


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


相隔的空间和时间:相~数里。~离。行(háng )~。株~。差(chā)~。雄鸡爪子后面突出像脚趾的部分。古同“拒”,抵抗。古同“巨”,大。古同“讵”,岂。……



汉语拼音:xiāng jù







  1. 对峙。距,通“ 拒 ”。

    《史记·商君列传》:“军既相距, 卫鞅 遗 魏 将 公子卬 书。”《新五代史·杂传四·赵犨》:“是时, 梁 将 刘鄩 等与 庄宗 相距 澶 魏 之间,兵数败。” 宋 曾巩 《阆州张侯庙记》:“侯( 张飞 )以智勇为将,号万人敌,当 蜀 之初,与 魏 将 张郃 相距於此。”

  2. 相隔;相互间距离。

    明 宋濂 《玉兔泉联句》引:“独予父子与 孟兼 居 越 西,相距仅半舍。” 清 俞樾 《右台仙馆笔记》卷一:“舟沿洲而行,相距纔数武,见洲上有一人与舟并行,迟速适相等。” 王西彦 《一个小人物是愤怒》:“从城外的家到城里的办公处,相距约莫有一里光景路。”



  1. Contaminated food has been found a disconcertingly long way away, although it seems to be being kept out of the food chain.


  2. His day had been spent in a way which varied very materially from his intentions regarding it.


  3. "We're so far away, it's easy to see that we're a different country, " he said.


  4. Object complement And I had not thought it, for his was not at all what one would regard as the figure of a soldier.


  5. He came on looking upon the ground, and did not see Bathsheba till they were less than a stone's throw apart.


  6. How much I did not perseverance, ah, this matter has not done too much between us apart, I would like to study and Liu Xiang.


  7. The fact of the matter is that the stated positions of the Taliban and the United States are at the moment very different.


  8. Uploaded files makes peer sharing and editing very easy to accomplish - even if the students are located thousands of miles apart.


  9. Sofia and I had to continue a long distance relationship for a year.


  1. 相距10英里

    10 miles apart

  2. 两地相距10里。

    The two places are 10 li apart.

  3. 相距甚远。

    The published book is far cry from the early manuscript.

  4. 东西相距60里开外

    over sixty li from east to west

  5. 我们相距十英尺。

    We were separated by a space of ten feet.

  6. 相距两米的距离

    a distance of 2 metres

  7. 相距两米得距离

    a distance of 0 metres.

  8. 相距两米的距离

    (at) a distance of 2 metres

  9. 这些音相距八度。

    These notes are an octave apart.

  10. 两座建筑相距200米。

    The 2 buildings are 200 meters apart.

  11. 两城相距五公里。

    The two towns are about five kilometer apart.

  12. 你们住处相距多远?

    How far apart do you live?

  13. 洛杉矶东南,相距几英里。

    southeast of Los Angeles.

  14. 两个工厂相距3公里。

    The two factories are three kilometres apart.

  15. 轻率与智慧相距遥远。

    Haste and wisdom are things far odd.

  16. 两条河相距不远。

    The two rivers are not far from one other.

  17. 两条河相距不远。

    The two rivers are not far from one other.

  18. 树与房屋相距十步。

    The tree is ten paces from the house.

  19. 这两所房子相距500米。

    The two houses stood 500 metres apart.

  20. 你们的住处相距多远?

    How far apart do you live?

  21. 两城相距一百公里。

    The two cities are one hundred kilometers apart.

  22. 两座建筑物相距很近。

    The two buildings are close together.

  23. 两个工厂相距三公里。

    The two factories are three kilometers apart.

  24. 两地相距不到两公里。

    The two places are less than two kilometres apart.

  25. 他们的房子相距两英里。

    Their houses are two miles apart.

  26. 两个桥墩之间相距20米。

    The distance between the two piers of the bridge is 20 meters.

  27. 从言到行,相距甚远。

    From words to deeds is a good space.

  28. 游戏就是我们相距的地方!

    The game is the place that we are apart from!

  29. 这两个城市相距不远。

    The distance between these two cities is not great.

  30. 气体分子彼此相距无限远。

    The gas molecules are infinitely far apart from one another.


  1. 问:相距拼音怎么拼?相距的读音是什么?相距翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相距的读音是xiāngjù,相距翻译成英文是 be separated by; apart; be... away from

  2. 问:相距遥远拼音怎么拼?相距遥远的读音是什么?相距遥远翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相距遥远的读音是xiāngjù yáoyuǎn,相距遥远翻译成英文是 far apart from each other


