




查:~查。~测。~讨。~举。~校(jiào )。~修。~索。~察。注意约束(言行):~点(a.注意约束言行,如“参加宴会时连吃带拿,太不~~了”;b.查看是否符合,如“把行李~~一遍”)。失~。古代官名,掌修国史,位次编修。姓。……



汉语拼音:ān jiǎn







  1. I remember a little incident at the custom, when a lady after me had her hand carry scanned and was asked for a 'chat'.


  2. In Huston, NASA officials are trying to figure out how a contractor got past security with a pistol.


  3. He said the fact the number of new revocations since December 25 is relatively small reflects the basic strength of screening procedures.


  4. They had announced her departure and standing near the security gate, they hugged and he said, "I love you. I wish you enough. "


  5. They should have captured Bin Laden alive and made him continually go through airport security for the rest of his life.


  6. The staff notified Mr. Jobs that he wasn't allowed to carry it through security with him, the magazine says.


  7. As the conference wound down and his American colleagues headed to the airport, he made a joke about escaping across the border.


  8. She also said that doing so not to attract attention, but to let security personnel "at a glance, " do not have to touch her body.


  9. Another transportation security officer directs me to enter an advanced imaging technology machine, also known as a body scanner.


  1. 机场安检。

    Airport security.

  2. 食品安检系统

    Food Security System

  3. 请通过安检门。

    Please go through security.

  4. 交了,安检也过了。

    Yes, I have paid the fee and gone through the safety inspection.

  5. 机场新的安检技术。

    New airport technology raises issue of.

  6. 型摩托车安检线

    Model Motorcycle Safety Test Line

  7. 乘客登机前必须安检。

    Passengers must go through security before boarding.

  8. 乘客登机前必须安检。

    Passengers must go through security before boarding.

  9. 机场安检也已经改善。

    There also have been improvements in airport security.

  10. 香港国际机场加强安检

    HK international airport tightens security

  11. 首都机场加开安检通道

    New Security Check Path Opened at Beijing Capital Airport

  12. 你带着大麻过了安检?

    You went through security with pot?

  13. 最长16分钟可过机场安检

    Maximum 16 minutes for airport security check

  14. 我有个有安检许可的朋友。

    I had a friend with security clearance.

  15. 大多数轿车座不能通过安检

    Most car seats fail safety test

  16. 我被堵在安检队伍里了

    Held up at the TSA line.

  17. 防爆安检技术现状综述

    Summarize of Status Quo of Security Technology

  18. 你们这里的安检系统真复杂。

    You have a very sophisticated security system here.

  19. 粮仓,煤井安检防爆吊篮

    granary, Meijing explosionproof security basket.

  20. 我战战兢兢地开车经过安检站。

    I drove gingerly past the security check points.

  21. 机场安检门往这边走。

    The security checkpoint is this way.

  22. 机场使用新技术进行乘客安检

    Airport Security Screens Passengers Using New Technology

  23. 也许你是第一个通过安检的。

    Maybe you were the first to get to security.

  24. 那或许是因为最近安检比较严。

    Thats probably due to newly tightened security.

  25. 先生,我们需要对您进行安检搜身。

    Sir, we need to give you a body search.

  26. 乘客要通过安检才能进入火车站。

    Passengers are asked to go through the security check before they enter the railway station.

  27. 我们只好向安检台出示证件。

    We had to show our papers at the security desk.

  28. 安检入口处微量炸药的检测技术

    Techniques for Detecting Traces of Explosives at Safety Check Entrances

  29. 法令规定了一套严格的安检程序。

    The regulations lay down a rigid procedure for checking safety equipment.

  30. 请您赶快过安检,现在已经登机了。

    Please hurry up to pass security check, now it's boarding.


  1. 问:安检拼音怎么拼?安检的读音是什么?安检翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安检的读音是ānjiǎn,安检翻译成英文是 security check



安全检查是口岸检查(包括边防检查、海关检查、卫生检疫、动、植物检疫和安全检查等)的内容之一, 是出入境人员必须履行的检查手续, 是保障旅客人身安全的重要预防措施。