







汉语拼音:píng jiǎng







  1. During the campaign, Barack Obama said he would consider an overhaul or "complete repeal" of the merit pay system.


  2. Ryan Seacrest of " American Idol" is hosting next month's Emmy ceremony, but viewers still won't be able to call in and pick the winners.


  3. The award, announced in London on Tuesday night, comes four months after the FT won Newspaper of the Year at the What The Papers Say awards.


  4. No teleplay shall be allowed to distribute, broadcast, and award without of a distribution license.


  5. The children in Dallas and Washington, DC, were paid for specific tasks, like reading books or wearing uniforms.


  6. Nobel predictions are often wrong as the five-member prize committee conducts its discussions in secret and does not disclose its nominees.


  7. Fixed club award not appearing under the nation section when it has no comp set.


  8. We do not ask for anything else, except for GDA to release all data of the award, especially our total album sales this year.


  9. Fixed number of assists not being shown in award screen for assist awards.


  1. 漫话电影评奖

    Analyze on Film Award.

  2. 作文评奖比赛

    a composition prize contest

  3. 网络文学评奖

    network literature awarding.

  4. 评奖顾客推销法

    personality promotion

  5. 电影评奖的迷失

    The Loss of Film AWARD

  6. 评选, 评奖委员名单

    The evaluation, appraises committee member the name list

  7. 评奖经济的凌空思考

    Exceed Thinking To Awards Economy.

  8. 浅析住宅竞赛和评奖

    Preliminary Analysis of Housing Contest and Activities to Decide on Awards

  9. 广告评奖, 应该如何来发展?

    Advertising Awards, How To Develop The Future?

  10. 当前文艺评奖中的问题与对策

    A Brief Discussion on The Present Problems and measures in Literature Awarding

  11. 社会科学成果评奖的基本标准刍议

    Discussions on Awards for the Achievements in Social Sciences

  12. 评奖过程的主观作用是不可避免的。

    Given the subjective nature of the award process, this was inevitable.

  13. 全国电影评奖团有两位妇女成员。

    There are two women members on the Jury for National Film Awards.

  14. 修正了不正确的年度评奖年份的显示。

    Fixed incorrect year being displayed for calender year awards.

  15. 学生评优评奖管理系统的开发与实现

    Development and Realization of the Students Award and Superior Evaluation Management System.

  16. 试析科研成果鉴定、评奖中的失范现象

    Study on abnormal phenomena for appraisal and awards of achievements in scientific Research

  17. 建立性别平等奖于2006年第二次评奖。

    The second edition of the Building Gender Equality Prize took place in2006.

  18. 欣欣义工组成评选委员会,对应徵作品进行评奖。

    Shin Shin volunteers form committees to evaluate the entry essays.

  19. 威斯汀豪斯发现科学天才评奖活动奖金获得者

    Winners of the Westinghouse Science Talent Search

  20. 波多里奇奖得内容和评奖机制是 什么

    What are the contents and mechanisms of Baldrige Award

  21. 这篇文章在全国报纸评奖上受到高度评价。

    The paper was highly commended in the national newspaper awards.

  22. 这篇文章在全国报纸评奖上受到高度评价。

    The paper was highly commended in the national newspaper awards.

  23. 未取得发行许可的电视剧,不得发行,播出和评奖。

    No teleplay shall be allowed to distribute, broadcast, and award without of a distribution license.

  24. 修正了助攻的数量不在评奖界面显示的问题。

    Fixed number of assists not being shown in award screen for assist awards.

  25. 玛息阿欣然同意,阿波罗组织缪斯当评奖团。

    Marsh, as consented, and Apollo impanelled the Muses as a jury.

  26. 对诺贝尔奖评奖的回顾,前瞻与一项改进的建议

    A Retrospect and Prospect of the Nobel Prize in Literature and a Proposal for It

  27. 未取得发行许可得电视剧,不得发行,播出和评奖。

    No teleplay shall be allowed to distribute, broadcast, and award without of a distribution license.

  28. 美国国家质量评奖标准对我国医疗机构的启示

    The Inspiration of Malcolm Baldrige Criteria to the Healthcare Organization in Our Country

  29. 将围绕园林园艺展览,组织多项竞赛评奖等活动。

    Competitions and prize awarding activities on gardening and horticultural showcases.

  30. 修正了一些球员每周评奖使用错误的排列类型的问题。

    Fixed some player weekly award using wrong sort type.


  1. 问:评奖拼音怎么拼?评奖的读音是什么?评奖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:评奖的读音是píngjiǎng,评奖翻译成英文是 decide on awards on the basis of discussions...



(1).评议赞美。《明史·选举志二》:“ 嘉靖 八年己丑,帝亲阅廷试卷,手批一甲 罗洪先 、 杨名 、 欧阳德 ,二甲 唐顺之 、 陈束 、 任瀚 六人对策,各加评奖。