







汉语拼音:zhú fá







  1. 用粗竹竿编排而成的渡水用具。

    俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷一引 明 黄汝亨 《浮梅槛记》:“客夏游 黄山 、 白岳 ,见竹筏行谿林间。” 清 黄宗炎 《屯溪至渔亭》诗:“竹筏清溪逆水牵,鱼游常在镜中天。” 周瘦鹃 《行云集·雪窦山之春》:“溪面很广阔,碧水涟漪中,常有竹筏顺流而下。”



  1. Although one of the rafts did not work in the end, all the participants bravely embraced the challenges and enjoyed the raft-making process.


  2. Oh, and I've been sky diving, cliff diving, rafting on Class V white water, and I was even swept over a waterfall once.


  3. The waves would gently move the raft up and down and often I would fall asleep.


  4. Bamboo rafting is one of the most exciting aesthetic and sporting experiences.


  5. Kayaking, rafting, surfing, and waterskiing are some of the fun water sports that you could learn to do.


  6. Damin sets off on his bamboo raft with his birds. When he reaches the right place, he stops.


  7. Little turtle crawled out from the pool, lazily lying on the bamboo raft on the sun.


  8. The cormorants swim down and catch the fish, and bring them back to the raft.


  9. Then, when we rode on a raft to the mangrove forests, the guide even let us go down into the water and find clams !


  1. 阳朔河流竹筏!

    Yangshuo river bamboo raft!

  2. 事件一扎竹筏。

    Event one Grip the bamboo raft.

  3. 他乘竹筏顺流。

    He went down the river on a bamboo raft.

  4. 就和现在的竹筏一样。

    It's like what's happening now with the raft.

  5. 我只想要那艘竹筏。

    All I care about is that raft.

  6. 我们的竹筏顺着溪水前进。

    Our bamboo raft moves forward downstream.

  7. 他们乘坐竹筏逃离了事故船。

    They escaped from the wrecked ship on a raft.

  8. 自己裁的,竹筏,湖水,不喜欢。

    His cutting, bamboo rafting, the lake, don't like.

  9. 竹筏浮式消浪结构的试验研究

    The Imitate Experiment and Research of Raft Floating Breakwater.

  10. 在竹筏上我把我的眼镜弄掉了。

    I lost my damn glasses on the raft.

  11. 看那边的那些竹筏, 上面有人有鸟。

    Look at those bamboo rafts over there with men and big birds.

  12. 他乘着自制的竹筏跨越了大西洋。

    He sailed across the Atlantic in his self made raft.

  13. 看那边得那些竹筏,上面有人有鸟。

    Look at those bamboo rafts over there with men and big birds.

  14. 鸬鹚又下去捉住鱼, 再返回竹筏。

    The cormorants swim down and catch the fish, and bring them back the raft.

  15. 一天中我最喜欢的就是坐竹筏。

    I liked to floating on a bamboo yacht most.

  16. 菲律宾船夫沿着瓦瓦坝河划着竹筏。

    A boatman paddles his bamboo raft along the river at Wawa Dam, Philippines.

  17. 这次我们要做竹筏漂流,而不去远足。

    This time we'll go rafting instead of hiking.

  18. 渔人驾着竹筏, 载着鸬鸶, 在江上结队捕鱼。

    Fishermen sail rafts, carrying cormorants heron in the river forces in fishing.

  19. 我们正准备要搭红树林竹筏到红树林参观。

    We are preparing to build the mangrove forest bamboo raft to the mangrove forest visit.

  20. 我们坐着竹筏在水上漂流, 那是多么有趣啊!

    We sat bamboo raft drifting in the water, how much fun ah!

  21. 拖动线圈到竹筏上就能将竹筏送入海中了。

    Drag the coil from the inventory to the raft and push the raft into the water.

  22. 竹筏在温柔的海浪上起起浮浮, 我就躺在里面睡着了。

    The waves would gently move the raft up and down and often I would fall asleep.

  23. 大家就强迫他上了小竹筏, 任他随竹筏漂浮在海上。

    They forced him onto a tiny bamboo raft, and set him adrift on the open seas.

  24. 有一些小岛,甚至是大洲,就是人们乘坐竹筏发现的。

    There are islands and even continents that were first reached by bamboo rafts.

  25. 小海龟从池中爬了出来,懒洋洋地在太阳上竹筏说谎。

    Little turtle crawled out from the pool, lazily lying on the bamboo raft on the sun.

  26. 乘竹筏漂流是最令人激动的观光活动和体育运动。

    Bamboo rafting is one of the most exciting aesthetic and sporting experiences.

  27. 看瓯江帆影、乘竹筏漂流、听渔舟唱晚,别有一番风味。

    Ou see Jiang Fan Ying, by bamboo rafting, listen to the Homebound Fishermen, do not have a flavor.

  28. 吃完午饭下午就准备坐竹筏沿着美萍河道泰族部落村寨。

    Lunch will be served. Afternoon starting bamboo rafting along Mae Ping river to Thai tribes village.


  1. 问:竹筏拼音怎么拼?竹筏的读音是什么?竹筏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竹筏的读音是zhúfá,竹筏翻译成英文是 a raft made of bamboo



竹筏,又称竹排,用竹材捆扎而成,是有溪水的山区和水乡的水上交通工具,流行于长江南部地区。它有着悠久的历史,在船舶发展史上有自己的地位。构成 竹筏用真竹配加刺竹捆扎而成,小筏用5~8根竹,大筏用11~16 根 。一般的竹筏长约三丈,宽数尺。竹子的粗端做筏头高高翘起,细端做筏尾平铺水面。