




1. 柔 [róu]柔 [róu]植物初生而嫩:~荑(初生嫩芽,喻女子白嫩的手)。软,不硬:~软。~韧。~嫩。~滑。软弱,与“刚”相对:~懦。~弱。刚~相济。温和:~顺。~和。~曼(柔和妩媚)。~情。……



汉语拼音:jiāo róu








  1. 娇媚柔弱;娇媚轻柔。

    宋 张先 《归朝欢》词:“日曈曨,娇柔懒起,帘押残花影。” 金 元好问 《杨柳》诗:“杨柳青青沟水流,鸎儿调舌弄娇柔。” 清 袁于令 《西楼记·卫行》:“晓行暮止甘驰骤,穿山度岭奈娇柔。” 茅盾 《幻灭》十四:“她很娇柔地靠在他身上,逗着他说笑。”



  1. Some one spoke her name in a soft and tender voice from the garden and kissed her on the head.

  2. Fred Simmons: If you were in prison, you'd be raped because you exude feminine qualities. You're also a big ole fat piece of ass.

  3. Ideally, my partner would be intelligent, feminine, attractive, kind, considerate and unpretentious.

  4. They thought they possessed her. They thought she was theirs. Because she was in their arms, so delicate and sweet.

  5. Still have that casual the petty action between, browbeating the charming of your lip ministry is soft!

  6. The fragrance is tucked away in an exquisite amber bottle, which adds hints of femininity and sensuality.

  7. Somehow she would have to learn to live in a world drastically different from her pampered one.

  8. Still, stil to hear her tender-taken breath.

  9. With a HouFangYu LiXiangJun is the prince charming is a young, pian-pian amorous brothel owners, the herself, crazy bees in worship.


  1. 娇柔塔胞藻

    Pyramidomonas delicatula.

  2. 娇柔而不虚饰

    feminine But far from frilly.

  3. 午后暖风娇柔。

    But the evenings tenderly warm.

  4. 滴滴清透, 丝丝娇柔

    Clear drops with delicately and sweet taste

  5. 她长得娇柔美丽。

    She is delicate and pretty in person.

  6. 她充满了女性的娇柔。

    She has full of feminine delicacy.

  7. 女人喝了它,她就更娇柔了。

    Female drinks it, she'll be more feminine.

  8. 还能, 还能听着她娇柔得呼吸。

    Still, stil to hear her tendertaken breath.

  9. 还能,还能听着她娇柔的呼吸。

    Still, stil to hear her tendertaken breath.

  10. 她娇柔、文静、敏感,吃不起苦。

    She was delicate, refined, sensitive, unused to hardship.

  11. 她既有男子的气概,又有女性的娇柔。

    She is both virile and feminine.

  12. 纯天然荔汁, 滴滴清透, 丝丝娇柔。

    Pure natural lichee juice, clear drops with charming and sweet taste.

  13. 我总是被十分娇柔纤弱的女子吸引。

    I've always been attracted to very feminine, delicate women.

  14. 我想让肌肉遍布身体仍看起来很娇柔。

    I want muscle all over my body while still looking feminine.

  15. 瑜伽超然于娇柔做作式的生命和关系。

    Yoga is a state of aloofness from the artificialities of life and relationship.

  16. 他们要看看马德琳,她青春焕发,娇柔可爱。

    They'll look at Madeleine, blooming and lovely.

  17. 天然蚕丝,丝丝娇柔,天然蛋白质,给您舒适与健康。

    Delicate and soft nature silk gives you comfort, and nature protein gives you health.

  18. 这张照片展现出了这位女警察娇柔的一面。

    This photo reveals the gentle side of the policewoman.

  19. 这张照片展现出了这位女警察娇柔的一面。

    This photo reveals the gentle side of the policewoman.

  20. 这张照片展现出了这位女警察娇柔得一面。

    This photo reveals the gentle side of the policewoman.

  21. 不把我比作丁香,因为我没有她的娇柔和磬香

    not to me compared to cloves, because I did not chime of her delicate and fragrant.

  22. 法国妇女信奉女权主义, 但决不以娇柔作代价。

    French women believe in feminism, but not at the price of femininity.

  23. 在红色植物的映衬下, 白色花瓶上仿佛带着雪的娇柔。

    Below gules floral set off, the charming that taking snow ases if on white vase soft.

  24. 在银幕上, 她具有一种令人无法抗拒的女性娇柔魅力。

    On the screen she had a feline feminine charm that made her irresistible.

  25. 采用第六感智能洗护程序, 真正有效保护您娇柔得衣物。

    The Sixth Sense Xihu intelligent use of the procedure, the real effective protection Jiaorou your clothing.

  26. 采用第六感智能洗护程序,真正有效保护您娇柔的衣物。

    The Sixth Sense Xihu intelligent use of the procedure, the real effective protection Jiaorou your clothing.


  1. 问:娇柔拼音怎么拼?娇柔的读音是什么?娇柔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:娇柔的读音是jiāoróu,娇柔翻译成英文是 Tender and amiable.

  2. 问:娇柔塔胞藻拼音怎么拼?娇柔塔胞藻的读音是什么?娇柔塔胞藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:娇柔塔胞藻的读音是jiāoróutǎbāozǎo,娇柔塔胞藻翻译成英文是 Pyramidomonas delicatula

  3. 问:娇柔鱼腥藻拼音怎么拼?娇柔鱼腥藻的读音是什么?娇柔鱼腥藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:娇柔鱼腥藻的读音是jiāoróuyúxīngzǎo,娇柔鱼腥藻翻译成英文是 Anabaena subdelicatula



拼音:jiāo róu 释义:[charming and soft] 娇媚丽质、温柔体贴。 出处:宋 张先 《归朝欢》词:“日曈曨,娇柔懒起,帘押残花影。” 示例:茅盾 《幻灭》十四:“她很娇柔地靠在他身上,逗着他说笑。”