




1. 鲜 [xiān]2. 鲜 [xiǎn]鲜 [xiān]新的,不陈的,不干枯的:~果。~花。~嫩。新~。滋味美好:~美。~甜。这汤真~。有光彩的:~明。~亮。~艳。味美的食物:尝~。时~。特指鱼虾等水产食物:海~。鱼~。〔~卑〕中国古代……





汉语拼音:bǎo xiān mó



  1. Easy to identify: transparent plastic wrap easy to see inside your food, easy to identify, convenient pick up.


  2. Wrap the ball of dough with greaseproof wrapper, press it into a flat round and refrigerate it for 1 hour.


  3. Tint icing with food coloring as desired; cover surface with plastic wrap until ready to use.


  4. Pour mixture evenly into four heatproof ramekins. Cover with plastic wrap and place in a steamer.


  5. All food items must be covered with cling film (or proper lid), dated, labeled and initialed by person who made it or used it first.


  6. The invention relates to a preparation method and an application of an active fruit-vegetable fresh-keeping film.


  7. Turn onto floured surface and knead briefly, then form into a dough ball. Place it in lightly greased bowl.


  8. Put the dough in a bowl coated with vegetable oil. Cover with plastic wrap and put in the fridge for 24 hours and up to 3 days.


  9. Remove dough and wrap in cling film, press flat and place in the fridge to rest for 30 minutes.


  1. 是陶氏保鲜膜吗。

    You mean the Dow Brand Handi wrap.

  2. 盖上保鲜膜松弛20分钟。

    Lightly press the dough down, and divide in half.

  3. 覆上保鲜膜,冷藏24小时。

    Cover with plastic film and refrigerate for 24 hours.

  4. 不合格的保鲜膜致癌。

    Plastic wrap that does not meet certain standards can cause cancer.

  5. 不合格的保鲜膜致癌。

    Plastic wrap that does not meet certain standards can cause cancer.

  6. 用保鲜膜封住盆口。

    Seal the container with preservative film.

  7. 盖上保鲜膜后隔夜冷藏。

    Cover and refrigerate overnight.

  8. 面团盖上保鲜膜冷藏松弛30分钟。

    Cover the and rest for 30 minutes in fridge.

  9. 保鲜膜有助于提高搽剂的热效应。

    The wrap will increase the heating effect of the liniment.

  10. 上次我在这里看到的保鲜膜。

    The Handi wrap I saw here last time.

  11. 即将代理厂家直销保鲜膜,减肥膜产品!

    Forthcoming Acting Direct manufacturers cling film, the film slimming products!

  12. 壳聚糖水果保鲜膜的应用探讨

    The Shell Gathers The Application Discussion Of The Candy Fruit Plastic Warp

  13. 盖上保鲜膜放入冰箱隔夜冷藏。

    Return the dough to the greased mixing bowl. Cover and leave overnight in fridge.

  14. 这些用保鲜膜包着的菜是精菜。

    The vegetables wrapped in preservative film are refined vegetables.

  15. 这些用保鲜膜包着得菜是精菜。

    The vegetables wrapped in preservative film are refined vegetables.

  16. 这些用保鲜膜包着的菜是精菜。

    The vegetables wrapped in preservative film are refined vegetables.

  17. 瓶口用保鲜膜盖住,室温搁置3天。

    Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature for 3 days.

  18. 食物放进微波炉前先包上保鲜膜。

    Put some plastic wrap over your food before you put it in the microwave.

  19. 用保鲜膜包好,放冰箱至少冷藏2小时。

    Wrap plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

  20. 不同保鲜膜对翠冠梨贮藏效果的影响

    Effects of Different PVC Film on Cuiguan Pear Storage

  21. 乔伊斯谢了。我还需要一个保鲜膜。

    JOYCE Thanks. I need the plastic wrap too.

  22. 面团揉成圆球状,盖上保鲜膜松弛15分钟。

    Shape the dough into a ball. Cover and rest for 15 minutes.

  23. 面团盖上保鲜膜后再铺条湿布巾。

    Cover the dough with a plastic wrap and top with a wet towel.

  24. 菲比你应该把剩菜用保鲜膜包起来。

    Phoebe You should wrap the leftovers in cling film.

  25. 按压面团排出气体, 盖上保鲜膜松弛15分钟。

    Degas the dough, cover and allow to rest for 15 minutes.

  26. 温度对保鲜膜透气和透湿性能的影响

    Effects of Temperature on Gas and Water Vapor Permeability of Preservative Film

  27. 每个蛋糕裹上保鲜膜或者锡纸,放进冰箱过夜。

    Wrap each cupcake in plastic wrap and foil, and freeze overnight.

  28. 用保鲜膜盖住,发酵60分钟让其膨胀至双倍大。

    Cover with plastic wrap and let stand 60 minutes until the dough double in size.

  29. 把和好得面团用保鲜膜包好, 放入冰箱松弛30分钟。

    Wrap the ball of dough with greaseproof wrapper and chill it for 30 minutes.

  30. 把和好的面团用保鲜膜包好,放入冰箱松弛30分钟。

    Wrap the ball of dough with greaseproof wrapper and chill it for 30 minutes.


