







汉语拼音:shǐ shū







  1. 汉 称令史所习之书,即当时通用的隶书。

    《汉书·元帝纪赞》:“ 元帝 多材艺,善史书。”按, 颜师古 注引 应劭 谓指 史籀 所作大篆,非是。参阅 清 钱大昕 《三史拾遗·元帝纪》。

  2. 记载历史的书籍。

    晋 杜预 《<春秋经传集解>序》:“ 周公 之垂法,史书之旧章。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·因习》:“况史书者,记事之言耳。” 章炳麟 《论式》:“斯岂非崇信文集,异视史书之过哉!”



  1. I do not know which genre my novel belongs to, not novel, not the historical book. As for me the genre is apparently not important.


  2. It is a history going back a century of how the idea came into being, and of the motivations of the economists who developed it.


  3. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a routine flight ended up in history books.


  4. The history book recorded how the general ordered his subordinates to bury those surrendered soldiers alive.


  5. Unless they do so, the Cannes summit risks going down in history as the festival of regrets.


  6. And "chronology in mind, " the account of the historical facts, mostly in line with the historical records handed down.


  7. Most historians in ancient and modern times believe that Guoyu was the representative of the historical books in opinion record style.


  8. As for why the biographical history book History of the Jin Dynasty was mistaken for a chronicle, there was certain traceable cause.


  9. This approach turns much of the book into a very good history of economic thought.


  1. 据史书记载

    according to historical records.

  2. 钱穆论史体与史书

    Qian mu's View on the Forms of History

  3. 学校的图书馆馆藏大量的史书。

    The school library has a huge collection of ancient books.

  4. 这些文献和史书有何用处呢

    What good are these documents and the history books

  5. 这部明史是官修史书吗

    Was the History of the Ming Dynasty compiled under the direction of the government ?

  6. 这部《明史》是官修史书吗?

    Was the History of the Ming Dynasty compiled under the direction of the government?

  7. 分析郑樵关于史书编纂的别识心裁。

    The fourth part analyses original view about the compiling of the history book.

  8. 甚至是元朝也制作了宋朝的史书。

    Even the Yuan Dynasty commissioned the Book of Song.

  9. 两汉文学批评之史书体论析

    Reflections on Han Dynasties Historical Records Criticism Style

  10. 凯蒂正在读一历史书在图书馆。

    Kitty is reading a history book in the library.

  11. 他组织编修的史书大量运用春秋笔法。

    The historical records for which he organized the compiling work adopted, to a large extent, the style of the Spring and Autumn Annals.

  12. 关于孔子的生辰, 史书的记载存在着分歧。

    There are different opinions on Confucious exact birthday in the historical records.

  13. 史书似乎常带有一种不真实的味道。

    History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality.

  14. 这本史书详细地记述了时代的变迁。

    The history book recorded the details of the vicissitude of times.

  15. 所以史书上就把吻鼻子说成了割鼻子。

    So history says a nose was cut when actually a nose was kissed.

  16. 东观汉记是东汉时期的一部重要的史书。

    Dongguan Hanji was an important history book of Donghan Dynasty.

  17. 但这都被逼到了史书的角落里去!

    But are forced into a corner of history books, go!

  18. 这样会使咱们在史书上显得挺有光彩, 唔?

    This should make us look pretty good in the history books, hey ?

  19. 这件史事在史书中是有详细记载得。

    This historical event is recorded in detail in historical books.

  20. 这件史事在史书中是有详细记载的。

    This historical event is recorded in detail in historical books.

  21. 这件史事在史书中是有详细记载的。

    This historical event is recorded in detail in historical books.

  22. 流行语言是一部活的社会文化变迁的史书。

    Popular language is live history book of the change of society and culture.

  23. 史书作者常试图把过去与现在结合在一起。

    Writers of history books often attempt to integrate the past with the present.

  24. 资治通鉴是我国第一部编年体史书。

    General Mirror for the Aid of Government is the first historical annals in Chinese history.

  25. 《资治通鉴》是我国第一部编年体史书。

    General Mirror for the Aid of Government is the first historical annals in Chinese history.

  26. 流行语言是一部活得社会文化变迁得史书。

    Popular language is live history book of the change of society and culture.

  27. 史书上记载,地宫里有以水银表现的江河大海。

    According to historical records, There are rivers and oceans in the form of mercury in the palace.

  28. 有的史实虽然史书也有记载, 但不如竹简记载得详细。

    Although some of the history books have recorded the historical facts, but a more detailed record than bamboo.

  29. 我忘记了那次战争得日期, 所以我查了一下史书。

    I had for gotten the date of the battle so I referred to history books.

  30. 我忘记了那次战争的日期, 所以我查了一下史书。

    I had for gotten the date of the battle so I referred to history books.


  1. 问:史书拼音怎么拼?史书的读音是什么?史书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史书的读音是shǐshū,史书翻译成英文是 historical record


