




扁平物体上下两个面的距离:~度。~薄(厚度)。扁平物体上下两个面距离较大的,与“薄”相对:~纸。~重(zhòng )(a.又厚又重;b.丰厚;c.厚道而庄重)。深,重(zhòng ),浓,多:~望。不刻薄,待人好:~道(诚恳,宽容,“道”读……



汉语拼音:chún hòu









  1. 浓厚。

    《诗·大雅·行苇》“酒醴维醹” 汉 郑玄 笺:“有醇厚之酒醴,以大斗酌而尝之而美。” 清 捧花生 《画舫馀谭》:“以及酒碟之鲜洁,酒味之醇厚,皆无有高出便意者。”

  2. 敦厚朴实。

    《汉书·景帝纪赞》:“ 孝景 遵业,五六十载之间,至於移风易俗,黎民醇厚。” 明 方孝孺 《御史府记》:“一以道辅佐天子行德教,使黎民醇厚如 三代 时,斯不负建官图治之意。” 欧阳山 《三家巷》三三:“ 张太雷 走到他身边,对他醇厚地微笑着。”

  3. 纯正精粹。

    明 张居正 《吕豫墓志铭》:“为诗若文,古雅醇厚,不事摹拟。” 清 曾国藩 《致刘孟容书》:“ 孟氏 而下,惟 周子 之《通书》、 张子 之《正蒙》,醇厚正大,邈焉寡儔。” 章炳麟 《校文士》:“惟 黄氏 ( 黄以周 )亦自谓钝於笔语,观其撰述,密栗醇厚,庶几 贾 孔 之遗章,何 宋 文之足道?”



  1. Maotai liquor mellow, with luxury and high-grade package, is a fine wine for a state banquet.


  2. The liquor had been sweet and raw ; it had rasped his throat .


  3. It tasted mellow and nuanced, like -- maybe it was the power of suggestion -- toast and lemon.


  4. French vintners insist that this gives more depth to a wine because the oak flavours are infused into the wine.


  5. Time elapse so quickly, but my love for you grows fonder. I want to tell you on this special day that your love makes my life complete.


  6. He tilted up the pot , and a glorious stream of hot rich stew gurgled into the plate .


  7. Beijing formerly known as Yanjing, the Republic of China, Beijing customs mellow, landscape, pleasant, has a seductive charm so far.


  8. Tea churn even more powerful, more mellow ray curl more intoxicating scent rising, spread out in the Buddhist temple.


  9. This full-bodied wine combines a strong and deep dark colour with intense aromas of red berries. Rich and well balanced.


  1. 醇厚的红葡萄酒

    a velvety red wine

  2. 这种咖啡味道醇厚。

    This coffee has a smooth, rich taste.

  3. 酿熟的白兰地的醇厚香味。

    the rich bouquet of mature brandy

  4. 此酒芳香醇厚绵长。

    This is a rich wine with a persistent aroma.

  5. 此酒芳香醇厚绵长。

    This is a rich wine with a persistent aroma.

  6. 一款极其丰富醇厚的酒。

    A wine with remarkable richness and depth.

  7. 有丰富的和风味醇厚的特征。

    Marked by richness and fullness of flavor.

  8. 品尝特征醇厚明亮的红宝石色。

    Tasting notes Bright with a deep ruby red color.

  9. 酒质及单宁较为醇厚,耐人寻味。

    Not shy on muscle or tannic backbone.

  10. 大牛谢谢。这酒看上去特别醇厚。

    Thank you. The wine looks very mellow.

  11. 浅粉象啤酒酒体醇厚,口味醇和。

    The aftertaste is fruity, almost cherry.

  12. 韩佳我觉得这种啤酒啊非常醇厚。

    I find this kind of beer very mellow.

  13. 我发现他们的声音太像这样醇厚。

    I found them to sound too mellow like this.

  14. 香味酒香醇厚, 散发着成熟胡椒辛辣香味。

    Aroma The bouquet shows ripe peppery fruit.

  15. 水的温度越高, 咖啡的香味就越加醇厚!

    The hotter the water, the better the taste.

  16. 水得温度越高,咖啡得香味就越加醇厚!

    The hotter the water, the better the taste.

  17. 陈酿得香醋至颜色黑暗, 味道醇厚酸甜。

    Balsamic vinegar is aged until it becomes dark and mellow, with a sweetsour flavor.

  18. 这款新的啤酒味道醇厚且余韵悠长。

    The new brand of beer had a nice taste and long aftertaste.

  19. 陈酿的香醋至颜色黑暗,味道醇厚酸甜。

    Balsamic vinegar is aged until it becomes dark and mellow, with a sweetsour flavor.

  20. 德国因其口感醇厚的黑啤而闻名。

    Germany is famous for its strong and dark beers.

  21. 德国因其口感醇厚的黑啤而闻名。

    Germany is famous for its strong and dark beers.

  22. 醇厚的黑樱桃和红色果实的口味完美结合。

    A nice combination of dark cherries and red fruit abound.

  23. 醇厚得黑樱桃和红色果实得口味完美结合。

    A nice combination of dark cherries and red fruit abound.

  24. 口感醇厚深邃, 酒香浓郁, 回味绵长而均衡。

    Taste mellow and deep, rich wine, lingering aftertaste and balance.

  25. 这是一个深刻的色彩和丰富的口感醇厚。

    It is mellow with a deep colour and rich taste.

  26. 好的铁观音滋味醇厚,喝过之後回甘持久。

    Tie Guanyin of high quality taste mellow and the sweet after taste lasts long.

  27. 但含油量高于绵核桃, 香味醇厚, 宜榨油。

    However, walnut oil content is higher than cotton, mellow flavor, they are advised oil.

  28. 酒味甜美醇厚,喝得他嗓子眼里辣花花的。

    The liquor had been sweet and raw; it had rasped his throat.

  29. 你们中有多少人真的喜欢醇厚,浓郁的黑咖啡?

    What percentage of you actually like a dark , rich, hearty roast

  30. 牛奶咖啡的音乐就像他们的名字一样,清新而醇厚。

    Milk coffee in the name of the music as they like, fresh and mellow.


  1. 问:醇厚拼音怎么拼?醇厚的读音是什么?醇厚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醇厚的读音是chúnhòu,醇厚翻译成英文是 rich

  2. 问:醇厚的拼音怎么拼?醇厚的的读音是什么?醇厚的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醇厚的的读音是,醇厚的翻译成英文是 full-bodied




【拼音】chún hòu

【英文】mellow and thick




【详细解释】1.[mellow](指酒)纯正浓厚。醇厚的酒。2.[pure and honest]纯朴忠厚。