







汉语拼音:huǒ hou









  1. 烹饪时火力的强弱和时间的长短。

    唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎·酒食》:“ 贞元 中,有一将军家出饭食,每説物无不堪喫,惟在火候,善均五味。” 宋 苏轼 《猪肉颂》:“待他自熟莫催他,火候足时他自美。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·士人·金华二名士》:“﹝ 吴少君 ﹞孤介有洁癖……炊饭择好米,自视火候。” 叶圣陶 《未厌集·小病》:“口味咸淡,火候文烈,只要经她的手,便刚好恰当,最合适于我。”

  2. 指方士炼丹的功候。

    唐 白居易 《天坛峰下赠杜录事》诗:“河车九转宜精鍊,火候三年在好看。” 元 史九敬先 《庄周梦》第二折:“汞铅丹灶,能平善消,火候最难调。”《西游记》第七回:“真个光阴迅速,不觉七七四十九日, 老君 的火候俱全。”

  3. 比喻道德、学问、技艺等修养工夫的成熟。

    清 黄宗羲 《<钱退山诗文>序》:“以才识涵濡藴蓄,更当俟之以火候。”《儒林外史》第三回:“本道看你的文字,火候到了,即在此科,一定发达。” 杨朔 《黄海日出》:“她们四发四中,摧毁了四辆坦克靶,武艺可算练到火候。”

  4. 比喻紧要的时机。

    《孽海花》第三十回:“ 三儿 暗忖那话儿来了,但是我不可卤莽,便把心事露出,火候还没有熟呢。” 鲁迅 《伪自由书·后记》:“现在,听说已到组织团体的火候了。”



  1. I wish he were just a little afraid of me, but I am not sure how I can manage that at this point, 16 years into our marriage.


  2. The chicken seems to be roasted to a turn .


  3. Unfortunately from his point of view, however, his acting skills leave something to be desired, and his insincerity shines through.


  4. Dijon mustard is medium hot, with a clean, sharp taste and a pale color. Use for meats, dressings, and sauces.


  5. Shrimp had a good grasp of the furnace oil, oil temperature heat suitable for Liu Cheng, make it fresh not old.


  6. The infighting is inevitable, to the enemy trap is a dangerous thing, so we must grasp the good heat. His catch, a hand.


  7. Such machines may not quite yet be ready to walk the streets alongside people, but the day they can is surely not far off.


  8. Don't worry if it doesn't sound like my bend. I have had 30 years to practice. In time, you will have a strong 2D bend as well.


  9. Vendors have to keep pouring urine into the pot and controlling the fire to keep the eggs from being overheated and overcooked.


  1. 温养火候, 温养

    pyretic nourishing

  2. 烹调火候恰到好处

    cooked to perfection

  3. 太平气, 真火候

    supreme stability

  4. 封固火候法

    cerebral accumulation of spirit.

  5. 您要什么火候的?

    How would you like your steak and lamb done?

  6. 正在战斗的火候上

    at the crucial moment of the battle

  7. 鱼做的火候够吗

    Is the fish cooked enough

  8. 鱼做得火候够吗。

    Is the fish cooked enough.

  9. 这肉未烧到火候。

    The meat is not cooked enough.

  10. 他的技术到火候了。

    His skill has matured.

  11. 他的艺术到了火候了。

    His art has matured.

  12. 他的书法到火候了。

    He has matured as a calligrapher.

  13. 煎蛋饼火候的控制!

    Control heat well when cooking an omelette.

  14. 煎蛋饼火候的控制。

    Control heat well when cooking an omelette.

  15. 谈判已到火候儿。

    The negotiation has reached a crucial moment.

  16. 我做汤时很注重火候。

    I put a high premium on heat when making soup.

  17. 这些蔬菜烧的火候恰到好处。

    The vegetables were cooked to perfection.

  18. 如果火候掌握得不好的话。

    If the fire is not controlled properly.

  19. 你一定得把肉煮够火候。

    Make sure that you cook the meatenough.

  20. 具有定时功能,保证较佳火候。

    Timer function, ensuring optimum steaming effect.

  21. 他的书法到火候儿了。

    He has matured as a calligrapher.

  22. 您点的排骨要多大火候, 先生?

    How would you like your steak done, sir?

  23. 调低火候,继续边煮边搅拌约3分钟。

    Lower the heat,and cook, stirring,for about 3 minutes more.

  24. 槐米炮制火候数学表征模型的研究。

    Study on the mathematical model of the sophora flower bud.

  25. 后期以所需火候程度无注重重点。

    Later period notes a focal point with what needing duration level to not have.

  26. 我烤的是蛋奶酥,掌握火候是关键。

    It's a souffle, and timing is everything.

  27. 我感觉自己还没有到火候,资历不够。

    I felt not to the level of attainment and qualifications is not enough.

  28. 火候不光是指火的大小,还指时间的长短。

    It doesn't just mean the amount of heat, but also refers to the timing.

  29. 降低火候并煮沸约810分钟。取出韭菜片。

    Turn the heat down and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes remove leeks and drain on paper towels.

  30. 将其煮沸后调小火候,盖上盖炖45分钟。

    Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover and simmer 45 minutes.


  1. 问:火候拼音怎么拼?火候的读音是什么?火候翻译成英文是什么?

    答:火候的读音是huǒhòu,火候翻译成英文是 cooking power; level of attainment; crucial m...



“火候”是个多义词,它可以指火候(汉语词语), 火候(戏曲行话), 火候(金丹学术语), 火候(中国物资出版社出版图书), 火候(烹调术语)。