




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:bǐ tóu








  1. 笔上用以书写的部分。

    唐 杜牧 《池州清溪》诗:“何物赖君千遍洗,笔头尘土渐无痕。” 宋 杨万里 《新路店道中》诗:“染得笔头生五色,急将描取入诗筒。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七五回:“顺手拿起一枝笔……拔去笔套一看,却又是没有笔头的。”

  2. 谓写作。

    唐 陆馀庆 子《嘲父》诗:“ 陆餘庆 ,笔头无力觜头硬,一朝受辞讼,十日判不竟。” 宋 朱淑真 《读史》诗:“笔头去取万千端,后世遭它恣意瞒。”

  3. 指书面。

    王西彦 《病人》:“我们在笔头上和口头上,不是总爱高呼文化下乡吗?”



  1. In two or three months, I'll have an advance on my book and be able to put more money down.


  2. As I mentioned earlier, it would not be the time to start a new job or even agree to one verbally or in writing.


  3. My first pencil box contained four wooden pencils, a razor, and a strip of sandpaper used to sharpen the lead.


  4. I was so curious that I came near to him and found out that a sponge tip was attached at the end of the stick, making it a brush.


  5. The five bartenders viewed with respect the duties which could call a man to do so much desk-work and penmanship.


  6. As Diderot said: "when woman is the theme, the pen must be dipped in the rainbow, and the pages must be dried with a butterfly's wing. "


  7. When your dual sim card used for a long time, please use the ball pen to touch the 12 small metal dots in order to make them connect better.


  8. Many things have been written and said of the natural beauty and charms of Los Angeles.


  9. Seeing a word, hearing a word, saying a word and writing a word helps to make it part of your active vocabulary.


  1. 他笔头有两下子。

    He writes well.

  2. 鸭嘴直线笔头

    chart drawing nib

  3. 笔头尖细的画笔

    a brush with a fine tip

  4. 笔头语言能力输出

    corpus investigation

  5. 她笔头快,出活儿。

    She is a quick and efficient writer.

  6. 老师用粉笔头砸我。

    The teacher threw a chalk at me.

  7. 文字颟顸, 笔头也衰。

    Foolish words, while pen point was rotten.

  8. 文字颟顸,笔头也衰。

    Foolish words , while pen point was rotten .

  9. 别把粉笔头扔在地上。

    Dont throw the ends of chalk on the ground.

  10. 这个学生的笔头翻译好。

    He gave me an Italian translation of the Bible.

  11. 你有没有笔头大一点的笔?

    Do you have a pen with a big top?

  12. 在主教练红笔头家的晚餐。

    Dinner at Yoyo's Head Coach's house.

  13. 笔头作业先看一遍再交。

    Read over your written work before handing it in.

  14. 英语口、笔头流利是主要条件。

    Fluency in oral and written English is a major requirement.

  15. 最后,你们可以做一些笔头练习。

    To finish off with, you can do some writing.

  16. 与口头英语不同,笔头英语比较正规。

    Unlike oral English, written English is comparatively formal.

  17. 教师们评我的笔头作文不及格。

    The teachers failed me on the written composition.

  18. 教师们评我得笔头作文不及格。

    The teachers failed me on the written composition.

  19. 老师给我们一小时做笔头练习。

    The teacher allowed us one hour for written work.

  20. 这个学生的笔头作业是整洁的模范。

    The pupil's written work is a model of neatness.

  21. 我得笔头和口头英语都很熟练。

    I am quite proficient in both written and spoken English.

  22. 我的笔头和口头英语都很熟练。

    I am quite proficient in both written and spoken English.

  23. 她喜欢用笔头尖细的铅笔,我不喜欢。

    She likes to use pencils with fine points; I don't.

  24. 正所谓好记性不如烂笔头, 熟能生巧。

    As says the proverb, taking notes is always better than good memory, and practice makes perfect.

  25. 铅笔已削的只剩下一个笔头了。

    The pencil has been whittled away to a mere stump.

  26. 他时而写些文章, 以便笔头不至于荒疏。

    He still writes articles occasionally, just to keep his hand in at that skill.

  27. 人们通过口头或笔头或通过身体语言进行交流。

    People communicate with each other by spoken or written language or by body languages.

  28. 因此他认为最好用笔头解题直到中学为止。

    So he believes in solving problems with a pencil until high school.

  29. 你认为你在英语笔头与口语方面都好吗?

    Do you think are proficient in both written and spoken English?

  30. 今天没有笔头作业,星期五我们要做口头练习。

    No written work for today. We'll have oral drill on Friday.


  1. 问:笔头儿拼音怎么拼?笔头儿的读音是什么?笔头儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笔头儿的读音是bǐtóur,笔头儿翻译成英文是 nib; writing; writing ability

  2. 问:笔头单歧藻拼音怎么拼?笔头单歧藻的读音是什么?笔头单歧藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笔头单歧藻的读音是bǐtóudānqízǎo,笔头单歧藻翻译成英文是 Tolypothrix penicillata