


原故,原由,事物发生前已具备的条件:原~。~素。~果。病~。理由:~为(wéi )。~而。依,顺着,沿袭:~此。~之。~循(a.沿袭;b.迟延拖拉)。~噎废食。陈陈相~。……


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……







汉语拼音:yīn dì zhì yí





根据当地的实际情况,制定适当的措施。汉赵晔《吴越春秋·阖闾内传》:“夫筑城郭,立仓库,因地制宜,岂有天气之数以威邻国者乎?” 宜:适当。



  • 【解释】:因:依据;制:制定;宜:适当的措施。根据各地的具体情况,制定适宜的办法。
  • 【出自】:汉·赵晔《吴越春秋·阖闾内传》:“夫筑城郭,立仓库,因地制宜,岂有天气之数以威邻国者乎?”


  1. What they share is not only a desire to help a badly served community but also a sense of where architecture fits in.


  2. The technical parameters which have been obtained can be used to design and construction under suitable conditions.


  3. Different technologies are applied to different requirement of sewage quality with suitable measures to local condition.


  4. setting down and carrying out area marketing developmental plans adjust measures to local conditions.


  5. The papers give an impression of a lack of military discrimination in how operations were conducted.


  6. Ecological environment should be harnessed through controlling land desertification and utilizating woodland as permanent nature defence.


  7. In everything we do , we must suit our measures to different conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and people concerned.


  8. Models could not then be universal: they would have to be specific to contexts.


  9. To solve the problem of lack of better paving material, utilization of high plastic clay and bi-ash soil construction can be adopted.


  1. 因地制宜的原则

    the principle of adaptation to local conditions

  2. 因地制宜, 分类指导

    take into account local conditions and give detailed guidance

  3. 按因地制宜的原则

    in line with local conditions

  4. 因地制宜地进行密植

    carry out close planting in line with local conditions

  5. 村庄整治应因地制宜

    Measures for renovating villages should be suited to local conditions

  6. 节能策略应该因地制宜

    The energy conservation strategy should act as circumstances permit

  7. 怎样更好地因地制宜。

    it's like, what will match this trick?

  8. 因地制宜发展农业机械工业

    develop farm machinery industry in the light of local conditions

  9. 要因地制宜充分利用当地资源。

    Make full use of the local food resources.

  10. 因地制宜发展和应用喷灌技术。

    Suit the development and applications of sprinkler irrigation technique to local conditions.

  11. 因地制宜建设安全高效现代化矿井

    Proceed in the light of local conditions to build safety and high efficiency modern coal mines

  12. 因地制宜地积极发展农业机械工业

    energetically develop farm machinery industry in the light of local conditions

  13. 新农村建设要因地制宜突出特色

    Measures Should be suited to Local Conditions and Characteristics Stressed in the Construction of the New Contryside

  14. 我因地制宜因为我相信所有的可能性。

    I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities.

  15. 因地制宜发展贵州优质蛋白玉米生产

    Developing the high quality protein corn production of Guizhou in the light of local conditions

  16. 因地制宜, 因时制宜, 因事制宜, 因人制宜

    suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and persons involved

  17. 因地制宜选择广电网络的宽带接入方式

    Selections of Broadband Access Way for Broadcasting Network

  18. 二是明确任务和目标,因地制宜地开展工作。

    Is a clear mandate and objectives, according to its work.

  19. 因地制宜调整农用地结构,加强耕地质量保护。

    Readjusting land use structure and paying attention to the quality protection of arable land.

  20. 集中统一与因地制宜,照顾历史习惯相结合。

    The combination of centralization and unification with acting in light with local conditions and giving consideration to historical habit.

  21. 因地制宜并在寻求经济发展的同时保护环境

    suit measures to local conditions and protect the environment while seeking economic development

  22. 因地制宜发展北方小城镇污水稳定塘处理技术

    Extending the Treating Technology of Stabilization Pond Suitable to Local Condition in North Town

  23. 对先进的经验我们应该因地制宜,不应生搬硬套。

    We should apply advanced experience according to local conditions and shouldn't apply it mechanically.

  24. 不同的技术需要因地制宜地应用于不同的水质需求。

    Different technologies are applied to different requirement of sewage quality with suitable measures to local condition.

  25. 运用因材制用、因地制宜、因势利导的形态构成原则。

    To use forms according to form characteristics, local conditions and circumstances to constitute principles.

  26. 第二条离休干部得安置, 要从实际出发, 因地制宜。

    The second placement of retired cadres, should proceed from reality local conditions.

  27. 第二条离休干部的安置,要从实际出发,因地制宜。

    The second placement of retired cadres, should proceed from reality local conditions.

  28. 以苏北为例谈因地制宜的农村民居建筑设计

    Discussion on the design of suit measures to local conditions rural residence architecture for example north of Jiangsu

  29. 战略框架应继续做到因地制宜,尽量避免重复现有工作。

    Strategic frameworks should continue to adapt to local conditions and strive to avoid duplication of existing efforts.

  30. 垃圾收集站的设计各有不同,为能因地制宜,配合实际需要。

    The RCPs are of different designs according to the actual need and site availability.


  1. 问:因地制宜拼音怎么拼?因地制宜的读音是什么?因地制宜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:因地制宜的读音是yīndìzhìyí,因地制宜翻译成英文是 act according to local conditions



因地制宜,是根据当地的具体情况,制定或采取适当的措施来干某件事情或处理一些事。 因:根据;制:制定;宜:适宜的措施。 我国农业耕作因纬度、日照、积温、农业机械化程度、农耕农艺措施及技术水平不同,各地在制定农业区划、规划时对针地域特点作出不同的方案,在农业上亦称”因地制宜“。