




原故,原由,事物发生前已具备的条件:原~。~素。~果。病~。理由:~为(wéi )。~而。依,顺着,沿袭:~此。~之。~循(a.沿袭;b.迟延拖拉)。~噎废食。陈陈相~。……



汉语拼音:qián yīn







  1. 佛教语。谓事皆种因于前世,故称。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《形神论》:“若修此力致,復有前因,因熟果成,自相感召。”《红楼梦》第一二○回:“ 寳玉 原是一种奇异的人,夙世前因,自有一定,原无可怨天尤人。” 清 黄遵宪 《以运菊桃杂供一瓶作歌》:“众生后果本前因,汝花未必原花身。”

  2. 由来;原因。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十九:“看官,你道从来只有説书的续上前因,那有做梦的接着前事?” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》十二:“在他们的对话里,把故事的前因烘托出来,让看戏的人明白。”



  1. The study of consumers behavior trend has always been a very active field in the study of western consuming behavior.

  2. This paper studies the cause and result affecting consumer trust in C2C E-commerce and is of great significance in theory and practice.

  3. The public outcry he has faced has clearly been difficult for a man who was knighted for his services to banking less than five years ago.

  4. To say that something is inevitable is to assert that it will occur no matter what precedes it .

  5. besides , some of the earlier inflows were reversed as the interest rate differential started to narrow since late november.

  6. "When she passed away from cancer five or six years ago, I felt obligated to do something" for less advantaged people in Africa, he said.

  7. His wife, Nancy had had a hysterectomy some years earlier.

  8. Perceived switching costs(PSC), the attractiveness of alternatives(AA) are the two types of switching barriers in the FMCG enviroment.

  9. Some of the antecedents of World War II lie in economic conditions in Europe following World War I.


  1. 前因与结果

    antecedents and consequences.

  2. 前因与后果变量

    cause and effect

  3. 这是战争的前因。

    This is an antecedent of the war.

  4. 事情发生总会有前因。

    There are always antecedent causes.

  5. 人因失误的后果前因追溯表

    Consequentantecedent retrospective table for human errors

  6. 造成当前形势的前因事件

    The Root Past events or influences that have played a role in bringing about the current situation

  7. 前因变量对品牌依恋的影响研究

    discuss the effect of antecedent to brand attachment

  8. 他的儿子几天前因车祸死了。

    His son was killed in an automobile crash a few days before.

  9. 信任前因对网上购买意向的影响研究

    Antecedent of Trust in Online Purchase Intention Impacts Research

  10. 她的公公两年前因谋杀被处死了。

    Her father-in-law was executed for murder two years ago.

  11. 哈里两年前因糖尿病没了一条腿。

    Harry lost a leg two years ago to diabetes.

  12. 这场冲突前因后果在非洲引起了一个重大问题。

    This context of conflict raises a major problem in Africa.

  13. 比提的妻子南希多年前因切除子宫而无法生育。

    His wife, Nancy had had a hysterectomy some years earlier.

  14. 比提得妻子南希多年前因切除子宫而无法生育。

    His wife, Nancy had had a hysterectomy some years earlier.

  15. 他几年前因干了这事被媒体狠狠地修理了一顿。

    He was absolutely skewered in the press years ago for doing this.

  16. 因前一个支付周期已经结束, 现在提成的支付被关闭了。

    These are closed out commissions from a prior pay period that ended.

  17. 就以圣诞节前我们因火烧而无家可归。

    We were burned out just before christmas.

  18. 这位前部长因挪用公款罪被判入狱。

    This former minister was sentenced to jail for misappropriation of public funds.

  19. 学龄前儿童因年龄小而未能上幼儿园的儿童

    A child who is not old enough to attend kindergarten.

  20. 两年前, 因邮寄这样的材料, 我遭到了严厉的叱责。

    Two years ago I would have been shot down in flames for posting this stuff.

  21. 两年前,因邮寄这样的材料,我遭到了严厉的叱责。

    Two years ago I would have been shot down in flames for posting this stuff.

  22. 我在等唯一包裹, 那个包裹两个星期前就因该到了。

    I've be expecting a package those have be ITe two weeks ago.

  23. 证券商执行前开因应措施时应注意避免损及客户之权益。

    When implementing response measures referred to above, a securities firm shall take care to avoid prejudicing the rights and interests of customers.

  24. 这位前足球明星因被指控杀人而被捕。

    The former football star was arrested on a charge of manslaughter.

  25. 一名前保险经纪因骗取佣金被判入狱九个月。

    A former insurance agent was jailed for nine months for cheating commission.

  26. 她唯一的伙伴早在一年前就已经因年老而衰亡。

    That animals only companion had died just a year earlier due to old age.

  27. 就在两个月前,该行因通胀担忧上调了基准利率。

    Only two months ago, the BOK had raised the key interest rate because of inflation fears.

  28. 两名前内阁大臣因同谋杀人活动被判处三年监禁。

    Two former cabinet ministers were sentenced to three years for complicity in the killings.

  29. 该报另外一名前资深记者因非法向警方行贿的指控被捕。

    Another former senior journalist of the paper was arrested in connection with alleged illegal payments to the police.

  30. 他的早期画幅朴实明快,大都因袭前人的笔调。

    His early paintings were sober and sensible,in the academic style.


  1. 问:前因后果拼音怎么拼?前因后果的读音是什么?前因后果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前因后果的读音是qiányīnhòuguǒ,前因后果翻译成英文是 cause and effect; the entire process; antece...

  2. 问:前因子拼音怎么拼?前因子的读音是什么?前因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前因子的读音是qián yīn zǐ,前因子翻译成英文是 prefactor

  3. 问:前因调查拼音怎么拼?前因调查的读音是什么?前因调查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前因调查的读音是qián yīn diào chá,前因调查翻译成英文是 predisposition investigation

  4. 问:前因果思维拼音怎么拼?前因果思维的读音是什么?前因果思维翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前因果思维的读音是qián yīn guǒ sī wéi,前因果思维翻译成英文是 precausal thinking



qián yīn 1.佛教语。谓事皆种因于前世,故称。 南朝 梁 沈约 《形神论》:“若修此力致,复有前因,因熟果成,自相感召。”《红楼梦》第一二○回:“寳玉原是一种奇异的人,夙世前因,自有一定,原无可怨天尤人。” 清 黄遵宪 《以运菊桃杂供一瓶作歌》:“众生后果本前因,汝花未必原花身。” 2.由来;原因。《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十九:“看官,你道从来只有说书的续上前因,那有做梦的接着前事?” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》十二:“在他们的对话里,把故事的前因烘托出来,让看戏的人明白。”