







汉语拼音:huì jí








  1. 聚集。

    明 胡应麟 《诗薮·六朝》:“世但知 萧 氏《文选》,然《吟谱》称 昭明 汇集 汉 后五言,为《诗选》二十卷,其中必大有五朝佳什,惜今不可见矣。” 瞿秋白 《文艺论辑·关于整理中国文学史的问题》:“自然譬如 杨筠如 做的这本《九品中正与六朝门阀》,只不过汇集一些材料,不但没有经济的分析,并且没有一点儿最低限度的社会的政治的情况底描写。”如:各地代表都汇集到 北京 开会。

  2. 聚集。

    清 朱克敬 《瞑庵杂识》卷一:“ 湘潭 居 交 、 广 、 江 、 湖 间,商贾匯集,而 江西 人尤多。” 艾青 《光的赞歌》诗:“每一粒微尘都有自己的能量,无数的微尘汇集成一片光明。”

  3. 指水流汇合。

    沈从文 《从文自传·我所生长的地方》:“一道小河从高山绝涧中流出,汇集了万山细流,沿了两岸有杉树林的河沟奔驶而过。” 叶君健 《火花》七:“山涧里的涌泉从四面八方汇集到里面来,形成一股春潮。”



  1. It features over a hundred artists, but I've pulled some of the best ones to share with you today below.


  2. Some questions need to be answered: How much water was impounded, where and when?


  3. He said G20 YES is a fabulous initiative, gathering so much energy and momentum from all over the world.


  4. It is not just a matter of marshalling facts, but a question of seeing what, if anything, holds the story together.


  5. The power of the waterfall is nothing but a lot of drips working together.


  6. Or again, if I know your QQ, will want to mobilize all my day you know User QQ, make your QQ several times been QIANG rape.


  7. Experience the quiet slowly gathered into a share of his mind, and water power.


  8. Around this point, the power of the Tibetan landscape and the beliefs of many cultures converge.


  9. "The virus has infiltrated every part of your system, I'm afraid, and its pernicious influx has inflicted a great deal of damage, " he said.


  1. 秘书处汇集

    Secretariat Digest.

  2. 客户情况汇集

    customer profiling.

  3. 汇集经济信息

    collect economic information

  4. 民意汇集专员

    Commissioner, Survey Office.

  5. 民意汇集处

    Survey Office.

  6. 汇集性捐助

    Which I call aggregated giving.

  7. 破碎记忆的汇集

    A collage of conflicting memories.

  8. 音阶旋律词汇集

    Thesaurus Of Scales And Melodic Patterns

  9. 汇集风管压力损失

    pressure loss of manifold trunk

  10. 人群汇集到广场上。

    A crowd gathered on the square.

  11. 人群汇集到广场上。

    A crowd gathered on the square.

  12. 他们全部汇集在一起。

    They were herded all together.

  13. 他们正设法汇集资料。

    They are trying to get the data together.

  14. 多种社会因素的汇集

    a confluence of social factors

  15. 民意汇集处监察委员

    Monitor, Survey Office

  16. 人群汇集在宫殿的四周。

    The crowds concentrated round the palace.

  17. 璀璨夺目, 只因你们的汇集!

    Bright and brilliant, only because you gather!

  18. 被汇集成法典的法律

    the laws embodied in a legal code

  19. 画吗, 是一些思想的汇集吗

    The landscape of a dream A collection of ideas

  20. 黄山汇集了大自然的美。

    In Mount Huangshan we find all Beauties of Nature.

  21. 黄山汇集了大自然得美。

    In Mount Huangshan we find all Beauties of Nature.

  22. 这些数据应被汇集和分析。

    This data shall be collected and analyzed.

  23. 这两条河在桥下汇集。

    The two rivers join at the bridge.

  24. 我发现这里汇集了多元文化

    I noticed it's very multicultural.

  25. 各种彩灯都汇集在广场上。

    Many kinds of color lamps are all collected in the square.

  26. 所有的血都汇集在了那里。

    All the blood's pooling there.

  27. 汇集多方资料编辑的旅行指南。

    a guidebook compiled from a variety of sources

  28. 汇集多方资料编辑得旅行指南。

    a guidebook compiled from a variety of sources

  29. 汇集法规或法令的系统化分类

    A systematic arrangement of statutes or court decisions.

  30. 和伙伴共享和汇集技术专长和资源。

    Pooling of expertise and resources with partners.


  1. 问:汇集拼音怎么拼?汇集的读音是什么?汇集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇集的读音是huìjí,汇集翻译成英文是 collect

  2. 问:汇集者拼音怎么拼?汇集者的读音是什么?汇集者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇集者的读音是,汇集者翻译成英文是 gatherer

  3. 问:汇集表拼音怎么拼?汇集表的读音是什么?汇集表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇集表的读音是huì jí biǎo,汇集表翻译成英文是 rendezvous table

  4. 问:汇集分析拼音怎么拼?汇集分析的读音是什么?汇集分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇集分析的读音是huì jí fèn xī,汇集分析翻译成英文是 pooled analysis

  5. 问:汇集合成拼音怎么拼?汇集合成的读音是什么?汇集合成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇集合成的读音是huì jí hé chéng,汇集合成翻译成英文是 convergent synthesis

  6. 问:汇集时间拼音怎么拼?汇集时间的读音是什么?汇集时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇集时间的读音是huì jí shí jiān,汇集时间翻译成英文是 binding time

  7. 问:汇集机构拼音怎么拼?汇集机构的读音是什么?汇集机构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇集机构的读音是huì jí jī gòu,汇集机构翻译成英文是 sink agency

  8. 问:汇集平均值拼音怎么拼?汇集平均值的读音是什么?汇集平均值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇集平均值的读音是huì jí píng jūn zhí,汇集平均值翻译成英文是 assembly average

  9. 问:汇集与分解维修拼音怎么拼?汇集与分解维修的读音是什么?汇集与分解维修翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇集与分解维修的读音是huì jí yǔ fēn jiě wéi xiū,汇集与分解维修翻译成英文是 maintenance assembly disassembly


