


1. 嚷 [rǎng]2. 嚷 [rāng]嚷 [rǎng]喊叫:叫~。大叫大~。吵闹:大吵大~。嚷 [rāng]〔~~〕a.叫嚷;吵闹,如“别人在午休,别大声~~。”b.声张,传扬,如“这事儿别~~出去让人知道”。……





汉语拼音:rǎng jiào








  1. 喊叫。

    茅盾 《子夜》十三:“嚷叫的声音远远地就听得了。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十章:“ 二木匠 粗鲁地大声嚷叫:‘只要咱军队在,它是个三十六师?就是七十二师,怕他做球?’”



  1. Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob. . . and to stand and fight if he thinks he's right.


  2. He said that I shouldn't him.


  3. shout, complain, or argue loudly or vehemently.


  4. "Oh, Harold, " Maude cried, "It is wonderful. It's wonderful, mar-velous, heavenly pizza! "


  5. She aroused us to shouting, book waving discussions.


  6. The rooster make more racket than the hen that lay the egg.


  7. Don't be silly; you are not a child. It's a serious step; you must think it over thoroughly, it's no use talking nonsense. Do you like him?


  1. 那妇人尖声嚷叫不赞成。

    The woman piped her disapproval.

  2. 对某人批评, 责骂或嚷叫起来

    Begin to criticize, scold or shout at sb

  3. 他卯足气力叫嚷。

    He screamed at the top of his lungs.

  4. 观众又是欢呼又是叫嚷。

    The audience whooped and hollered.

  5. 他叫嚷着挤过人群。

    He brawled his way through the crowd.

  6. 她从不对孩子们叫嚷。

    She never yells at her children.

  7. 她牙痛, 疼得她直叫嚷。

    She had a toothache and she was making a noise about it.

  8. 孩子们大声叫嚷着回答。

    The children replied with a great shout.

  9. 他看电视时总爱叫嚷。

    He noised when he watched the TV.

  10. 他反感地爆发出一阵叫嚷。

    He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust.

  11. 他强压怒火, 没有冲他们叫嚷。

    It took all his selfcontrol not to shout at them.

  12. 他们叫嚷着把演讲者哄下台。

    They clamored down the speaker.

  13. 他盛怒之下, 对我们大声叫嚷。

    In a blaze of anger he shouted at us.

  14. 你是个蠢货,麦克。她叫嚷着。

    You're a dummy, Mack,'she yelled.

  15. 他昨天在会上对她大声叫嚷。

    He shouted at her at the meeting yesterday.

  16. 罗姆看到我的时候,他停止了叫嚷。

    When ram saw me, he stopped shouting.

  17. 水兵们笑着, 叫嚷着, 直到出租汽车开远了。

    The crew laughed and yelled until the cab drove away.

  18. 大声叫嚷自己的不幸不要对我大声叫嚷。

    Rave about one's misfortune Don't raise your voice to me.

  19. 全军都开始叫嚷着要将壕堑填平。

    The whole army begins to clamour for the fosse to be filled up.

  20. 我们看到了太多的扯皮, 听到了太多的叫嚷。

    We have seen much kicking and heard much screaming.

  21. 他们叫嚷着冲到大街上,大街上顿时乱作一团。

    Pandemonium broke out as they ran into the street shouting.

  22. 人们聚集在门外,叫嚷着部长出来见。

    People gathered outside the gates, yammering for the appearance of the minister.

  23. 他没有平静地和我说话他对我大声叫嚷。

    He didn't talk quietlyhe shouted at me.

  24. 没有人从寒冷中进来,叫嚷着要吃晚餐。

    No one comes in from the cold, clamoring for dinner.

  25. 就说怀特先生吧。他从不对太太叫嚷。

    Take Mr. White. He never shouts at his wife.

  26. 该男子大吹口哨并朝温总理大声叫嚷。

    He blew a whistle and began shouting at the Chinese premier.

  27. 她扶起他的肩膀摇晃他, 朝他的脸大声叫嚷。

    She had him by the shoulders and was shaking him, shouting in his face.

  28. 他突然转过身来,对着我大声叫嚷起来。

    He swung around and shouted at me.

  29. 她今天上午好像不高兴, 老是冲着大家高声叫嚷。

    She seems out of humour this morning. She has been shouting at everybody.

  30. 身穿黑裙白衣的女孩排排坐著, 异口同声叫嚷。

    Girls in dark skirts and white blouses sit in ranks and scream in concert.


  1. 问:嚷叫拼音怎么拼?嚷叫的读音是什么?嚷叫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嚷叫的读音是rǎngjiào,嚷叫翻译成英文是 shout

  2. 问:嚷叫着主张拼音怎么拼?嚷叫着主张的读音是什么?嚷叫着主张翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嚷叫着主张的读音是,嚷叫着主张翻译成英文是 clamant