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亦作“ 惊戄 ”。惊慌害怕。
北魏 郦道元 《水经注·庐江水》:“其妻夜梦致聘,怖而遽发,明引中流,而船不行。合船惊惧,曰:‘爱一女而合门受祸也。’” 宋 王禹偁 《酬种放徵君》:“山店盖木皮,烟火浑燻灼。夜深闻贙虎,全家屡惊戄。” 清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷二:“有黠士不礼於学师,屡戒飭之,佯作惊惧悦服状,且呈文,请批閲。学师信其诚……不意所呈皆御製文。” 叶圣陶 《隔膜·恐怖的夜》:“两位妇人目注于地,现出困顿、怅惘、惊惧的神情。”
Without the sense of security, she expresses her tension and misery through her fearful eyes and frowning eyebrows.
她没有安全感,她那惊惧的双眼、微皱的双眉体现出来的不安和可怜,让人不禁为之心疼。And that's when a look appears on the face of whoever I'm talking to, the horrified "it could have been me! " look.
所有人在听到这句的时候,都惊惧不已,一副“天哪,我可能就是下一个!”的表情。You could see Kerry was looking at him with some awe.
你可以看到凯瑞惊惧的看着他。She stood beside him in her silk dress, looking at him strangely, so that a certain terror, horror took possession of him.
她穿着丝绸睡衣站在他身边异样地看着他,以至于他被一种恐怖,一种惊惧攫住了。But when she came back, she was frightened to find that there was no trace of him in the house. He had resigned and gone somewhere else.
当她回来时,她惊惧地发现,房间里已经没有了他的痕迹。他已辞职,去了外地。I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course. There seemed to me something alarming in such easy delights.
我也看到了它那井然有序的幸福,但我血液里的冲动却渴望一种更桀骜不驯的旅程.这样的安逸中好像有一种叫我惊惧不安的东西。And they journeyed: and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob.
他们便起行前往。神使那周围城邑的人都甚惊惧,就不追赶雅各的众子了。Politicians, from city councillors to presidential candidates, were appalled that an invitation had been extended in the first place.
所有政客,从城市议员到总统候选人,先是惊惧于邀请业已发出。I followed in horror last week as the international media continuously featured Dubai in their headlines on television and online.