


小,细小:细~。轻~。~小。~型。~观。~雕。~积分。~电脑。~量元素。谨小慎~。~乎其~。少;稍:稍~。~笑。~调(tiáo )。衰落;低下:卑~。~贱。精深;精妙:~妙。精~。~言大义。隐约;不明:~茫。~词(隐晦的批评)。隐匿:“白公……





汉语拼音:wēi bó






  1. Its advocates tended to be the sort of people who mostly went around the world live-tweeting from conferences about the virtues of Twitter.


  2. In July China's microblogging services relabelled themselves as "beta" versions, a possible hint that this was all just an experiment.


  3. For the rest of eternity, no one is going to believe you if you said you were hacked, even if you were. Sorry.


  4. The laptop owner saw all this happening before his eyes and tweeted the details to his followers.


  5. She explains: 'I borrowed a phrase from an intellectual and wrote it down in my microblog the other day; it was "the time of the mules" .


  6. It is hard to overestimate how much the arrival of weibo has changed the dynamic between rulers and ruled over the past two years.


  7. Very few civilians turned up, but police were out in droves and censors banned the word "jasmine" from China's microblogs.


  8. "I don't think a crackdown is going to happen, " she said. "How can something people love so much be stopped? "


  9. That was followed roughly eight hours later by a pair of messages announcing that she was in Russia.


  1. 我要上微博。

    I’ll be (live) tweeting ~

  2. 你又登陆了你微博。

    You landed your microblogging again.

  3. 紫色是微博绿色是地点

    Purple are tweets. Green are geolocation.

  4. 现在,发微博,有人发微博了么?

    Now, tweets, who's tweeting?

  5. 因为他的微博提到过

    Because he blogged about the car.

  6. 人人只要用手机发出微博

    People just use their cell phones to tweet.

  7. 然后认认真真发一条微博。

    And I'll totally tweet about it for real.

  8. 你们有推特 我们就有微博

    You have Twitter, we have Weibo.

  9. 美国宇航员太空上网首发微博。

    Astronauts finally get Internet access in space.

  10. 因为我们有3亿的微博用户

    Because we have 298 million microbloggers in China.

  11. 可惜我不能再发微博了

    I'm so bummed I can't tweet anymore.

  12. 可惜我不能再发微博了。

    I'm so bummed I can't tweet anymore.

  13. 微博现在成了媒体的风向标。

    Twitter has become the direction indicator of the news media.

  14. 可以发和投票有关的微博吗?

    Can you tweet about voting?

  15. 新浪微博上批评之声四起。

    Childwelfare professionals were contemptuous of the Holts.

  16. 但他却是新浪微博的创始人。

    But he is the founder of Sina Weibo.

  17. 每天,有2亿条的微博被发布。

    There are 198 million Tweets being posted every day.

  18. 微博我是一个相当新的跑步者。

    Tweet I am relatively new to running.

  19. 如果我发微博给你,你也许注意也许不注意。

    If I sent you a tweet, you may or may not take notice.

  20. 整个国家都在通过微博 进行着关注

    with the whole country watching through microblogging.

  21. 成百万计的人都有自己的微博账号。

    Millions of the people have the Weibo account.

  22. 但是微博的出现似乎已经改变了这一点。

    But microblogs have seemingly changed this.

  23. 除了微博,微信也是一个暗藏商机的平台。

    Besides micro blogs, WeChat is another platform that can be used for business.

  24. 所有这一切产生了很多微博信息,不是吗?

    So all of this is a lot of twittering, right?

  25. 当有了足够的用户,微博就开始推销东西。

    When there are enough followers, microblog start to sell things.

  26. 用户还间歇性地无法在微博上进行搜索。

    Users were also intermittently unable to conduct searches on microblogs.

  27. 为什么公安部门会卷入政务微博的时尚浪潮?

    Why do public security authorities engage in the innovative bandwagon of microblogging

  28. 对于他们而言,网站、脸谱网,微博和博客是基础。

    For them, websites, Facebook, Twitter and blogs represent the basics.

  29. 然而, 新浪微博及其同类可能还是没有摆脱麻烦。

    Weibo and its ilk may not be out of the woods yet, however.

  30. 后来,第二条致歉微博也被神秘地删除了。

    Then, mysteriously, the second apology posting was deleted as well.


  1. 问:微博拼音怎么拼?微博的读音是什么?微博翻译成英文是什么?

    答:微博的读音是wēibó,微博翻译成英文是 microblog

  2. 问:微博客拼音怎么拼?微博客的读音是什么?微博客翻译成英文是什么?

    答:微博客的读音是,微博客翻译成英文是 micro-blogging


