







汉语拼音:gǔ shì



金融市场的组成部分。是进行 股票发行和交易的市场。股票发行的市场也叫一级市场,股票交易的市场也叫二级市场。



  1. The stock markets of the small, exporting Asian nations have continued to attract investors, helped by surging Chinese equities.


  2. The banks had promoted the idea that this was a new era where market crashes were a thing of the past.


  3. Stocks go up and down, and things may be different tomorrow, but I thought it was worth a moment of reflection today.


  4. Given that virtually every stock went down in 2008, nearly all buy recommendations turned out to be, at the least, premature.


  5. Prof. Sylla expects to see stocks turn more lastingly upward some time in the next two years.


  6. The office became busier and busier. Orders to buy and sell came and went like birds flying. This was the stock market, the world of money.


  7. With more investors coming to believe that the beginning of an economic recovery is approaching, stocks have been advancing.


  8. The stock market bubble has burst and, despite signs of economic recovery, Wall Street seems to be sunk in gloom.


  9. It is hard to argue that China has added too much to its capital stock when, per person, it has only about 5% of what America or Japan has.


  1. 股市下跌。

    The stock market is down.

  2. 股市暴跌。

    The stock took a nosedive.

  3. 关心股市走向

    be concerned about stock market trends

  4. 股市呈下降趋势。

    The stock market is going on a downward trend.

  5. 你是如何揣摩股市的?

    How do you feel about the stock market?

  6. 股市连续四天低价收盘。

    The stock market closed low for the fourth straight day.

  7. 他对股市变化反应迟钝。

    He was slow to react to the changes on the stock exchange.

  8. 股市还没到山穷水尽的地步。

    The stock market still hasn't reached its lowest point.

  9. 政府捏造了消息来操纵股市。

    The government faked some news to manipulate the market shares.

  10. 本月有许多股市创下新高。

    Many equity markets have set fresh highs this month.

  11. 股市再吹跌风,她十分紧张。

    She is very nervous because stock market prices are likely to fall.

  12. 因为股市不景气,他不得不斩仓。

    As the stock market is in recession, he has to sell his shares at a low price.

  13. 股市崩盘引起了极大的恐慌。

    Great confusion occurred when the stock market crashed.

  14. 中国股市从未达到过这样的水平。

    Chinese stocks never get there.

  15. 我感谢你告诉我股市最近的变动。

    I appreciate your information of the latest change of the share market.

  16. 最近股市不断地盘跌,震荡不大。

    Recently, the stock market has been falling slightly in price, with small fluctuations.

  17. 股市不稳,很多股民开始减仓。

    The stock market is becoming volatile, so many shareholders begin to sell shares.

  18. 这两天股市的成交额明显提高了。

    Recently, the volume of business has obviously increased.

  19. 这种担心导致上海股市出现剧烈波动。

    Such concerns have led to high volatility in the Shanghai stock market.

  20. 我想,股市将来的多变性还会增强。

    I think you will probably see more volatility.

  21. 到那个时候,股市就再也得不到补贴。

    At that point, the stock market cannot be subsidised any more.

  22. 据报道,亚洲股市已经连续四天走低了。

    It is reported that Asian shares have gone down for four consecutive days.

  23. 中国的股市和房地产泡沫肯定令人担忧。

    Certainly, in China, stock and property bubbles are a concern.

  24. 股市的每一次涨跌都牵动着股民的心。

    Every up and down in the stock market affects the stock holders' feelings.

  25. 近来股市有些疲困,个股只跌不涨。

    Recently, the stock market is sluggish, shares of individual companies have dropped and haven't gone up.

  26. 全世界股市不振是受到了经济形势的影响。

    Stock markets throughout the world are suffering because of the economy.

  27. 近来股市全线飘绿,持续下跌,股民都很着急。

    The stock market has fallen in price recently, stock investors are quite anxious.

  28. 艾迪彩票赢得的奖金抵消了他在股市的损失。

    Eddy's lotto prize compensated his loss in the stock.

  29. 然后股市再度下跌,这次跌了几乎百分之三十。

    Then the stock market corrected again and this time it went down almost 30%

  30. 据估计,股市可能会因这家公司的破产而震荡。

    In theory, the share market may get agitated by the corporation's bankruptcy.


  1. 问:股市拼音怎么拼?股市的读音是什么?股市翻译成英文是什么?

    答:股市的读音是gǔshì,股市翻译成英文是 stock market

  2. 问:股市指数拼音怎么拼?股市指数的读音是什么?股市指数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:股市指数的读音是gǔshìzhǐshù,股市指数翻译成英文是 stock market index

  3. 问:股市症候群拼音怎么拼?股市症候群的读音是什么?股市症候群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:股市症候群的读音是gǔshìzhènghòuqún,股市症候群翻译成英文是 stock-market sufferer; stock syndrome


