




重复,累积:重(chǒng )~。层见~出。~罗汉。~韵。~嶂。~翠。摺:摺~。铺床~被。乐曲的重复演奏:阳关三~。……



汉语拼音:jiāo dié







交叠 [jiāo dié]
  1. 交叠是用对折或交叠的方法减少长度或容积。



  1. The general was lying on the bed, his back against the headboard, hands clasped behind his head.

  2. The front legs do not paddle, weave, or overlap, and the elbows must lie close to the body.

  3. This gives a bit of overlap to the face so that not all the parts move at the same rate.

  4. It is a vision that conveys life's complexity by superposition of several of it's dimension, through the eyes of a poet.

  5. Racial features as the physical and biological mark of a group led to xenophobic psychology and ethno-cultural centralism in ancient times.

  6. While riding in an elevator, you must talk to no one, fold your hands, and look toward the door.

  7. I looked down at my hands wrapped around the lemonade bottle, not sure what to do now.

  8. Dialogue overlapped and was interrupted in a way that often happens in life but had seldom been encountered on screen.

  9. If the film gets too thin, the diffuse charge clouds overlap and repel, just as two neutral atoms do when their electron clouds interact.


  1. 交叠正交变换

    lapped orthogonal transform.

  2. 世代交叠模型

    overlapping generations model.

  3. 交叠升余弦

    time interleaved raised cosine pulse.

  4. 交叠网格检测

    mesh overlap check.

  5. 部分信道交叠

    Partially overlapped channels

  6. 代际交叠模型

    generation overlapping model.

  7. 声音交叠振荡的机制。

    Mechanism of Vocalfold Vibration.

  8. 代蒙德世代交叠模型

    Diamond Overlapping Generations Model

  9. 夜深。窗帘几乎交叠,痒痒的。

    Way deep into the night. Curtains almost overlapped, itching.

  10. 鱼鳞是一片片上下交叠起来的。

    A fish's scales overlap each other.

  11. 消光起伏法中的颗粒交叠效应

    Effects of Particle Overlapping in Transmission Fluctuation Spectrometry

  12. 公共行政的研究途径往往是交叠的。

    The research approaches of Public Administration always overlapped.

  13. 有些屋顶是用交叠的石板瓦盖的。

    Some roofs are made with overlapping slates.

  14. 历史和政治相互交叠,应该一起研究。

    History and politics overlap and should be studied together.

  15. 领子前中不要交叠但也不要张开。

    Center front collar not overlap, also not spray.

  16. 随着独立项目的发展,逐步出现了交叠。

    As the separate projects evolved, overlap developed. For example

  17. 引入资源税的世代交叠模型及其改进

    An Overlapping Generations Model with the Resources Tax and its Improved Model

  18. 最后有必要略谈一谈序得交叠问题。

    Finally, a few remarks must be made about overlapping of orders.

  19. 最后有必要略谈一谈序的交叠问题。

    Finally, a few remarks must be made about overlapping of orders.

  20. 袋子平整折起后,底面与一侧交叠。

    When the bag is folded flat, the bag bottom overlaps one side of the bag.

  21. 个人生命分为三期的世代交叠模型

    The Overlapping Generation Model with Individuals Lived for Three Periods

  22. 工具条有没有交叠或者有没有离内容太近?

    Does the sidebar overlap or is too close to the content?

  23. 第一,以综合方式管理交叠在一起的疾病。

    First, manage overlapping diseases in an integrated way.

  24. 若你只交叠四分之一本又会如何呢

    How about if you only interweave a quarter

  25. 所选对象已人工设为套印所有交叠得对象。

    The selected object has been manually set to overprint all overlapped objects.

  26. 所选对象已人工设为套印所有交叠的对象。

    The selected object has been manually set to overprint all overlapped objects.

  27. 试试看只把两本书交叠半本,两本书会分离吗

    Try only interweaving half of the books. Do the books come apart

  28. 他又一动不动地坐着,双手交叠放在膝上。

    He sat still again, his hands crossed on his knees.

  29. 基于交叠正交变换的视频压缩编码分析与实现

    Analysis and Implementation of Video Coding with Lapped Orthogonal Transform

  30. 地铁列车作用下近距离交叠隧道的动力响应

    The Dynamic Response of Close Crisscross and Overlapping Tunnels under Subway Load.


  1. 问:交叠域拼音怎么拼?交叠域的读音是什么?交叠域翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交叠域的读音是jiāo dié yù,交叠域翻译成英文是 overlapping domains

  2. 问:交叠点拼音怎么拼?交叠点的读音是什么?交叠点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交叠点的读音是jiāo dié diǎn,交叠点翻译成英文是 cross over point

  3. 问:交叠储存拼音怎么拼?交叠储存的读音是什么?交叠储存翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交叠储存的读音是jiāo dié chǔ cún,交叠储存翻译成英文是 overlap-save

  4. 问:交叠指数拼音怎么拼?交叠指数的读音是什么?交叠指数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交叠指数的读音是jiāo dié zhǐ shù,交叠指数翻译成英文是 index of overlapping

  5. 问:交叠损失拼音怎么拼?交叠损失的读音是什么?交叠损失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交叠损失的读音是jiāo dié sǔn shī,交叠损失翻译成英文是 Crossover Loss

  6. 问:交叠效应拼音怎么拼?交叠效应的读音是什么?交叠效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交叠效应的读音是jiāo dié xiào yìng,交叠效应翻译成英文是 overlap effect

  7. 问:交叠浓度拼音怎么拼?交叠浓度的读音是什么?交叠浓度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交叠浓度的读音是jiāo dié nóng dù,交叠浓度翻译成英文是 overlap concentration

  8. 问:交叠相加拼音怎么拼?交叠相加的读音是什么?交叠相加翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交叠相加的读音是jiāo dié xiāng jiā,交叠相加翻译成英文是 overlap-add

  9. 问:交叠距离拼音怎么拼?交叠距离的读音是什么?交叠距离翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交叠距离的读音是jiāo dié jù lí,交叠距离翻译成英文是 Crossover Range

  10. 问:交叠式会让线拼音怎么拼?交叠式会让线的读音是什么?交叠式会让线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交叠式会让线的读音是jiāo dié shì kuài ràng xiàn,交叠式会让线翻译成英文是 lap siding



交叠 jiāodié [fold] 用对折或交叠的方法减少长度或容积