




1. 闷 [mèn]2. 闷 [mēn]闷 [mèn]心烦,不舒畅:愁~。沉~。郁~。~懑。~~不乐。密闭,不透气:~子车。闷 [mēn]因空气不流通而引起的感觉:~气。~热。密闭,使不透气:茶刚沏上,~会儿再喝。不吭声,不声张:他只是~头……



汉语拼音:nà mèn








  1. 因为怀疑而发闷。

    《京本通俗小说·错斩崔宁》:“又是在家纳闷,无可奈何!”《红楼梦》第二六回:“ 宝玉 不解何意,正自纳闷。” 巴金 《寒夜》二八:“他两手托腮,一个人对着校样纳闷。” 茅盾 《子夜》八:“尤其使他纳闷的,是想不通以后应该怎样去‘做’公债。”



  1. So having booked the Zetter as a 'Mr and Mrs Smith' member I found myself wondering if it was just me that was the weak link.

  2. I suspect you're wondering what all this is in aid of , " he said. I said yes. "

  3. The sylvan landscape is indeed amazing, but you eventually wonder why the main character sees nobody and is allowed to roam alone all day.

  4. He wondered what in the name of Hell he could do to get out of this prickly sense of disgust and physical repulsion.

  5. And I'm beginning to wonder why, why would Pachelbel do that to us, such a beautiful instrument.

  6. The meeting duly took place, but Mr Aso was gone within a few months, leaving many Washington insiders wondering what it had all been for.

  7. What I've been puzzlIng about all day, " she saId after a sIp, " Is why leslIe Is throwIng In the towel now.

  8. I was wondering while I saw my neighbor Stephen came out with a chair in one hand and a pile of newspaper under the other arm.

  9. She walked about in her room and wondered what new impulse had led her to commit so ridiculous an act.


  1. 我既纳闷又苦恼。

    I was puzzled and distressed.

  2. 他纳闷她为什么来了。

    He wondered why she had come.

  3. 我只是纳闷是怎么回事。

    I just wonder what that is.

  4. 我老纳闷, 他们在干什么。

    I kept wondering what they were doing.

  5. 我纳闷我们队为什么输了。

    I wonder why our team lost.

  6. 我也还纳闷为什么我还活着。

    I was wondering why I survived this time.

  7. 我时常纳闷他出了什么事。

    I've often wondered what happened to him.

  8. 她开始纳闷他在搞什么鬼。

    She began to wonder what he was playing at.

  9. 我纳闷怎么你们谁也没受伤。

    I wonder none of you were hurt.

  10. 那几不是秘密了, 我很纳闷。

    It is no secret that a few, and I am wondering.

  11. 我感到很纳闷他没杀了你。

    I wonder that he didn't kill you.

  12. 我纳闷谁先想到这个主意的。

    I wonder who first thought of the idea.

  13. 我纳闷谁先想到这个主意得。

    I wonder who first thought of the idea.

  14. 别开玩笑!我纳闷为什么我身上湿了。

    No kidding!I wonder why I was getting wet!

  15. 简也一直在为同一件事纳闷。

    Jane had been wondering that selfsame thing.

  16. 我时常纳闷她为什么要那样对待我。

    I often wonder about why she treated me like that.

  17. 对于他拒绝, 你会感到很纳闷吗?

    Can you wonder he refused?

  18. 我纳闷他们到底还有些什么家丑。

    I wonder how many other skeleton they have get in their cupboard.

  19. 西利亚纳闷地盯着安德鲁。

    Celia gazed at Andrew curiously.

  20. 她只能瞪眼和感到很纳闷而已。

    She could do nothing but stare and wonder.

  21. 他们都说我笨,让我觉得很纳闷。

    They threw me a curve when they said that I was stupid.

  22. 他们站在那里为这宗奇遇纳闷。

    They stood pondering on the strangenss of this adventures.

  23. 我纳闷他怎么竟敢说出这样的话。

    I wonder how he dares to say such things.

  24. 我纳闷这主意是谁先想到的。

    I wonder who thought of the idea first.

  25. 我纳闷这主意是谁先想到得。

    I wonder who thought of the idea first.

  26. 我很纳闷,那么她是谁的母亲呢?

    I'm wondering whose mother she is then.

  27. 好啦。我们正纳闷这只大衣箱呢。

    Fine. We were just wondering about this trunk.

  28. 我把那个洞指给上帝看感到纳闷。

    I showed the hole to God, and mused.

  29. 他纳闷的是,他们为什么邀请他。掌握动词。

    He wondered why they had invited him.

  30. 他纳闷是谁在雪地上留下了足迹。

    He wondered who left the tracks in the snow.


  1. 问:纳闷儿拼音怎么拼?纳闷儿的读音是什么?纳闷儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳闷儿的读音是nàmènr,纳闷儿翻译成英文是 not see

  2. 问:纳闷拼音怎么拼?纳闷的读音是什么?纳闷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳闷的读音是,纳闷翻译成英文是 namen


