







汉语拼音:qiān dìng








签定 [qiān dìng]
  1. 签名表示同意所订立契约的内容。




  1. Weid like to sign a sole depmethodment transphautomotive service engineers with you on your electric fans for a time full of three years.


  2. Washington 's announcement that the trade agreement had been signed ended a week of nail- biting on Wall Street .


  3. No modification or waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding on either party unless agreed to in writing.


  4. A. She's making her mind up. She hasn't signed on the bottom line. But her inclination is, she likes to do things with her hands.


  5. Waste and pollution management: Sources of pollution should be identified and appropriate actions have to be taken in case of necessity .


  6. He said Raila Odina could not sign up to a cabinet that he did not agree too.


  7. Mandarin Oriental has signed a long term contract to manage the hotel and has no ownership interest in the building.


  8. Waving the charter contract, he walked into a bank and asked for a loan with which to build the ship.


  9. If your price is competitive and delivery acceptable, we are ready to sigh long term contract with you.


  1. 公证签定人

    Authentic Surveyor.

  2. 以合同的签定为依据

    be subject to contract

  3. 他们双方已签定了协约。

    The agreement between them has been signed.

  4. 双方签定了永久友好条约。

    The two sides signed a treaty of perpetual friendship.

  5. 您何时签定代理协议呢

    Do you expect to sign the agency agreement.

  6. 合同一经双方签定即生效。

    This contract will come into force as soon as it is signed by two parties.

  7. 他们签定了互不侵犯条约。

    They signed a nonaggression pact.

  8. 他们签定了互不侵犯条约。

    They signed a nonaggression pact.

  9. 庆祝罗马条约签定50周年座谈会

    Celebrating 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Roma

  10. 和安哥拉签定合作条约。

    Oct USSR concludes treaty of friendship and cooperation with Angola.

  11. 石头标记着条约签定的地点。

    A stone marks the spot where the treaty was signed.

  12. 买卖双方已经签定了那项合同。

    The buyer and seller have signed the contract.

  13. 政府和莫斯科签定了一项条约。

    The government has signed a treaty with moscow.

  14. 瑙鲁还同美国签定了98条协议书。

    Nauru also signed an article98 agreement with the United States.

  15. 和平条约签定以後, 战事随之结束。

    Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty.

  16. 日企业敦促政府签定双边贸易协议

    Businesses urge Tokyo to finalise trade deals

  17. 他们已经和美国签定了渔业协定。

    They have made an agreement on fishing rights with the U.S.A.

  18. 合同已经签定,我们现在不能毁约。

    The contract has been signed; we cannot go back on it now.

  19. 你首先需要和我们签定一份协议。

    You need to sign an agreement with us firstly.

  20. 两家公司已签定合同做租赁贸易。

    The two companies have signed a contract to do leasing trade.

  21. 跟客户协商之后, 最终我们签定了合同。

    After confering with our customer, we ended up compacting.

  22. 两国在对等的基础上签定了条约。

    The two countries signed the agreement on an equal basis.

  23. 本合同自签定日期起一年内有效。

    The present Contract is valid for 1 year from the date of its signing.

  24. 你没有签定劳动合同就很难说的了。

    You did not sign labor contract very of it's hard to say.

  25. 政府签定了一项新的国际贸易协定。

    The government signed a new international trade agreement.

  26. 政府签定了一项新的国际贸易协定。

    The government signed a new international trade agreement.

  27. 条约三天前在布加勒斯特签定。

    The treaty was signed three days ago at Bucharest.

  28. 杜酷伯爵一定已经和他们签定了协议。

    Count Dooku must have made a treaty with them.

  29. 用人单位和劳动者应当签定劳动合同的。

    Unit of choose and employ persons and laborer ought to sign labor contract.

  30. 本合约自甲乙双方签定后,始生效力。

    This agreement will be effective upon the execution of this agreement by the parties.


  1. 问:签定协议权拼音怎么拼?签定协议权的读音是什么?签定协议权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:签定协议权的读音是qiāndìngxiéyìquán,签定协议权翻译成英文是 agreement-making power


签定是汉语词汇,拼音qiān dìng,解释为形成意向性的协议、合同等文本。