







汉语拼音:miàn xíng






  1. 脸形。

    周楞伽 《李师师外传》十一:“虽然珠衣玉貌,已非 张绪 当年,但从面形和五官上还依稀能辨认得出。她不禁惊呼起来:‘啊!你是 贾奕 。’”



  1. The two surfaces' figure of a parallel plate and its inhomogeneity are measured by the dynamic interferometer bs ed on this method.


  2. Then the equation sets were solved by difference method to get the surface data of the free reflector.


  3. This coordinate system is called the triad at the point.


  4. The invention discloses a method for analyzing digital interference fringe and a device for detecting optical component surface shape.


  5. Among the factors that affect the workpiece form accuracy, space geometry errors and kinematic errors usually play the main part.


  6. The segmented primary mirror of space-based telescope is controlled by a number of actuators to achieve a required surface shape.


  7. The experiment shows that the system can measure the three-dimensional shape of complex object surface more quickly and accurately.


  8. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that it can obtain a much more rational reconstruction surface with a complexity O (N).


  9. A solid figure with a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common point.


  1. 面形不规则

    surface accuracy

  2. 面形铣刀铣削

    formed cutter milling

  3. 面形摄像管

    area image sensor

  4. 主要三面形

    principal trihedral.

  5. 坐标三面形

    coordinate trihedral.

  6. 直角三面形

    trirectangular trihedral.

  7. 三直角三面形

    rectangular trihedral.

  8. 镜面面形测量

    mirror surface testing

  9. 面形局部误差

    Surface irregularity

  10. 面形检测方法

    surface testing method

  11. 动标三面形

    moving trihedral.

  12. 组合式面形测量

    the combined shape measurement

  13. 法线方向面形

    figure on normal direction.

  14. 上面部面形指数

    physiognomonic upper face index

  15. 任意面形介质光栅

    any shape dielectric profile gatings

  16. 面形分割构成论析

    Discussion and Analysis on the Formation for Dividing a Plane

  17. 光学表面面形的计算机仿真

    Computer Simulation of the Optical Surface

  18. 棱镜表面误差对波面面形的影响

    Wave front affected by surface error of prism

  19. 高精度检测球面面形的方法研究

    Methodological Disquisition of Spherical Fine Metrical Precision

  20. 气球快速泄气过程动态面形测量方法

    Dynamic measurement of surface shape of a balloon in quickly leaking gas

  21. 计算机视觉在车灯面形检测中的应用

    The application of computure vision in automobile light face form testing

  22. 高功率激光光学元件面形参数表征

    Profile parameters of high power laser optics

  23. 标准光学面形的建立与绝对检验。

    Absolute measurement and foundation of standard optical surface.

  24. 特殊面形的菲涅尔透镜的设计与分析

    The design and analysis of Fresnel lens with a special profile.

  25. 光干涉在光学元件面形测量中的应用

    Application of Light Interference in the Measurement of Optical Element Surface

  26. 航天器薄膜充气天线面形的视觉测量方法

    Vision Measurement for the Profile of Gossamer Inflatable Spacecraft Antenna.

  27. 计算全息法测量长焦透镜面形和焦距

    Measurement of optical surface and foci of long focal length lens by CGH

  28. 光学工程分析中的镜面面形处理新方法

    New method of mirror surface figure treatment in optical engineering analysis

  29. 光学面形误差对环围能量比的影响

    Influence of optical surface error on encircled energy

  30. 复曲面镜片铣磨后的面形误差理论分析

    Surface shape error theoretical analysis of two curvature lenses milled and ground


  1. 问:面形天蛾属拼音怎么拼?面形天蛾属的读音是什么?面形天蛾属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面形天蛾属的读音是miànxíngtiān'é shǔ,面形天蛾属翻译成英文是 Acherontia

  2. 问:面形天蛾族拼音怎么拼?面形天蛾族的读音是什么?面形天蛾族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面形天蛾族的读音是,面形天蛾族翻译成英文是 Acherontiini

  3. 问:面形天蛾亚科拼音怎么拼?面形天蛾亚科的读音是什么?面形天蛾亚科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面形天蛾亚科的读音是miànxíngtiān'é yàkē,面形天蛾亚科翻译成英文是 Acherontiinae