







汉语拼音:jiǎng fa








  1. 讲经说法。

    《正法华经·光瑞品》:“我又遥见,诸佛孙息,为无数亿人民讲法。” 南朝 梁 慧皎 《高僧传·译经下·宝云》:“后家人梦见 茂之 在寺中与众僧讲法,实由 跋摩 化导之力也。” 唐 道宣 《续高僧传·习禅二·智顗》:“闻 顗 讲法,故来设问。”

  2. 指措词。

    《儿女英雄传》第三八回:“﹝ 安老爷 ﹞便连连点头説:‘讲得有些道理。’因又问:‘那个 顺天王 又作如何讲法呢?’”

  3. 指意见;见解。

    徐特立 《关于党员八个条件的报告》:“我一看 马克思 对工资的讲法和我的讲法是一样的。”《新文学史料》1984年第2期:“有时觉得他们的讲法不能理解,就跟他们辩论。”



  1. A local folk's saying vividly expresses how the local people admire the gully so much and also fear of it so much.


  2. There have been a number of assertions that the unemployment rate is much higher than we should have expected, given the decline in GDP.


  3. in his first lesson in a strange way, and I'll never forget it.


  4. Seizing too many moments has a different name. It is called laziness.


  5. But England is not Latin America, and its riots are not political, or so we keep hearing.


  6. It was proved wrong to say things like that.


  7. Longing to hear him, Retchung answered: "Yes, yes! " And they left together.


  8. Too many abstract statements made his paper very tedious to me.


  9. The "theory of mind" idea fails to apply to Tito, states Michael Merzenich of the University of California at San Francisco.


  1. 你能讲法语?

    Can you talk French?

  2. 她常常讲法语。

    She speaks French frequently.

  3. 按他的讲法办吧。

    Do as he says.

  4. 这个字有几个讲法。

    This word may be interpreted in different ways.

  5. 我们常在家讲法语。

    We always spoke French at home.

  6. 他讲法语带有口音。

    He speaks French with a trace of an accent.

  7. 不存在裸一点点的讲法。

    You can't be a bit naked.

  8. 我觉得她的讲法更加动人一点。

    I think she said it a bit nicer.

  9. 她因他讲法语而生气了。

    She was angry because he had spoken in French.

  10. 我也能讲法语和一点德语。

    I also speak French and a little German.

  11. 我们这次有个新的讲法,也好。

    We have used a new formulation this time, and that too is a good thing.

  12. 我在讲法语的时候,时常出错。

    When speaking French, I often make mistakes.

  13. 这是标准讲法,但生物学总有例外。

    That's the standard story, but biology eschews absolutes.

  14. 我意识到自己讲法不当,我本该圆滑些。

    I realize I phrased it badly and I should have been more tactful.

  15. 他讲英语,也讲法语。他是印第安人。

    He speaks English and he also speaks French. He is an Indian.

  16. 狄克讲法语,他弟弟也讲法语。

    Dick speaks French and so does his brother.

  17. 我意识到自己讲法不当, 我应当更圆滑些。

    I realize I phrased it badly and I should have been more tactful.

  18. 但此种讲法收到印度官方的剧烈驳叱。

    Richard Feiche of executive director of AIDS of U.

  19. 报告可不讲法尔孔和督察局的好话。

    The report does not put Falcon or OFHEO in a flattering light.

  20. 这是夸张的讲法,但我这么说有其用意。

    I'm exaggerating but I do so to make a point.

  21. 工作职员对这一讲法的真实性有些保留看法。

    The working staff had some reservations about the truth of the claim.

  22. 坦桑尼亚接受改革是过程而不是事件的讲法。

    Tanzania accepts the truism that reform is a process and not an event.

  23. 佛说种种法门皆是对机讲法,应病与药。

    Buddha said that all the Dharma are machine argument, disease and medicine.

  24. 刘小枫施米特故事的右派讲法权威自由主义?

    Renato Cristi, Carl Schmitt and Authoritarian Liberalism Strong State, Free Economy.

  25. 本性好异,共性却是永久的,统计家们也是那样的讲法。

    Individuals vary, but remain constant. So says the statistician.

  26. 本性好异,共性却是永久得,统计家们也是那样得讲法。

    Individuals vary, but remain constant. So says the statistician.

  27. 假如去年你用功学法语的话,今天你就能讲法语了。

    If you at French harder last year, you could speak it now.

  28. 这个意见你如果换一个讲法,就不会惹他生气了。

    If you had put your idea in a different way, he wouldn't have been offended.

  29. 这种讲法和前一种一样,都是缺乏历史科学知识的见解。

    This assertion, like the previous one, arises from ignorance of the science of history.

  30. 这两种讲法的分歧可能在于如何定义短链氯化石蜡。

    The reason for the disagreement may be due to difficulty in defining exactly what a shortchain chlorinated paraffin is.


  1. 问:讲法拼音怎么拼?讲法的读音是什么?讲法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讲法的读音是jiǎngfa,讲法翻译成英文是 mode of expression; argument

  2. 问:讲法国语拼音怎么拼?讲法国语的读音是什么?讲法国语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讲法国语的读音是,讲法国语翻译成英文是 parleyvoo



讲法 jiǎngfǎ [opinion]∶指意见或见解 这是他一个人的讲法 [wording]∶指措词,表达意见的方法