







汉语拼音:qǐ zhǐ







  1. 举止,举动。

    南朝 梁 陶弘景 《周氏冥通记》卷一:“凡修道者皆不裸身露髻,枉滥无辜,起止饮食,悉应依科。” 宋 岳飞 《奏乞视亲疾札子》:“臣老母 姚氏 年几七十,侵染疾病,连月未安,近復腿脚注痛,起止艰难。” 明 冯梦龙 《古今谭概·颜甲·驴乞假》:“只从昨日回便患头旋恶心,起止未得,且乞假将息。”

  2. 犹起迄。

    宋 陈显微 《古文参同契解》:“世之学者见丹经紫书火候之説,述进退文武之功,有始终起止之异,不狐疑者鲜矣。” 清 包世臣 《艺舟双楫·答熙载九问》:“大令草常一笔环转,如火筯划灰,不见起止。”



  1. Meetings adhere to strict agendas, including starting and ending times. Do not attempt to deviate from the agenda.


  2. Different carbohydrate components had different starting and ending times for accumulation before winter and for cleavage after spring.


  3. To dissect ATFL and CFL, then to observe the enthesis of ligamentous, and to measure angle, length and width of these ankle ligaments.


  4. There are fast curves as well as tight corners and two hairpins, one close to the start and finish of the lap.


  5. The bureau's dating committee gives considerable weight to pay rolls, wholesale and retail sales, wages and industrial production.


  6. Today it has responsibility for determining the beginnings and ends of recessionary periods.


  7. Levels should only be adjusted to the start points of the histogram graph on both shadows and highlights.


  8. Consequently, deciding when a recession begins and ends is really a judgment call.


  9. Timing Does the meeting has clear times for starting and finishing?


  1. 起止触发器

    start stop flip flop.

  2. 起止式发报机

    start stop transmitter.

  3. 前期和后期起止日期。

    Early and late start and finish dates.

  4. 请问您使用得起止时间?

    May I know from what time to what time you are going to use it?

  5. 请问您使用的起止时间?

    May I know from what time to what time you are going to use it?

  6. 请问您需要使用的起止时间?

    May I know from what time to what time you're going to use it?

  7. 请问您需要使用得起止时间?

    May I know from what time to what time you're going to use it?

  8. 代销、包销的期限及起止日期。

    The duration, including the commencement date and deadline of the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods.

  9. 保险责任起止期限是多长?

    How long is the period from the commencement to termination of insurance ?

  10. 时间安排会议有没有明确的起止时间?

    Timing Does the meeting has clear times for starting and finishing?

  11. 浊音起止声带动态振动声门图研究

    Glottographic Study on Dynamic Vibration of Vocal Cords in Voicing Onsets and Offsets.

  12. 我想了解一下这项工程的起止时间。

    I want to know the dates of the start and end of the project.

  13. 我想了解一下这项工程的起止时间。

    I want to know the dates of the start and end of the project.

  14. 双流机场副高西部雷暴起止时间初探

    Preliminary exploration on the starting and ending time of thunder storm in western subtropical high in Shuang Liu airport

  15. 在赛跑中能够精确记录起止时间的钟表。

    A timepiece that can be started or stopped for exact timing.

  16. 海外急难援助服务与本保险起止日期一致。

    The insurance period of AXA assistance service should be consist with this policy.

  17. 该定义对电压凹陷得起止时间作了新得界定。

    This thesis put a new definition of voltage sag, which confirm the duration precisely.

  18. 该定义对电压凹陷的起止时间作了新的界定。

    This thesis put a new definition of voltage sag, which confirm the duration precisely.

  19. 起止点合谷刺法治疗肩胛提肌损伤156例

    156 Cases of Musculus Levator Scapulae Injure Treated by the Therapeutic of Onset and End of Muscle and Point Hegu of Acupuncture

  20. 每个起止颜色都是纯白色, 带有不同程度的透明度。

    Each color stop is pure white with varying degrees of opacity.

  21. 针刺肩颈部肌肉起止点治疗肩周炎的临床疗效观察

    A Clinical Observation on Treatment of Periarthritis of Shoulder by Needling the Beginning and Ending Spots of Shoulder and Neck Muscles


  1. 问:起止拼音怎么拼?起止的读音是什么?起止翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起止的读音是qǐzhǐ,起止翻译成英文是 Beginning and end; start and finish.

  2. 问:起止式拼音怎么拼?起止式的读音是什么?起止式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起止式的读音是qǐ zhǐ shì,起止式翻译成英文是 start stop system

  3. 问:起止同步拼音怎么拼?起止同步的读音是什么?起止同步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起止同步的读音是qǐ zhǐ tóng bù,起止同步翻译成英文是 start stop synchronism

  4. 问:起止机构拼音怎么拼?起止机构的读音是什么?起止机构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起止机构的读音是qǐ zhǐ jī gòu,起止机构翻译成英文是 start stop mechanism

  5. 问:起止点炎拼音怎么拼?起止点炎的读音是什么?起止点炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起止点炎的读音是qǐ zhǐ diǎn yán,起止点炎翻译成英文是 enthesitis

  6. 问:起止点病拼音怎么拼?起止点病的读音是什么?起止点病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起止点病的读音是qǐ zhǐ diǎn bìng,起止点病翻译成英文是 enthesopathy

  7. 问:起止装置拼音怎么拼?起止装置的读音是什么?起止装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起止装置的读音是qǐ zhǐ zhuāng zhì,起止装置翻译成英文是 start stop apparatus

  8. 问:起止同源的拼音怎么拼?起止同源的的读音是什么?起止同源的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起止同源的的读音是qǐ zhǐ tóng yuán de,起止同源的翻译成英文是 amphicentric

  9. 问:起止多谐振荡器拼音怎么拼?起止多谐振荡器的读音是什么?起止多谐振荡器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起止多谐振荡器的读音是qǐ zhǐ duō xié zhèn dàng qì,起止多谐振荡器翻译成英文是 start stop multivibrator