







汉语拼音:gāo qiāo






  1. 'It's like you're walking on stilts, ' he says. 'The ball of your foot is up a couple of inches off the ground in platform shoes.


  2. Performance of facial make-up, the stage dressed in costumes, horse bamboo frame around the bar, half-foot stilts , welcomed by the people.


  3. Their new home was on stilts, leaning out of the green hills right over the lake.


  4. Having proved his point, Dr Wittlinger returned both stumped and stilted ants to the nest and gave them a few days to recover.


  5. Slaves on stilts, slaves in chains . . . they may have troops of blind men and palsied children too, I would not put it past them.


  6. Standing four feet tall on stilt-like legs, the regal secretary bird may appear from a distance to be a crane.


  7. She'd come to him in high heels, a girl of 6 or 7 who seemed to walk on stilts.


  8. And she followed him into the kitchen like a pony on high heels.


  9. And with legs as wobbly as stilts, their best defense is to lie low.


  1. 我们一起走高跷吧。

    Let's walk on stilts.

  2. 在高跷上保持平衡

    to balance oneself on stilts

  3. 高跷运动的起源,发展与创新

    Origin, Development and Innovation of Stilt Exercises

  4. 他那么高,我以为他踩着高跷。

    He was so tall I thought he was on stilts.

  5. 他那么高,我以为他踩着高跷。

    He was so tall I thought he was on stilts.

  6. 野心只是踩在高跷上的贪婪。

    Ambition is but avarice on stilts. w.s.

  7. 高跷舞得基本动作是秧歌步。

    Stilt dance basic moves are Yangko step.

  8. 高跷舞的基本动作是秧歌步。

    Stilt dance basic moves are Yangko step.

  9. 力学原理与竞技高跷创新设计

    The Princple of Mechanics and the Innovative Design of Stilts for Competition

  10. 比利时那慕尔高跷艺术团

    The Namur Stilt Walkers of Belgium

  11. 高跷舞是一种民间歌舞表演形式。

    Stilt dancing is a form of folk songs and performances.

  12. 马戏团的小丑善于踩着高跷走和跑。

    Circus clowns are experts at walking and running on stilts.

  13. 马戏团得小丑善于踩着高跷走和跑。

    Circus clowns are experts at walking and running on stilts.

  14. 野心只不过是踩着高跷戴着面具的贪婪。

    Ambiton is but Avarice on stilts and masked.

  15. 他们踩着高跷还能表演自如,真不简单。

    It's remarkable that they can perform so smoothly while on stilts.

  16. 有时候,你甚至可以看到他游街下来高跷大街。

    Sometimes you even see him parading down Main Street on stilts.

  17. 她跟着他来到厨房,像匹踩着高跷的小马。

    And she followed him into the kitchen like a pony on high heels.

  18. 这种对高跷建在湖边的房子让生活在水直接。

    This house on the lake built on stilts allows for living directly over the water.

  19. 在100个水平房鲈鱼上方的绿松石泻湖高跷。

    The 100 overwater bungalows perch on stilts above the turquoise lagoon.

  20. 其他的蚂蚁则在其脚部粘上猪鬃,做成高跷。

    Others were fitted with stilts in the form of pigbristles glued to their feet.

  21. 高跷根源这些都是不定的支持根,除常见的红树林。

    Stilt roots these are adventitious support roots, common among mangroves.

  22. 高跷100黄金奖杯分数100分在一个单独的游戏与一名球员。

    Stilt 100 Gold Trophy Score 100 points in a single solo game with a single player.

  23. 高跷100黄金奖杯分数100分在一个单独得游戏与一名球员。

    Stilt 100 Gold Trophy Score 100 points in a single solo game with a single player.

  24. 杰夫正把木块安到高跷, 这些木块能让他踩在高跷上。

    Jeff was putting blocks of wood on stilts. These were for his feet to rest on.

  25. 苦水高高跷跷腿得高度达3至3。3米,居全国之冠。

    Grievances and raise ones foot stilts high up the legs of a high degree of3 to3.3 meters, ranking number one.

  26. 他们似乎栖息在距离这世界很远的高处,像踩在高跷上。

    They seem to be perched far above the world, like men on stilts.


  1. 问:高跷拼音怎么拼?高跷的读音是什么?高跷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高跷的读音是gāoqiāo,高跷翻译成英文是 stilt

  2. 问:高跷鹬拼音怎么拼?高跷鹬的读音是什么?高跷鹬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高跷鹬的读音是gāoqiāoyù,高跷鹬翻译成英文是 Stilt Sandpiper; Micropalama himantopus



高跷属汉族民间舞蹈的一种形式,艺人们腿绑高跷,在音乐的伴奏下翩翩起舞,舞姿以雄健、惊险为主,一般在春节,元宵节等节日表演。 高跷是舞蹈者脚上绑着长木跷进行表演的形式,技艺性强,形式活泼多样,由于演员踩跷比一般人高,便于远近观赏。关于高跷的起源,学者们多认为与原始氏族的图腾崇拜、与沿海渔民的捕鱼生活有关。 据《列子·说符》篇记载:“宋有兰子者,以枝干宋元。宋元台而使见其枝。以双枝长信其身,属其胫,并趋并驰,并七剑迭而跃之,五剑常在空中,元君大惊,立赐金帛。”从文中可知,高跷早在中国先秦时期已在汉族民间流行。