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《西游记》第三十回:“ 小龙 接了刀,就留心,在那酒席前,上三下四,左五右六,丢开了花刀法。”《西游记》第三七回:“﹝ 大圣 ﹞一把接住那箭头,把箭翎花落在前边,丢开脚步跑了。”
明 冯梦龙 《挂枝儿·倦绣》:“欲要丢开心上事,强将针指度更筹。” 巴金 《<春>序》:“我好几次烦躁地丢开笔,想马上到别处去。” 沙汀 《代理县长》:“代理县长丢开公事,到底把脸转过来了。”
Mr. Lin could make no sense out of this at all. His worry increased and he dropped Lu to accost Wang, the next person who came along.
林先生不得要领,心里更急,丢开陆和尚,就去问第二个走近来的人,桥头的王三毛。Leaving the page of a book carelessly open, something unsaid, the phone off the hookand the love, whatever it was, an infection.
丢开不经意翻开的书页言不由衷,电话断线这爱,无论怎样,都是一种感染病。He dumps his mother, takes up with dad and toddles off into the sunset with a copper-bottomed male gender identity.
他丢开母亲,和父亲讲话,带着一种完全可靠的男性性别感,摇摇晃晃地走进阳光里。Indeed, the next time you feel guilty about enjoying a lazy Sunday, or taking a day off from work for the heck of it, think again.
的确,当你下次享受懒散的周日而有负罪感,或者丢开该死的工作请假一天时,再想一想。He put away his day's work, assuring me that he had nothing to do that he could not wait tomorrow, and threw himself into a long chair.
他丢开手头的公事,斩钉截铁对我说,他要办的事都可以等到明天再办,便一下子坐到了一张长椅子上。She would not be so weak as to throw away the comfort of a child and yet retain the anxiety of a parent!
她不会如此软弱,以至于丢开了孩子的安慰,却还保留着为人父母的焦虑。As a 14-year-old, I would refuse to go for walks around the block with my friends if I was the least bit behind in my schoolwork.
岁的时候,哪怕有一点作业没做完,我都不会丢开书本和朋友出去玩。You got to put the past behind you, before you can move on.
你得丢开以往的事,才能继续前进。When he tightened the pincers, he left the bear away and went to a pile of straws and slept.