







汉语拼音:wèi lěi






  1. 指接受味觉刺激的感受器。分布在舌头的表面,能辨别滋味。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·我的种痘》:“我老了,组织无不衰退,味蕾当然也不能例外。” 侯金镜 《漫游小五台·密林一日》:“苦尽甜来的滋味确确是经过舌上的味蕾感受到了。”



  1. But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful qualities of taste.


  2. Scorpio is all about intensity. The Scorpion wants food bursting with powerful flavors like basil, cinnamon, curry, garlic and ginger.


  3. Consuming excessive capsicum tends to make the esophagus heat and destroy taste bud, resulting in lost sense of taste.


  4. Soft, creamy, and long on the palate, with mineral and almond flavours and a bit of citrus on the finish.


  5. The hotel is to have variety of restaurant to cater to both international as well as the taste buds of local guests.


  6. When blind tests are conducted, the taste buds really don't seem to think that bottled water tastes better than tap water.


  7. The elegant and colorful arrangements are a feast for the eyes, just as the sushi is a delight to the taste buds.


  8. The palate was covered by white chocolate, cinnamon & mineral powder, the tannin was full & round whereas the body was full.


  9. The palate was dominated by preserved figs and raisins, the sweetness was a bit over-powering the acidity, making the wine semi sweet.


  1. 味蕾基细胞

    basal cell.

  2. 味蕾内纤维

    intragemmal fiber.

  3. 味蕾外纤维

    extragemmal fiber.

  4. 味蕾基底细胞

    basal cell.

  5. 味蕾支持细胞

    supporting cell.

  6. 味蕾周围纤维

    perigemmal fiber.

  7. 味蕾的芭蕾舞

    Friendship of Dishes and Ballet.

  8. 鲶鱼有2。7万个味蕾。

    The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.

  9. 你最好去检查下味蕾。

    You'd better check your taste buds.

  10. 施瓦贝尔小体, 味蕾

    Schwalbe corpuscles

  11. 它们覆盖着我们的味蕾。

    They house our taste buds.

  12. 哺乳动物舌面味蕾的发育

    Development of Taste Buds on the Mammalian Tongue.

  13. 甚至我的味蕾也喜欢雨。

    Even my taste buds prefer the rain.

  14. 我崇拜能让我的味蕾惊喜的厨师。

    I worship anyone who can surprise my palate.

  15. 扬子鳄胚胎味蕾发生的初步观察

    Preliminary Observation on Taste Bud Development of Alligator Sinensis Embryos

  16. 南方鲇的皮肤腺和味蕾结构研究

    Study on structure of skin gland and taste bud in Silurus meridionalis Chen

  17. 味蕾集中于舌尖, 舌根和舌头两侧。

    Taste buds are concentrated at the tip and rear of the tongue and around its periphery.

  18. 还有其它一些味蕾散落在嘴内。

    There are other taste buds scattered around the inside of the mouth.

  19. 人味蕾的味孔、味凹的超微结构观察

    Ultrastructure of the taste pores and taste pits of human taste buds

  20. 人轮廓乳头味蕾细胞的超微结构观察

    UItrastructural observation on human vallate taste buds cells

  21. 瞧,这些人可能没有家 但是他们有味蕾。

    Look, these people may not have homes, but they do have taste buds.

  22. 对于啤酒的芳香和味蕾的表达词汇是什么?

    This term refers to the aroma and bouquet of a beer.

  23. 你可以用你的眼睛、鼻子和味蕾来分辨。

    If you've got eyes, a nose, and some tastebuds, you can figure this out for yourself.

  24. 我得味蕾在显微镜下有点象玫瑰花蕾。

    My taste buds look something like microscopic rose buds.

  25. 我的味蕾在显微镜下有点象玫瑰花蕾。

    My taste buds look something like microscopic rose buds.

  26. 当然了,还可以寻找刺激你味蕾的新味道

    And of course, finding new taste sensations.

  27. 菌状乳头味蕾不很发达,丝状乳头粗而长。

    The taste buds of fungiform papillae are not so developed and filiform papilla are long and thick.

  28. 小鼠味蕾细胞分离纯化技术建立及应用研究

    The Study of on Separation and Purification Technology of Taste Bud Cells of Mouse and Application

  29. 单宁与味蕾的微妙平衡带来悠长柔和的回味。

    The subtle balance of tannins and palate weight leads into a long, soft finish.

  30. 但是味蕾具有可塑性,可以学会接受新的微妙的口味。

    But taste buds are malleable and can be taught to appreciate new and subtler flavors.


  1. 问:味蕾拼音怎么拼?味蕾的读音是什么?味蕾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:味蕾的读音是wèilěi,味蕾翻译成英文是 taste bud; taste goblet

  2. 问:味蕾周的拼音怎么拼?味蕾周的的读音是什么?味蕾周的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:味蕾周的的读音是,味蕾周的翻译成英文是 perigemmal


