







汉语拼音:shén zhì






  1. 精神智慧;意识。

    晋 陶潜 《感士不遇赋》:“禀神智以藏照,秉三五而垂名。” 北齐 刘昼 《新论·知人》:“故明哲之相士,听之於未闻,察之於未形,而鉴其神智,识其才能,可谓知人矣。”《花月痕》第四七回回评:“其间将略兵机,笔笔生动,读之可益人神智。” 吴运铎 《把一切献给党·第二次负伤》:“夜里,我躺在病床上,神智还很清楚。可是第二天就昏迷不醒了。”

  2. 谓才智卓越。

    《周书·史宁传》:“ 突厥 以 寧 所图必破,皆畏惮之,咸曰:‘此中国神智人也。’”



  1. Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you.


  2. It is not easy to deal with a country whose leader is, at best, only sane on alternate days.


  3. Police decided to hold on to the rest of the money temporarily. They told the man to come back and collect it once he sobered up.


  4. If a man has a bit of conscience, it always takes him when he's sober; and then it makes him low-spirited .


  5. Nico pulled them into a world of cannibalism and horrifying tales that would disturb the mind of any sane individual.


  6. Memories are like wine, some of which you can find it sweet, if the abuse addicted to drink, the drinker is just a state of intoxication.


  7. I urged Ioan to leave the inn immediately, but he remained prostrate, and refused to follow me.


  8. It led to the line: "He blew his mind out in a car, he didn't notice that the lights had changed. "


  9. His dull senses told him it was not the same river where he and Bill had left their canoe.


  1. 神智学要义

    Checklist of Some Principles of Theosophy.

  2. 他的神智始终是正常的。

    Through it all he preserved his intelligence.

  3. 如今,饮料,神智不太清楚!

    Today, a drink, theosophy am not clear!

  4. 属于或关于神智学的。

    Of or relating to theosophy.

  5. 当留遗嘱时他是否神智正常?

    Was he sane when he made the will ?

  6. 我的未婚妻恐惧的神智不清了?

    My fiance scaredhalf out of her mind?

  7. 老年痴呆症导致她神智不清。

    Alzheimer's is responsible for her destroyed mind.

  8. 老年痴呆症导致她神智不清。

    Alzheimer's is responsible for her destroyed mind.

  9. 他已经喝醉了,神智不太清楚。

    He is drunk now, he isn't clear thinking clearly.

  10. 他已经喝醉了,神智不太清楚。

    He is drunk now, he isn't clear thinking clearly.

  11. 我忍受着多么神智昏迷的狂热!

    What a delirious fever is this that I suffer from!

  12. 专家诊断我说, 我已经神智不清了

    And the experts say Im delirious

  13. 上帝在神智学的犹太法典。

    God in the Theosophy of the Talmud.

  14. 他感到自己周身兴奋激动, 神智飘荡。

    He felt his body awaken excitedly, his senses swim.

  15. 老太太发高烧, 神智不清, 需要守护。

    The old woman was feverish and out of her head and had to be watched.

  16. 他的神智安宁, 似乎从没困惑过。

    He has perfect poise and never seems embarrassed.

  17. 喝了咖啡,我的神智略微清醒了些。

    My mind started to wake up a bit after the coffee.

  18. 喝了咖啡,我的神智略微清醒了些。

    My mind started to wake up a bit after the coffee.

  19. 我完全相信我的同行是神智不清了。

    I made sure my colleague was insane.

  20. 是我们神智不清?还是我内心被扰乱?

    Are we demented or am I disturbed ?

  21. 法官断定他神智清楚,应对他的行为负责。

    The court judged him sane and responsible for his acts.

  22. 神智正常的人都不会做这件事。

    No one in their senses would do it.

  23. 伤者终于恢复了神智, 他要求喝水。

    At last the wounded man regained consciousness and asked for a drink of water.

  24. 是为了成为承担了黑暗的神智发疯者。

    Be the insane one who takes on the darkness.

  25. 是为了成为承担了黑暗得神智发疯者。

    Be the insane one who takes on the darkness.

  26. 我现在有气无力,神智不清,昨晚没睡好。

    I feel groggy now because I did not sleep well last night.

  27. 结果发现她的神智完全正常,没有精神问题

    Perfectly sane. She had no medical problems.

  28. 你所有的朋友都认为你神智力不清。

    To all your friends, you are delirious.

  29. 神智清醒的人都不会去干那种事。

    Anyone in his right senses wouldn't do that.

  30. 神智清醒得人都不会去干那种事。

    Anyone in his right senses wouldn't do that.


  1. 问:神智拼音怎么拼?神智的读音是什么?神智翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神智的读音是shénzhì,神智翻译成英文是 The consciousness; the senses.

  2. 问:神智学拼音怎么拼?神智学的读音是什么?神智学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神智学的读音是,神智学翻译成英文是 Theosophy

  3. 问:神智不清拼音怎么拼?神智不清的读音是什么?神智不清翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神智不清的读音是,神智不清翻译成英文是 delirious

  4. 问:神智学协会拼音怎么拼?神智学协会的读音是什么?神智学协会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神智学协会的读音是,神智学协会翻译成英文是 Theosophical Society

  5. 问:神智正常的拼音怎么拼?神智正常的的读音是什么?神智正常的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神智正常的的读音是,神智正常的翻译成英文是 sane


