


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……


通:四通八~。~德(通行天下的美德)。~人。~士(达人)。通晓:洞~。练~。遍,全面:~观(对不如意的事情看得开,不计个人的得失)。到:到~。抵~。通宵~旦。实现:目的已~。传出来:传(chuán)~。转(zhuǎn )~。得到显要的地位:……



汉语拼音:chuán dá










  1. 通报;转告。

    《周礼·夏官·太仆》:“大丧,始崩,戒鼓传达于四方。” 孔颖达 疏:“谓以鼓声相传闻达四方。” 唐 元稹 《邵常政内侍省内谒者监》:“勑天子有内诸臣,所以参侍奉备传达,而将外诸臣之復也。” 宋 苏轼 《故龙图阁学士滕公墓志铭》:“諫官 杨绘 言宰相不当以其子判皷院,上曰:‘ 绘 不习朝廷事,皷院传达而已,何与於事?’”《警世通言·桂员外途穷忏悔》:“ 施还 在门上候了多时,守门的推三阻四不肯与他传达。”如:传达命令;传达报告。

  2. 转递移送。

    明 沉德符 《野获编补遗·畿辅·安乐堂》:“内廷宫人无位号名而病故,或以谴责死者,其尸传达安乐堂。”《警世通言·宿香亭张浩遇莺莺》:“专来传达书信。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》十一:“ 焕之 四望云物,光明而清鲜,一阵暖风吹来,带着新生、发展、繁荣的消息,几传达到每一个细胞。”

  3. 传递表达。

    夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》三:“声音中间传达出衷心的喜悦。” 叶圣陶 《隔膜·两封回信》:“自己是怎么一种心情,要借这封信去传达。”

  4. 指传达室的工作人员。

    沈从文 《失业》:“衙门的事更不好办,接慢了,那县公署传达会打官腔说你‘延误公事’。”参见“ 传达室 ”。



  1. In each case, the company is trying to convey the idea that it offers a creative, fun working environment.


  2. But the main thing the bluntness conveys is how much better Ms Chua and her family are than everyone around them.


  3. IKB was one such but, when it came to this deal, Goldman's message was: "We're taking care of our balance sheet and you're on your own. "


  4. "conveyance" is referred to the presentation of a product's meaning and implication to the receivers (customers).


  5. You'll have to drive hell for leather to get this message to the soldiers in time. The enemy are approaching very fast.


  6. Bill: Good morning. I'm sorry to have to call you in here like this, but there's been some bad news from Head Office.


  7. The existing wireless spectrum usage rules did not promote competition and failed to deliver benefits to end-users.


  8. I'll tell you what I think the trouble is . they used visuals and music to convey an overall image, but did not say much about the product.


  9. Through the matches where their team emerge unbeaten, we seem to send out a message to the world: See?


  1. 听传达报告

    hear a relayed report.

  2. 文件的传达

    certificate of conveyance.

  3. 沟通。传达。感染

    communicate vt.

  4. 视觉传达设计

    visual communication design.

  5. 传达上级指示

    communicate the instructions of the higher level

  6. 听说没有传达。

    I understand they were never disseminated throughout the Party.

  7. 视觉传达力

    visual conveying power.

  8. 打旗语传达命令

    flag an order

  9. 传达文件的精神

    pass on the gist of a document

  10. 口信传达错了。

    The oral message was incorrectly transmitted.

  11. jonesmith传达他的问候。

    John Smith sends his regards.

  12. 用电缆传达讯息

    messaged the instruction by cable.

  13. 用眼神传达关心。

    Eye contact that shows we care.

  14. 支付时期传达电文

    payment mode message

  15. 视觉媒体传达设计

    Visual CoMMunication Desigen

  16. 传达积极的信息。

    in their respective histories and geographies?

  17. 好的,我去传达。

    Yeah.I'll tell them.

  18. 变位传达率

    displacement transmissibility.

  19. 好的,我去传达。

    Yeah. I'll tell them.

  20. 消息未能有效传达。

    The information had not been put across properly.

  21. 消息未能有效传达。

    The information had not been put across properly.

  22. 淋漓尽致的个性传达

    Incisive and vivid expression of personality

  23. 把报告传达给某人

    transmit a report to sb.

  24. 派专人传达这消息

    transmit the news by hand

  25. 好的,我一定传达。

    Okay. I will make sure he gets the message.

  26. 思想可由语言传达。

    Ideas are communicable by words.

  27. 法院传达员, 书记员

    a court usher, reporter

  28. 你只需要传达指令。

    Okay,it's starting to sound better.Okay.

  29. 传达公司正面的形象

    projected a positive corporate image.

  30. 灯光的颜色及其传达

    The colors of lights and their expression


  1. 问:传达拼音怎么拼?传达的读音是什么?传达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达的读音是chuándá,传达翻译成英文是 pass … on; receptionist

  2. 问:传达指示拼音怎么拼?传达指示的读音是什么?传达指示翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达指示的读音是chuándázhǐshì,传达指示翻译成英文是 pass on an instruction

  3. 问:传达室拼音怎么拼?传达室的读音是什么?传达室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达室的读音是chuándáshì,传达室翻译成英文是 a room, usually by the gate of an establishment, wh...

  4. 问:传达员拼音怎么拼?传达员的读音是什么?传达员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达员的读音是,传达员翻译成英文是 bellman

  5. 问:传达者拼音怎么拼?传达者的读音是什么?传达者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达者的读音是,传达者翻译成英文是 communicator

  6. 问:传达命令拼音怎么拼?传达命令的读音是什么?传达命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达命令的读音是chuán dámìng lìng,传达命令翻译成英文是 Deliver an Order

  7. 问:传达错误拼音怎么拼?传达错误的读音是什么?传达错误翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达错误的读音是chuán dá cuò wù,传达错误翻译成英文是 mistake in communication

  8. 问:传达长度拼音怎么拼?传达长度的读音是什么?传达长度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达长度的读音是chuán dá cháng dù,传达长度翻译成英文是 development length

  9. 问:传达指示信拼音怎么拼?传达指示信的读音是什么?传达指示信翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达指示信的读音是chuán dá zhǐ shì xìn,传达指示信翻译成英文是 letter of transmittal

  10. 问:传达消息的拼音怎么拼?传达消息的的读音是什么?传达消息的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达消息的的读音是,传达消息的翻译成英文是 communicant

  11. 问:传达命令用明确语言拼音怎么拼?传达命令用明确语言的读音是什么?传达命令用明确语言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传达命令用明确语言的读音是chuán dá mìng lìng yòng míng què yǔ yán,传达命令用明确语言翻译成英文是 Clear Language for Expressing Orders



“传达”是个多义词,它可以指传达(汉语词语), 传达(职业名词)。