




倾斜的地方:山~。下~。倾斜:~道。~降(jiàng )(a.坡;b.坡度)。……



汉语拼音:dǒu pō








  1. 坡度大而近乎垂直的坡。

    明 唐顺之 《裕州均田碑记》:“膏腴之田,一而当一;平石冈田,二而当一;冈石山田,三而当一;山石陡坡,四而当一。陂池林麓廨宅舖舍,廛市之税例蠲除。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第二十章:“悬崖旁边是一个陡陂,被长年的流水冲得坡坡坎坎。” 冰心 《晚晴集·我的童年》:“这所医院是在陡坡上坐南朝北盖的。”



  1. Down below us, where the escarpment levelled out, was a grassy field used for pasture, bounded by a line of pollarded willows.


  2. One three? lane section of road near my parents' home winds up a steep mountainside before turning into a two? lane.


  3. But the most agonizing song is the song of the coolies who bring the great bales from the junk up the steep steps to the town wall.


  4. this site , comprising several protected areas , is situated predominantly along the great escarpment on australia ' s east coast.


  5. We reach the top of a small bluff where three mud-brick classrooms stand, their walls gouged with bullet holes, their roofs missing.


  6. The specific area of the reclamation-forbidden slope shall be determined and announced by the local people's government at the county level.


  7. Even more common are cave entrances along the escarpments, owing to the cropping out of carbonate units.


  8. However, near the escarpments of the Cumberland Plateau, evidence of solution of carbonates beneath clastic rocks becomes apparent.


  9. The shrinkage has wrinkled parts of the moon's surface like a raisin, creating pinched formations called lobate scarps. . .


  1. 悬崖, 陡坡。

    scarp n.

  2. 叶绿素陡坡

    chlorophyll high steep slope.

  3. 断裂陡坡带

    fault steep slope belt.

  4. 南部陡坡带

    southern steep slope zone.

  5. 陡坡地形的

    steep gradient topographic

  6. 长距离,陡坡

    long and steep slope

  7. 陡坡用康拜因

    extreme hillside combine

  8. 陡坡准直体

    FTO object

  9. 就是个陡坡嘛!

    It's steep!

  10. 悬崖呈陡坡状。

    The cliff drops sharply.

  11. 使之形成陡坡

    To cause to form a steep slope.

  12. 陡坡陡的下坡

    A steep or abrupt downward slope.

  13. 黄土陡坡地

    loess steep hillslope

  14. 没有什么陡坡吧?

    There are not any steep hills, are there?

  15. 陡坡住宅院落设计

    Design of Sloping Housing Courtyard

  16. 陡坡渠道急流冲击波

    Study on rapid flow shock wave in sloping channel

  17. 陡坡地退耕还林模式

    Models of Steep Cultivated Slop Land Returning Forest.

  18. 攀登陡坡是危险的。

    It is dangerous to climb up a steep slope.

  19. 两面陡坡的狭窄山谷

    narrow valleys with steep sides

  20. 两面陡坡的狭窄山谷

    narrow valleys with steep sides

  21. 断陷湖盆陡坡带

    actic region of faulted lake basin

  22. 汽车爬陡坡试验方法

    Climbing steep hill test method of automobiles

  23. 湖畔的一个小陡坡

    a short drop to the lake

  24. 陡坡的坡度陡的,如屋顶

    Steeply sloped, as a roof.

  25. 陡坡斜井施工方法初探

    Discussion on the construction techniques of inclined shafts with steep slope

  26. 在下陡坡时必须换挡。

    You have to shift when you go down a steep hill.

  27. 他喘着气走上陡坡。

    He puffed up the steep slope.

  28. 公共厕所在一个陡坡上。

    The public toilets are up a very steep slope.

  29. 公共厕所在一个陡坡上。

    The public toilets are up a very steep slope.

  30. 陡斜向下倾斜的陡坡

    A steep downward slope.


  1. 问:陡坡拼音怎么拼?陡坡的读音是什么?陡坡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陡坡的读音是dǒupō,陡坡翻译成英文是 steep gradient

  2. 问:陡坡墙拼音怎么拼?陡坡墙的读音是什么?陡坡墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陡坡墙的读音是dǒu pō qiáng,陡坡墙翻译成英文是 scarp wall

  3. 问:陡坡拱拼音怎么拼?陡坡拱的读音是什么?陡坡拱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陡坡拱的读音是dǒu pō gǒng,陡坡拱翻译成英文是 steep arch

  4. 问:陡坡屋顶拼音怎么拼?陡坡屋顶的读音是什么?陡坡屋顶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陡坡屋顶的读音是dǒu pō wū dǐng,陡坡屋顶翻译成英文是 steep roof

  5. 问:陡坡攀登拼音怎么拼?陡坡攀登的读音是什么?陡坡攀登翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陡坡攀登的读音是dǒu pō pān dēng,陡坡攀登翻译成英文是 steep climbing

  6. 问:陡坡树林拼音怎么拼?陡坡树林的读音是什么?陡坡树林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陡坡树林的读音是dǒu pō shù lín,陡坡树林翻译成英文是 tapestry

  7. 问:陡坡涵洞拼音怎么拼?陡坡涵洞的读音是什么?陡坡涵洞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陡坡涵洞的读音是dǒu pō hán dòng,陡坡涵洞翻译成英文是 culvert with steep grade

  8. 问:陡坡喀斯特谷地拼音怎么拼?陡坡喀斯特谷地的读音是什么?陡坡喀斯特谷地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陡坡喀斯特谷地的读音是dǒu pō kā sī tè gǔ dì,陡坡喀斯特谷地翻译成英文是 cove

  9. 问:陡坡隧洞掘进法拼音怎么拼?陡坡隧洞掘进法的读音是什么?陡坡隧洞掘进法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陡坡隧洞掘进法的读音是dǒu pō suì dòng jué jìn fǎ,陡坡隧洞掘进法翻译成英文是 steep grade tunnelling




拼音:dǒupō 基本解释 1. [upsweep;steep incline]∶急剧升高的斜坡 海那边常常令人发愁的千米陡坡 2. [ungraded]∶坡度大的地面 陡坡路