








1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……



汉语拼音:zuǒ yí yòu yǒu







  • 【解释】:宜:适宜,适合。形容多才多艺,什么都能做。
  • 【出自】:《诗经·小雅·裳裳者华》:“左之左之,君子宜之;右之右之,君子有之。”
  • 【示例】:文采斐然,~,吾不如孙渊如。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作定语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. talented and capable;able to put one'

  3. s hand to do anything

  4. >

  1. 右有向拟序

    right directed quasiorder.

  2. 克鲁德前有沼泽,右有岩浆,我们完了!

    C Between swamps and magma, we will die here!

  3. 右有雷使者, 黄衣黄巾, 绿吊敦靴, 玉带。

    Have the right messenger Lei, Huang yellow, green hanging don boots, belt.

  4. 但是也有右的干扰。

    But there has also been interference from the Right.

  5. 你的右肺有病。

    Your right lung is diseased.

  6. 右膝盖有红红的并肿胀。

    Pain progressed with swelling and reddish change of right knee.

  7. 维拉发现右乳有一肿块。

    Vera found a lump in her right breast.

  8. 他的右脸颊有严重的擦伤。

    He had severe abrasions to his right cheek.

  9. 右上方有好多游离积液

    I've got a lot of free fluid in the upper right quadrant.

  10. 他的右脸颊有一块胎记。

    He's got a birthmark on his right cheek.

  11. 右脸上有个巨大的水泡。

    A huge blister covered the right side of my face.

  12. 出门向右走有一家中国银行。

    Go out and turn right. There is the bank of China.

  13. 同时伴有右下肢触物感痛及间歇性跛行。

    She had also suffered from dysesthesia in the right lower leg and intermittent claudication.

  14. 在你右手中有永远的福乐。

    In your right hand are pleasure forevermore.

  15. 他那只右拳象有炸药在里面

    that big right hand of his has dynamite in it.

  16. 最初只有右肋骨下方会痛,但是现在全腹部周围都痛。

    At first it hurt just below my ribs on the right, but now it hurts all around my stomach.

  17. 在他的右脸颊有一个新的疤痕。

    There is a fresh scar on his right cheek.

  18. 在右车道有一只倒转的雕齿兽。

    We get an overturned glyptodont in the far right lane.

  19. 军官身着长尾军服,只有右肩上有带流苏的肩章。

    The officer wears a habit with longer tails and a fringed epaulette on the right shoulder only.

  20. 右脚有大片瘀伤, 并有明显骨头断裂痕迹

    On the right leg was a large bruise, clear signs the bones had been broken.

  21. 这句话的意思在书页的右下方有注解。

    The meaning of this sentence is noted on the lower right part of the page.

  22. 右下有肺动脉和支气管的部位是肺门。

    The hilum is seen at the lower right with radiating pulmonary arteries and bronchi.

  23. 我右肩留有弹片,隐隐作痛,一直疼到手指。

    The shrapnel wound in my right shoulder ached all the way down to my fingers.

  24. 台基正面有阶梯三级,左,右后有矮墙围绕。

    Platform is a positive step three, left, right after Aiqiang around.

  25. 他除了右脸颊有条深疤外别无特征。

    There was nothing inidual about him except a deep scar across his right cheek.

  26. 奇石上卵细胞的右下方有二个不规则的图案。

    Rocks on the bottom right of the egg cell has two irregular patterns.

  27. 在本案例中,小左和小右都有足够的大脑。

    And in this case, both of Lefty and Righty seem to have enough of Shelly Kagan's brain.

  28. 图腾卡在右下角有一个生命值。图腾能够被攻击。

    Totem has a health value in its right corner.

  29. 稳定压右脚脚掌, 使左脚大腿和右脚有一个相对的力量。

    Firmly press the foot sole against the inner thigh and resist with the outer left leg.

  30. 稳定压右脚脚掌, 使左脚大腿和右脚有一个相对得力量。

    Firmly press the foot sole against the inner thigh and resist with the outer left leg.





词目 左宜右有 发音 zuǒ yí yòu yǒu 释义 宜:适宜,适合。形容多才多艺,什么都能做。形容才德兼备,则无所不宜。 出处 《诗经·小雅·裳裳者华》:“左之左之,君子宜之;右之右之,君子有之。” 用 法 作谓语、定语;指人的德才。含褒义 。 近义词 左宜右宜 示例 文采斐然,~,吾不如孙渊如。(清·平步青《霞外捃屑》卷七)