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天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……
汉语拼音:chū yè
《后汉书·班超传》:“初夜,遂将吏士往奔虏营。” 唐 常建 《白湖寺后溪宿云门》诗:“松阴澄初夜,曙色分远目。” 宋 吕渭老 《江城子》词:“欹枕欲寻初夜梦,鸡唱远,晓蟾倾。”
南唐 和凝 《江城子》词:“初夜含娇入洞房,理残妆,柳眉长。” 周立波 《山那面人家》:“从前,我们这带的红花姑娘们,在同伴新婚的初夜,总要偷偷跑到新房的窗子外面、板壁下边去听壁脚。”
To see a girl still a virgin or not, you do not need to see it duringthe first night.
看一个女孩还是不是处女,你不必要到初夜才去搞明白。A French law court has allowed a Muslim man to annul his marriage on the ground that his wife was not a virgin on their wedding night.
法国的一家法院已经准许一名穆斯林男子取消自己的婚约,其因在于新婚之夜妻子竟然并非处女身(也就剥夺了他的“初夜权”)。When any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding.
当那儿任何女孩成婚时,我们的贵族将在新婚之夜享有占有她的初夜的权力。Christian communities in the Middle East are often just as firm in their belief that women should be virgins when they marry.
同样地,中东地区的基督教团体通常也秉承着“女人守贞,直至初夜”的坚实信念。Vernon zhong: yes. Since first night is not big prize at all, as for playmate, is no interesting at all.
仲天骐:是啊,初夜都不是什么大奖了,那夜游啊,更没有什么意思了。They love puns, and every time a unicorn laughs, an angel has tender sexual intercourse on her wedding night.
而且每次只要一个独角兽笑出声,天国中就有个天使尝到了初夜的美好。Scientists studied a group of 100 undergrads who had their first sexual intercourse at some point during their four years of college.
科学家研究了100名大学生,这组人都曾在四年大学生涯中的某个时刻经历了自己的初夜。Everyone has a mobile phone, a few people have new cars, and early-evening courting is fuelled by branded beers and hot dogs.
人手一手机,有些人还有新车,初夜的广场上满是品牌的啤酒和热狗。The Emergency Room, Ross is still going on about his first night with Carol.