style.

  2. 大师风范人生益友

    A master with refined manner, a mentor for a life

  3. 摩天大楼,欧美风范。

    The skyscraper is of Western style.

  4. 高尚气质,华宅风范!

    Noble Temperament Luxurious Resvdences Manner!

  5. 李君略有哲人风范。

    Mr. Li is something of a philosopher.

  6. 斯人已去风范长存

    The man is dead, but his demeanour is alive

  7. 真的有了古人的风范。

    Really have a style of the ancients.

  8. 风范长存的张孝骞教授

    Professor Zhang Xiaoqian and his demeanor

  9. 饶宗颐教授的学术风范

    The Academic Mien of Professor Rao Zongyi

  10. 已经隐然有一代名家风范。

    Demeanor has been hidden in a generation player.

  11. 有政治家风范的, 判断力强的人

    a man of statesmanlike judgment

  12. 这些夏装看上去有复古风范。

    There is an olde worlde look about the clothes for summer.

  13. 一流服务人文关怀大医风范

    The best service, humane care shows professional demeanour of a highly skilled doctor

  14. 并非所有国王都有王者风范。

    Not all kings behave in a kingly way.

  15. 你到是唱出了主唱的风范。

    You sounded like you wanted to be in front.

  16. 论徐特立的师德理念与风范

    On Xu Teli's Teaching Morality Notion and Model

  17. 他是一个具有军人风范的男子。

    He is a man of soldierly bearing.

  18. 在中世纪的欧洲, 骑士是一种风范。

    Knighthood was an idealin medieval Europe.

  19. 元代向猛兽复仇故事的豪侠风范

    The Gallant Style in the Stories of the Vengeance on Beasts in Yuan Dynasty

  20. 国际风范,东情西韵,情真意愈浓

    International demeanour, the west musical sound of east feeling, it is dense that the feeling is sincere

  21. 这位歌手的举手投足真有大家风范。

    The actions of this singer are redolent of the style of a master.

  22. 这位歌手的举手投足真有大家风范。

    The actions of this singer are redolent of the style of a master.

  23. 勇气与远见是检验领导风范的试金石

    The qualities of courage and vision that are the touchstones of leadership

  24. 她低头的姿势让人想起皇室风范。

    She bowed her head in a gesture somehow reminiscent of royalty.

  25. 其大家风范, 在哈佛无人可以望其项背。

    The integrity of his scholarship was, I believe, unmatched at Harvard.

  26. 弗里德以他一贯的精明风范行动起来。

    Freed acted with his accustomed shrewdness.

  27. 他兼有创造性的想象力和真正的学者风范。

    He combines creative imagination with true scholarliness.

  28. 我们不但要向世人展示爱国者的风范。

    We will not only show the world what patriots are made of.

  29. 哦,为什么?他不符合我的理想男性风范。

    oh, why he didn t live up to my ideal of manhood.

  30. 他的举手投足很有牛津或剑桥的风范。

    He's very Oxbridge in his manner.


  1. 问:风范拼音怎么拼?风范的读音是什么?风范翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风范的读音是fēngfàn,风范翻译成英文是 manner; style; air



“风范”是个多义词,它可以指风范(汉语词语), 风范(湖南人民出版出版图书)。