







汉语拼音:niē jǐn







  1. She loves trying out exotic foods, and she wants the store to be there for her down the road, when she no longer has to watch her budget.


  2. Looked your be used to it, has not used too thick, also cannot too be thin, but must certainly pinch tightly.


  3. With an exultant yank he pulled in the line, grabbed the fish by its spiny tail and slammed it senseless against the deck.


  4. Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers, with about an inch (2. 5 cm) of floss between them.


  5. The old man's fists closed like a vise , and his chest heaved with suppressed rage.


  6. said Rick grabbing her by her elbows with more strength than before. He was completely mad.


  7. Forming the traditional method of branding is clenched hand, is pressed into the wooden mold used, mold release made.


  8. My stomach seized up like a clenched fist, and nausea rolled into me like a fever.


  9. Hold the mouth of a balloon filled with air. Let it go suddenly.


  1. 他捏紧了拳头。

    He doubled his fists.

  2. 捏紧海绵, 把水挤出来。

    Squeeze the sponge so that all the water comes out.

  3. 我的拳头因愤怒而捏紧。

    My hands were clenched in fists of rage.

  4. 你把一团雪捏紧, 雪就黏合成雪球。

    When you squeeze a handful of snow, the flakes cohere to make a snowball.

  5. 这些形象使他捏紧拳头,全身一阵颤抖。

    These images of voluptuousness made him clench his fists, and a shiver run along his spine.

  6. 别格捏紧拳头,敲打自己的太阳神经丛。

    Bigger doubled his fist and struck his solar plexus.

  7. 宇文逸臣捏紧了香囊,眼睛红了一圈。

    The Yu text Yi minister kneads tight perfume satchel, eyes are ruddy 1 corner.

  8. 之后,她还捏紧拳头做了个加油的姿势。

    After she made a fist Niejin a position refueling.

  9. 他捏紧的拳头随着他说的每一句话忽紧忽松。

    His clenched fists were tensely tightening and relaxing in time with every word he spoke.

  10. 母亲捏紧了谷物饼, 饼干碎成了粉状的细屑。

    She squeezed the corn puffs and they crumbled into floury dust.

  11. 母亲捏紧了谷物饼,饼干碎成了粉状得细屑。

    She squeezed the corn puffs and they crumbled into floury dust.

  12. 他那双黑眼睛在无情地嘲弄她,同时他捏紧了她的手。

    His dark eyes laughed at her recklessly and he squeezed her hand.

  13. 不要紧捏那小猫,你会伤害它的。

    Don't squeeze the kitten, you will hurt it.

  14. 如果你把东西紧捏在一切 温度便会上升

    If you squeeze things together, the temperature goes up.

  15. 卡德鲁斯举起他那紧捏的双拳,伸向天空。

    Caderousse raised his clinched hands towards heaven.

  16. 他伸出的手里紧捏着一支已被子弹击的烟斗。

    He pulled out a hand clasped round a shattered pipe.

  17. 我喜欢她用力紧捏一下所握的手以示安慰的方式。

    I liked her way of reassuring you with a squeeze of the hand.

  18. 捏得太紧倒容易漏。

    Grasp it too tightly and it will drip through your fingers.

  19. 一二三,你不要捏得这么紧,好吗

    One you don't have to squeeze her like that, okay?

  20. 尘土使得杰克不得不打喷嚏,他把鼻子捏得更紧了。

    Jack really had to sneeze now.He pinched his nose tighter.

  21. 握太紧,会捏死它

    If you hold it too tightly, you crush it.

  22. 他见到我笑,便把我的手反捏得紧紧的,紧得使我生痛。

    He squeezes my hands so tightly they hurt.

  23. 她紧紧捏住这个瓶子。

    She squeezed the bottle.

  24. 他为了忍住痛楚而紧紧捏住拳关。

    He clenched his fingers firmly to endure the pain.

  25. 俄林托斯喜形于色, 紧紧捏了捏他的手。

    Olinthus pressed his hand joyfully.

  26. 她开始收拾自己可怜的小提箱, 手里紧紧捏着钱包。

    She began to gather up her poor little grip and closed hand firmly upon her purse.

  27. 他捏紧皮外套上风帽的两边以挡住袭来的飞雪。

    He held both sides of the parka hood closed against the snow.

  28. 他捏上他巨大的拳头,咬紧牙齿。

    He clinched his big fists and his teeth.

  29. 她沉思时两只小手捏得紧紧的。

    Her little hands were folded tightly as she thought.

  30. 好像一只黑手紧紧地捏住我的鼻子。

    I've got a hand clenched tightly my nose.